Infinite Cute King

Fourteen, huh, cup of rimrule

However, ordinary Heroic Spirits don't have to do this kind of thing... Well, Rimuru actually wanted to see if he could kill the other party's twelve lives in one go...

But the result now is not good, but it's not bad either.

Enough to make the magicians peeking in the dark... be wary, right?


Berserker's arm was frantically exerting force, moving forward little by little, and there was even a faint sign of breaking free from the sky lock.

But Limulu turned around indifferently, and after fully exposing his back to the other party, he said indifferently: "Having the treasure of resurrection does not mean that you can be unscrupulous, little girl."

"Well..." After finishing speaking, Limuru walked towards Rin Tohsaka, looked at Rin Tohsaka's completely confused eyes, and said with a smile: "Are you satisfied with the answer sheet I handed over? Rin."

"..." Lin heard the words, and turned his head stiffly: "Is this what you say you know a little bit?"

"Ah, when it comes to magic, I don't know how to describe it." Limuru also knew that he was going too far, and smiled lightly: "Actually, it's a pity that you didn't summon me as a caster, otherwise If so, my magic should be even stronger."


"Ah, magic should be the method I am most proficient in." Limulu smiled slightly: "On the other hand, if it is archery, um...know a little bit?"

If A++ magic is not enough, what is the next level?

A+++ or EX?

Rin Tohsaka looked at Limuru in shock, she thought about it for a while with her little head down, and suddenly clenched her fist excitedly!

yeah! Ace is drawn!

To be able to obtain such a powerful Servant, Rin Na Rin! You sure are a genius! !

"You'd better not be happy too early, Rin." Seeing Rin's sudden excitement, Rimuru didn't know what the other party was thinking, and said lightly: "I told you, Rin, this time The servants are generally stronger than previous ones, and even I am not sure of victory in a war of this level."

"not to mention,

You didn't summon me with the rank of caster either. "

"...But, under normal circumstances, they wouldn't specially summon the caster!" Hearing this, Rin said speechlessly.

That is the weakest rank other than Assassin——Although the caster is not as stable as the weak Assassin, it actually fluctuates too much due to the card pool. The actual meaning of summoning a caster is like a lottery. Knowing that you're going to draw someone who's good at something and doesn't even know what it is.

The magicians in the Age of Gods were often assistants, and the modern magic after the Age of Gods relied on magic positions to fully function, but this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is... Those historical figures, writers, dramatists, and even painters may be classified as casters, directly lowering the average combat value of casters.

The Holy Grail War is a personal battle, not a team like a dog that can help her, in case of being paired with a waste that can only strengthen teammates... The Master is so bad that even a dog doesn't know how to win.

Not to mention the strongest class teacher, the reason why Soichiro Katsuki is so strong is that his own fighting ability and psychological quality have a great bonus, but if you change to an ordinary master, you will strengthen him to an all A+, He was also beaten horizontally and vertically like a wooden stake.

"Oh? Then, is archer the most recognized rank?" Limulu smiled as if he didn't know.

This made Tohsaka Rin blush a little, glanced at Saber aside and said, "...I want to summon Saber."

At this time, Emiya Shirou and Saber came over and interrupted their chatting with no one there: "What are you going to do with them, Archer—"

"Huh? What to do?" Rimuru turned around, and Tohsaka Rin was slightly relieved, but for some reason, seeing Rimuru who had turned to look at Saber, he felt a little lost again—"Oh , berserker? I thought they had left."

Limulu raised his head, looked at Berserker who was still struggling to break free from the sky lock in the distance, shook his head and said, "To be honest, he broke free a little slower than I thought."

"However, this means that the opponent has the highest level of divinity."

"Divinity?" Hearing this, everyone in Saber was taken aback for a moment, and Limuru took the opportunity to explain: "My sky lock belongs to the anti-god treasure. , can easily break free in a short period of time, on the contrary, the higher the divinity of the existence, the more unable to deal with such tricky things."

"Possessing the highest level of divinity means that even if he is not a demigod, he already has the title of god. In addition, he can compete with Saber in swordsmanship. With more than six lives, the identity must be clear."

"Hercules, the legendary hybrid of Zeus and human beings, the treasure he possesses should be the legendary Twelve Trials." Limuru chuckled, and stretched out his hand at the same time, one of which was in the hands of Hercules. Can't say the same, can only say that the exact same ax and sword appeared in his hands.

"Of course, I was able to confirm his identity, thanks to the other party's most famous genre, has Rin heard of it?"

"Genre...?" Rin thought for a while after hearing the words, and finally Limuru sighed with a dazed look on his face. Just as he was about to speak, Emiya Shirou suddenly said weakly... " Shoot a hundred heads?"

Shoot a hundred heads? That's right... Rin suddenly realized that since his servant belongs to Archer, he should naturally think of archery, damn it!

As a magician, he is not as good as a half-baked guy? Thinking of this, Tohsaka Rin glared at Emiya Shirou with natural dissatisfaction.

Limuru was also a little surprised. To be honest, he just mentioned this in a casual chat, and he didn't even think about who could answer it. After all, these things are not common sense—he was just pretending to be a habitual force. As a result, Emiya Shirou would know?

No wonder you can become Archer in the future, Emiya-san? !

"Ah, that..." Seeing a group of people looking at him, Emiya Shirou felt embarrassed: "I used to be from the Archery Club..."

"Hmm... that's just a coincidence." Limulu chuckled lightly, only Saber looked at the ax and sword in Limulu's hand thoughtfully, with a somewhat complicated expression.

By now, she should have fully understood what Limuru's magic system is.

That is stealing.

Just steal! All the treasures of the enemy can be copied, all the schools and skills of the enemy can be learned, and all the moves of the enemy can be returned.

This guy...has an amazing ability to learn.

"Shooting a hundred heads is an archery skill that shoots out nine or even a dozen attacks in an instant. Unfortunately...the reason why I can be rated as Archer is also based on this." Limulu Looking at the somewhat bewildered Ilya, she said softly, "To be honest, being able to meet the patriarch of the school here may be one of the charms of the Holy Grail War. I really want to see the legendary skills, but unfortunately..."

"Crazy you can't use this technique at all, right?"


Berserker roared hoarsely, and with a click, the sky lock on his body was finally broken free under his efforts. With a bang, the aura on his body became even bigger, and when the ground cracked, there was a sound coming from his ears. A voice: "Come back, berserker."

"!" The figure of Berserker, who was halfway through the charge, stopped abruptly, and he stopped with a little hesitation, until the second voice came: "I let you come back, Berserker!"

This time, Berserker seemed to hear it clearly, the aura on his body immediately began to subside, his arms naturally hung down, and slowly lost his original agility, like a huge zombie, turned his head mechanically, and walked towards Illya.

Most of the existence of the class of Berserker cannot maintain their sanity even when they are not fighting. In other words, once they are summoned by the class of Berserker, during this period of time, their sanity will begin to evaporate and gradually change. For the strengthening of other attributes, this is an irresistible class skill: Berserk.

Just like Limuru's solo action, the continuation of the spearman's battle.

It is worth mentioning that these rank skills sometimes become additional attributes of other ranks, which are not fixed, just like Uncle B has the battle continuation, and Limuru has madness, but Limuru also has He also has the hidden attribute of absolute sanity of the great sage, which prevents him from being affected by madness.

Therefore, when seeing this, Limulu still felt sorry for the other party.

If you want to use one word to describe the other party, then I'm afraid there are only walking dead left.

"Sometimes, I really can't understand. What's the use of obtaining the Holy Grail when there is no reason?" Limuru looked at the guarded Illya and the berserker who was already planning to retreat. Limuru said with rare pity : "In this case, why not let me come and use your skills to liberate you."

Saying that, Rimuru put the ax sword in his right hand to his left hand, then raised his right hand——under Rin's curious eyes, finally.

He took out his bow——it was a very simple black decoration, and a single curved ordinary bow. If you look at it at first glance, you might even think it is a street stall from somewhere. , this bow seems to be extremely incompatible with Limuru, who is already gorgeous, even with golden eyes.

The plain bow doesn't even have any engravings or magic marks, and the place where the strings are placed is even more simple and direct. In addition, this is not a side-handled bow but a straight-handled European-style bow. Making a bow looks extremely... monotonous.

"This is……"

"Bow." Limulu chuckled lightly, aiming at the berserker in the distance: "It's not a treasure, it doesn't even have any function, it's just the most suitable bow after improvement."

"Huh? Do you also have your own weapons?" Saber on the side heard the words, and said bluntly, launched a surprise attack and said mentally: "I thought you would only copy other people's weapons."

"...I really want to refute your words." Limulu was not annoyed when he heard this, but instead smiled lightly: "But it's a pity that this bow is actually a copy of someone else's."

He put the ax and sword on the bow very seriously, and said frankly: "That person is also one of the reasons why I participated in this Holy Grail War. I came here to fulfill his wish. Speaking of which, Saber."

"You still know that person."

This bow is indeed one of the few in Red A... a weapon made by myself, but it is indeed a copy if it is placed here in Limuru, but if you think about it carefully, if you really want to say that it belongs to you Weapons, or in other words, the kind of counterfeit that does not belong to the projection, but if the owner of the weapon belongs to the real weapon like the holy sword held by Saber, it seems that the only ones that Limuru can take out are [Broken] and 【Si Feier】This is a sickle.

Hmm...and a ton of black keys? ! But the problem is, even if it is broken, what he summoned is still a projection now that he has swallowed it!

If you think about it this way, it seems that there is only one Sfiel who can act independently until now without swallowing the weapon used.

"...I don't remember that I have any impression of this bow." Saber frowned.

"I just said that you knew its owner, but I didn't say that you had seen this bow before." Limulu said as a matter of course, and at the same time... slowly loosened his hands.

coming! Rin's body was shocked, and his attention was immediately shifted to Limuru's attack!

This is Archer's ability as an archer!

Having already seen how powerful Limuru is, she couldn't help being excited by Limuru's best bow skills as an Archer.

At this time, seeing Limuru launching an attack, Ilya, who had already started to retreat slowly and planned to evacuate, also suddenly turned her familiar into a barrier made of silver threads, quickly jumped onto Berserker's shoulder, and began to evacuate ——

Then, she saw——

With a sound of biu, the arrow... shot directly at their legs as if they missed the target.

"..." Tohsaka Rin and the others were stunned.

"..." Even Ilya was slightly taken aback...

Oh my god, am I a waste without the help of a great sage?

Limuru scratched his head helplessly. If he has honed his amazing reflexes and combat instincts after a long period of combat, even without the assistance of the great sage, Limuru thinks he can There are back and forth with most of the strong who rely on no moves to win and have moves to fight.

But as expected, bows and arrows are simply not something that can be controlled by instinct.

However, even so, Limulu chuckled awkwardly, and then snapped his fingers.

Fantasy collapse!

For a moment, the ax and sword inserted into the ground exploded with amazing energy, and Illya's face changed: "Go! Berserker!"

boom! ! !

A moment later, a beautiful mushroom cloud rose slowly over a certain aisle in Fuyuki City.

The about to explode again.

Under the blazing light and impact, Saber blocked the sword in front of everyone, blocking the bursting energy.

Limulu looked at the energy that dyed the sky red, lowered his eyes and chuckled: "Then, red fox."

"Did you see it? My provocation."

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