Infinite Cute King

Thirteen, magic cannon bombardment!

Even if she gets angry with Limuru's remarks, Saber can perfectly control her mentality.

She knew very well that she now had to ignore Limuru's provocation, and earnestly pull herself together—to protect her master!

As everyone knows, her performance was more or less guessed by Limulu a long time ago. Limulu was disappointed not because the other party chose to hold back his anger against him and still fight side by side with him, but because he himself didn't realize it. He arrived, disappointed that Saber didn't have the helpless expression he wanted to see on his face.

That kind of expression that obviously wanted to kill him, but couldn't do it or couldn't beat him.

Saber propped up her back silently with the invisible sword, raised the sword very seriously and pointed it at berserker: "Archer, I can't fight side by side with the enemy while laughing and arguing like you, and then still be able to fight with the enemy after it's over." He raised his sword without hesitation."

"However, when I decided to fight alongside you—I was able to hand over my back to you."

"..." Hearing this, Limuru was taken aback for a moment, and saw that Saber was already standing in front of him - at this moment, he instantly understood what Saber meant.

He is Archer. After all, no matter whether he is good at long-distance attack or not, at least under the pressure of his class, his strongest attack or treasure will definitely become something related to Archer. At this point, Saber can only Can voluntarily act as a meat shield to cover him and stand in front of him!

Coincidentally, at this time, Tohsaka Rin also observed the value of berserker through the magic eye. After being shocked, he quickly made a judgment: "The other party's value is too high, archer! It's like a monster. You can only use Fight in your strongest way!"

The strongest way, for Archer, is naturally long-distance archery.

"Qi..." Limulu looked at Saber's resolute face, and couldn't help but clicked his tongue coldly. He had to say that what the other party said just now gave him a rare bit of admiration for Saber. He quickly turned around and confirmed. : "But—Rin, if I leave and fight head-on..."

"It's okay...Archer, there are three of us, no matter what we say, it can delay some time!"


Although he really wanted to say that his strongest combat method was not the support that the archers were good at, but if he thought about it carefully, he could also understand what Rin's tactics were for.

Rather than allowing myself to go far to support Saber with the strongest combat means, it is better to put pressure on the host on the opposite side while supporting, and... Prioritize the combat means of solving the Master.

In the original book, because of Illya's obsession with Emiya Shiro and the duo of Saber, Berserker did chase Saber into the outskirts of the city, which caused Illya to be left alone, and was attacked by Rin alone-but what happened Yes, Red A could clearly perceive Rin's position and hit the familiar accurately, but he couldn't attack his sister and took the opportunity to kill her, so in the end, he only used aid to help Rin shoot down the familiar Finally, he let the other party go with the excuse of inconvenient vision.

It can be said that there is nothing wrong with Rin's combat quality and judgment, but if he is only used as an archer's support, isn't it a bit overkill?

Although he can also use a fake spiral sword to act as a red ace—but think about it carefully, he has come here, why not improvise a little in the first battle of the Holy Grail War?

There is only one line in anime, but there are many badends and multiple lines in games. In fact, if Rimuru wants to let Emiya Shiro die, according to the game settings, as long as he lets some of them choose the badend branch, Wei Miyashiro estimated that he could die a hundred times.

But that's not interesting anymore. Playing games is only fun if you need brand new unknowns!

Moreover, it's fun to do your best!

Limuru raised her head slowly, and said with a light smile, "Ah, I really can't do anything about you, Rin, although I don't think it's a good thing to show your strength here, but since you've made your decision—"

"Then I'll make a shot as hard as I can."

After the sound fell, Limulu took a light step forward and passed her body under Saber's green eyes. For a moment, the ripples on one side spread from the soles of his feet, and the breeze with a touch of cold air swept his long legs When the hair was blowing, it was rippling like light blue sea water, and the hem of the pitch-black windbreaker rose against the wind.

Suddenly, a halo floated between Limuru and Berserker, slowly forming a small magic circle.

"Ala, have you finished chatting?" Seeing this scene, Ilya looked at the small magical formation curiously, and asked innocently: "So, are we going to start?"

"Ah." Limuru continued to walk forward, raised her little hand slightly, and a blue magic light began to slowly light up on her raised arm!

"You are so brave, Archer, you dare to confront the Berserker head-on... Hehe, if that's the case, please die..." Seeing Limuru approaching step by step, Ilya also slightly raised the corners of her mouth, Killing intent erupted in an instant: "Kill him, Barcelona--ka!"

"Roar!!" Along with the eruption of Illya's magic power, Berserker's originally dark skin was instantly covered by the burst of blood and full magic power, and it became full of blood red and blue veins, and the whole huge head became hideous. a bit! boom!

Berserker roared, clenched the stick-like giant sword in his hand, his bare feet cracked the ground, and instantly turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the opponent!

"Archer?!" Rin yelled worriedly, and felt the magic power in her body stagnate for a moment. For a moment, she opened her pupils wide-looking at Lim, who raised his hand and aimed at the charging Berserker. dew.

I saw that Limuru's body stopped for a while, and after he blocked the berserker's slash with his own hand, he was abruptly rushed out by the huge impact force for a distance of tens of meters, accompanied by Limulu The drop of Lu's other hand, the magic circle that was originally between the two, the seemingly harmless magic——

Immediately began to copy crazily, one divided into two, two divided into four, four divided into eight!

Hum——In just one second, there was a deafening hum sound in the sky, and hundreds of huge magic cannons exuding tyrannical aura emitted traces of blue lightning in the magic circle, surrounding the two People, formed an encirclement network purely composed of muzzles!

"'re lying?" Rin stared blankly at Limuru's petite posture, and saw that his hand covered with magic runes was tightly grasping the blade of the berserker, and his small face It was full of indifference, while the latter had a hoarse voice, with bulging veins on his arms, as if he was pulling back his weapon vigorously.

Rin naturally knows that the blue rune shining on Rimuru's arm is the so-called strengthening magic, but...but isn't your strengthening magic too strong!

"This level of magic..." Rin seemed to have thought of something, and quickly opened his magic eyes that can check the servant data again, and saw Rimuru's inherent skills. It turned out that the magic level of C++ had already changed to blinking Golden A++! !

"How could it turned out to be a camouflaged attribute panel!"

There are some Noble Phantasms that can camouflage the attribute panel, because the panels of all heroic spirits are public. For example, Rin’s magic eye can also see the basic panel of berserker in addition to detecting Limuru’s attributes, and the treasures of some heroic spirits For example, Lancelot's armor can cover the attribute panel, and the helmet of Saber's son Xiao Mo can disguise some attributes to confuse the enemy while covering up.

This is very useful for some heroic spirits, such as changing the original A power to C, which can cause a huge advantage in unexpected situations!

And obviously... his own Archer hides his true magic level!

But...the problem are Archer! !

Holding the giant blade of the berserker, Limulu slowly raised his head to meet the other party's shining red eyes, and his indifferent voice was like a god above the nine heavens: "You say... I do this."

"How many lives can it kill you?"

As soon as the words fell, Ilya looked at Limuru on the battlefield and the other party's words in astonishment, and immediately shouted: "Come back, berserker!"

However, it was too late.

The magic cannons all over the sky had already completely exploded with raging energy. The energy like a nuclear bomb was accompanied by the rumbling sound of catharsis. The torrent of completely pouring energy immediately flooded the area where the two were located!

Rumble! ! !

The purple magic cannon burst out with a strong light that seemed to illuminate the entire Fuyuki City. Rin Tosaka, Shiro Emiya and the others couldn't help but block their eyes with their arms, and Saber couldn't help but clenched her holy sword— —The opponent has become stronger.

It wasn't until more than a dozen seconds later that the violent bombardment and energy storm in the center of the battlefield dissipated, revealing the opponent's body falling down and Limulu who had deployed Avalon to resist his own moves.

"berserker!!" Ilya took a few steps forward with a little panic, but after she seemed to realize that Uncle B's state was not dead, she stopped in place as if relieved a few times, and said in a forcibly indifferent tone: "Come back, berserker!"

Following Illya's order, Berserker, who had been blown up by the magic cannon and was already out of shape, suddenly opened his eyes again. Filled with the blue magic power, his flesh and blood began to recover quickly as if time had flown back. As ever—

Six lives... The first few lives of the opponent will lose the red light in their eyes when they die, and at the same time fall into an unconscious state for about a second, and then quickly return their body state to the original full posture within a second—however, in After the sixth life, there was no movement for a full three seconds, until I dissipated the magic cannon, and only after the other master gave the order, did I start to recover...?

At the time of death, I can be sure that the other party is unconscious, because when my black mist took the opportunity to devour the other party during the death of the other party, the great sage did not receive any interruption or resistance, but after a second, But it will be interrupted suddenly by the other party "coming alive", which means that the other party is completely dead within that second.

Therefore, the Twelve Trials is indeed a Noble Phantasm obtained by "after the opponent dies, it will be automatically activated and revived", but why is the effective time changed after the sixth life?

Is it because the threshold is set in advance?

After dying more than six lives in a row, will you be resurrected according to the command of the master? But if this is the case, how did Jin Glitter kill the other party? !

Limulu looked at this scene lightly and thought about it, but he didn't continue to make a move—it wasn't until his eyes swept towards Illya that he suddenly understood.

I see, is it the magic power cut off?

The existence of a servant requires the master to provide magic power, and the same is true for the liberation of Noble Phantasms. The resurrection rules of the Twelve Trials cannot be controlled, but the initiative to manifest it is in the hands of the master, as long as the supply of magic power is temporarily cut off , then Berserker itself will be in the state of losing the twelve trials, and thus die completely.

But as long as the follower's death is absorbed by the Holy Grail, that is, reconnection within about four or five seconds of the dissipation period, it is enough for the Twelve Trials to come into play—after all, it is a resurrection similar to time regression in terms of rules, so There is no question of multiple injuries or the time interval between deaths.

oh? Is it a smart move?

But... Limuru took a step forward, and Illya immediately took a step back, even with Berserker roaring again, and stood in front of her——

If facing an enemy with continuous combat capability, this clever approach seems to be useless-especially when facing the sky lock with the ability to imprison.

As soon as Limulu stretched out his hand, several chains suddenly protruded from the sky, as if they would be fastened towards the other party if there was a disagreement.

And... Limuru looked at Ilya who was full of horror, and then at the ferocious berserker who charged forward with a roar—Limuru waved his hand without hesitation, and the Sky Lock immediately charged When facing the opponent and completely restraining the opponent, he also understood the reason why the opponent would die in battle.

Berserker, who lost his mind, still seemed to care about Illya very much.

In addition to obeying Illya's orders, he will also give priority to attacking those who threaten Illya in the mad state.


Are you desperate to protect your Master? In this case, as long as the master can't escape... then in the face of a huge gap in strength, what can you do with twelve lives?

"Good... so strong." Seeing this scene, Emiya Shirou looked at Rin in astonishment, suddenly feeling a little ashamed.

Because he felt that he was dragging down Saber, if it wasn't for him, Saber would be as strong as them, right?

To be able to send out that level of attack, and to be able to block that level of attack...

But because of his incomplete summoning, the current Saber can only stand by and watch the show...


If Rimuru knew what Emiya Shirou was thinking, he would probably pat him on the shoulder and say,

Young man, you think too much.

You can't have both XP and strength, dear.

However, it seems that Limuru is completely crushing Berserker, but in fact...

It is true that he can completely crush it, but the price is extremely expensive.

An A-level Noble Phantasm Honkai-level magic cannon can be constructed with the current Limuru, and the simultaneous bombardment of hundreds of magic cannons means that the output power per second has reached tens of thousands of points. , or even more than 100,000 mana to maintain.

Of course, since the bombardment sequence of the magic cannon is mixed with each other, it is actually less, about 50,000 to 60,000 per round, and after more than ten seconds, Limulu fired a total of nearly ten rounds of magic cannon bombardment!

It even wiped out the entire ground for a distance of nearly one meter.

But even so, this also means that even if Limuru's magic power has exceeded a million, there is still not much left.

If it were an ordinary Heroic Spirit, it would be absolutely impossible to do this.

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