Infinite Cafetaria

Chapter 323: Death of the Temple City

Chapter 323: The Death of the Temple City

 After learning that the Holy Stone had been destroyed, Levi no longer had the intention to fight the group of fallen witches in front of him.

He realized that he had fallen into a trap. The attack on the Pope, like the previous explosions, was still just a feint attack, in order to move the main force of the Holy Knights away from the vicinity of the giant tower.

 The person who planned all of this had only one goal from beginning to end, and that was the Holy Stone.

The deputy leader of the Holy Knights had thought everything clearly in the blink of an eye, but he still couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Based on his understanding of the Witch Alliance, the fallen witches wandering in the wild are almost the same as savages. They are unable to establish stable settlements, manufacture weapons and equipment, and cannot even produce basic daily necessities themselves.

The reason why they are able to survive until now depends on the supplies flowing out from the temple city through various channels.

 In other words, once the Temple City is gone, they won't be able to hold on for long.

 Without the protection of the Holy Stone, everyone will die.

Less than 5 minutes have passed, and there are only single digits of fallen witches present, and they are about to be wiped out.

However, Li Wei gave the order to retreat at this time. He didn't want to delay any more. He just wanted to return to the giant tower immediately and confirm the condition of the holy stone with his own eyes.

As long as the Holy Stone is intact, the fallen witches who have sneaked into the city can be dealt with at any time. On the contrary, even if they are killed, it will not help.

The next moment, the witches who were already waiting for death saw all the knights on the opposite side retreating, and they retreated completely in less than a minute.

The remaining survivors looked at each other in shock. If it weren't for the corpses of their companions lying on the ground and the traces of the previous battle nearby, they couldn't help but wonder whether the battle just now really happened.

Ouroboros also felt like she had narrowly escaped death. Her heart was shot right at the beginning of the battle. Most people would have no chance of surviving with such serious injuries.

Even Ouroboros's first reaction was that she was going to die. However, when she fell to the ground, her consciousness did not dissipate. Her heart had obviously stopped beating, but her blood was still flowing.

  —The second heart.

This purple equipment given to her by Malu saved her and continued to work in place of her heart after her heart suffered a fatal injury.

 Later, a fallen witch also discovered that she was still alive, and dragged her into the bunker under a hail of bullets. On the way, Ouroboros was shot again, but this time the bullet missed her vital part.

  The effect of another golden piece of equipment on Ouroboros, the Sage's Earrings, was triggered, protecting her from this damage.

 Following that, she also released the second heart's active skill - hematopoiesis, restored her HP, gritted her teeth and rejoined the battle.

The addition of Ouroboros has indeed alleviated a lot of pressure on the Fallen Witch's side, but she was unable to reverse the unfavorable situation on her own.

Seeing her companions fall one by one, the girl's eyes turned red and she felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

They are already the main force of the Witch Alliance's operations tonight, but there is still an insurmountable gap compared to the elites of the Holy Knights.

Ouroboros is not afraid of death, but thinking of the mission on his shoulders, he is unwilling to fall here like this.

 It’s a pity that the suspense of victory or defeat has long been lost.

At the end, the girl considered using self-destruction to kill the enemy together. This way, on the one hand, she would not reveal her identity and cause trouble to Ma Lu and others, and on the other hand, she could help a few backers before she died.

Just when she made up her mind and planned to take action, the enemies on the opposite side retreated in advance as if they had foreseen the danger.

Of course, Ouroboros would not think that those guys were scared away by her, and wondered if there was another conspiracy. The other fallen witches who had narrowly escaped death were also surprised at this time. I don’t understand why the church is so kind and lets them go.

 After a moment, another fallen witch spoke, "Me, what should we do next?"

Ouroboros thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Keep going, we must complete the mission, otherwise the sacrifices of others will be in vain."

“But there are only eight of us left now,” another person said. “Even if we find the Pope, we will not be a match for the guards around him.”

"The matter has come to this, and there is no way out." Ouroboros' eyes revealed determination again, "I promised Lord Shrike that I will fight to the last moment for the freedom of the Witch Clan."

  After hearing her words, the remaining fallen witches also said, "Then we will follow you until death comes."

The group of people received a brief treatment and rushed to Renxin Square. Contrary to their expectations, they encountered almost no obstacles on the rest of the way.

When they arrived at their destination, they soon saw the Pope in the crowd.

At this moment, he was kneeling in front of the statue of Prophet Yongyi, and there were tens of thousands of believers around him, including the guards and police around him, who were also praying to the statue with him.

 They were all very involved, and even the appearance of Ouroboros and others did not cause the slightest disturbance.

 The eight fallen witches walked straight to the old pope without any obstruction.

One of the fallen witches put the long sword in her hand on the old pope's neck, "Hey, old man, do you know who we are?"

However, the latter seemed to have not seen him, and just kept murmuring, "May the Prophet guide us in the direction, may the Prophet guide us in the direction..."

“Old man, wake up. Your prophet died hundreds of years ago and can no longer help you. If you don’t want to die, you should come and talk to us first.”

However, after she finished speaking, the Pope still didn't hear it and just stared at the stone statue in front of him.

The fallen witch was a little angry when she saw this, so she swung her sword and slashed the old pope's left arm. Soon there was a deep wound there, and blood spurted out from the wound.

The pain finally made the old man raise his head, but his wrinkled eyes were very hollow.

 “There’s no point anymore, there’s no point in it all…”

"What nonsense are you talking about? We have died so many people and spent so much money to get here. How could it be meaningless to catch you?" The fallen witch said loudly, "Today, you must pay us what you owe us." Return the things!”

However, the old pope just remained silent when he heard this.

The fallen witch's patience was almost exhausted, and she raised the sword in her hand again, wanting to inflict another wound on the old man in front of her.

 But was stopped by Ouroboros, "Something's not right."

Even if she didn't say anything, the other seven fallen witches felt the strange atmosphere around them. Those figures seemed to have suddenly lost interest in everything, and faint sobbing could be heard from the crowd.

  Until Ouroboros saw a group of children, they were the only people in the square who did not kneel down, and when they saw her looking at them, their faces showed fear.

Ouroboros caught one of the little boys and asked him what happened here. the boy stammered.

“I heard from people in the church that it seemed that the holy stone had been blown up.”

 (End of this chapter)

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