Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 126: Capture Jinniu Town

The next day, Wang Shuang led nearly two hundred people and ran towards the distance. Li Xin, Zhang Ye and others followed closely behind. Except for Huang Tianheng and others who stayed at the base, almost all others were dispatched.

However, Zhou Ying was still kept in the base to prevent accidents. During the carnival last night, Wang Shuang also discussed with everyone and knew that the plan to find a new base must be implemented immediately, otherwise, they may not have such luck if they encounter a group of corpses again.

Therefore, Wang Shuang quickly finalized Dong Zhu's plan to capture Jinniu Town without even having time to investigate. The terror of zombies gradually became apparent. A zombie swarm composed of tens of thousands of zombies would have enough power to destroy this small base of less than 700 people. Once more zombies appeared, such as one hundred thousand or one million, the thought of that kind of A scene of overwhelming zombies would probably mean a fully armed modern army faced with such a scene. Unless missiles were used to continuously bombard the army, the entire army would be annihilated.

Therefore, early this morning, Wang Shuang led everyone to run towards the Jinniu Town that Dong Zhu mentioned according to the map.

It only took them less than two hours to travel thirty to fifty miles. Soon, they arrived at the Jinniu Town that Dong Zhu mentioned. After arriving, Wang Shuang discovered that this was a small town full of ancient atmosphere, with an ancient walled city at the door. An ordinary wooden fence is several feet high. There are two doors at the door made of vines. Every house inside is antique, a brick house, but there are also some mixed in. The two-story small building adds some modern style to this small town full of antiques.

However, there are also many zombies wandering around inside. At a rough look, there are over a thousand zombies.

Wang Shuang and others could clearly see a hill full of trees standing straight next to the town, surrounded by a barbed wire fence. On the other side was a river passing by the town.

"This is a good place, you can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat!" Wang Shuang looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes sparkling, and he spoke with some joy.

Everyone else also nodded. Once this place is captured, there will be mountains and water, and there will also be this kind of defense similar to a walled city. Facing zombies, the defense capability will increase sharply.

"This should be a tourist town! There are actually two watchtowers outside the gatehouse! It's quite suitable for filming a costume war drama." Li Xin looked at the town in front of him and said with a smile.

As everyone got closer, the zombies inside seemed to feel their breath and kept pouring out.

A group of people looked at the oncoming zombies indifferently. After experiencing nearly ten thousand zombie attacks before, for them, there were only a thousand zombies, which was just a side dish.

"Bang bang bang"

Voice after voice sounded, and these zombies continued to fall. Everyone was attacking and advancing. Wang Shuang did not use guns, but directly used his own weapons to fight the zombies at close range. Therefore, everyone looked at them with indifferent expressions. A figure flashed past like a gust of wind, and zombies were chopped in half.

When Li Xin and others saw this, they also gave up the firearms in their hands and directly handed over the zombie's broken blade. At the same time, they used their own skills to attack the running zombies.

Seeing this scene, the other combatants gave up their guns and drew a machete from behind. This was made by the blacksmiths in Wang Shuangling's base. After all, no matter how many bullets there are, there will always be a day when they will run out. They cannot produce bullets and can only rely on constant plundering, so Wang Shuang is extremely eager for talents who can make bullets. .

It's a pity that there are only less than 700 people in their base. How can they have that kind of talent. Therefore, in order to save bullets, Wang Shuang began to let everyone practice knife skills and use machetes to fight zombies.


The sound of blades entering the body continued to sound. Under the leadership of Wang Shuang and his party, nearly a thousand zombies were killed.


Suddenly, the next voice full of ecstasy made everyone look. Wang Shuangzhan turned around to look, but it was Wang Hu. In front of him, a zombie fell to the ground. On it, a red light. The group shone with light.

Wang Hu looked at everything in front of him with great surprise. He himself couldn't believe it. No one knew how much pressure Wang Hu was feeling before. He followed Wang Shuang very early, but now evolvers appear one after another. Come, but he himself is still just an ordinary person.

Although Wang Shuang resisted the public opinion and appointed him as the captain of the third brigade, he had the power to control dozens of people. Even Lu Zhe, an evolver, lined up behind him and acted as a vice-captain.

However, Wang Hu knew that once he failed to become an evolver, he would sooner or later disappear from the core of Wang Shuang's power. After all, it was not realistic for an ordinary person to occupy a high position for a long time without special abilities.

Therefore, Wang Hu is extremely eager to become an evolver, even if he is an evolver with the worst skills, he is willing to do so.

Therefore, every time he fights, Wang Hu is extremely crazy and takes the lead. In addition to his performance, he also has another desire to explode a ball of light, because he has vaguely heard Wang Shuang say that using guns with his own hands is When zombies are killed in close combat, the probability of the light group erupting is different. When fighting zombies in close combat, the probability of finding treasures after killing them is much greater than using guns.

Fortunately, God paid off, and this time, he finally got the reward. Looking at the ball of light in front of him, Wang Hu stretched out his hands with some excitement. The light dissipated, and an illusory page appeared in front of him.

With a sound of "porphyry", the pages of the book merged into Wang Hu's body. Wang Hu closed his eyes for a moment, and others automatically gathered around him. Although they were all extremely envious, they were still very measured, knowing that this time was Wang Hu was the most vulnerable to attack, so everyone took the initiative to protect him.

Within a few seconds, Wang Hu opened his eyes. At this moment, there seemed to be an inexplicable aura emerging from his body. Although weak, the aura belonging to the Evolved One cannot be concealed no matter what.

"Wang Hu, you have become an evolver!" Li Xin and others looked at Wang Hu with great surprise. One more evolver will bring more power. They are all happy to see the power of their base continue to grow. Yes. Especially since this evolver is familiar to him and others.

Wang Shuang clearly understood all the information about Wang Hu just by looking at him. Like Li Xin, they were both acquired evolvers. However, they were only at the first level of evolution and it would take some time to become powerful.

Wang Hu's ability is skin tempering, which makes his skin as steel-like and invulnerable. However, now he can only resist the blows of some wooden sticks, but there is still a long way to go before he can truly defend himself against bullets. Walk.

With a smile on his face, Wang Hu explained his abilities to everyone, causing everyone to exclaim.

At the same time, the group of zombies that rushed out were all eliminated by Wang Shuang and others. To their great regret, two people's bodies were scratched by the claws of the zombies.

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