"If you have any last wishes, please tell me!" Wang Shuang looked at the two people scratched by the zombies and asked in a deep voice. The two of them died in the battle, so Wang Shuang did not hesitate to fulfill their wishes.

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly, "Captain Wang, we just hope you can help us take care of our wives and children, so that we can rest assured!"

They are all from Lijia Village and have wives and children, so they are the only ones who are worried.

"Don't worry, you are all martyrs. I will help you take care of your wives and children. As long as I am here, your family will never be treated unfairly!"

Wang Shuang made a promise. Although their small force is small, Wang Shuang also made a promise that as long as they sacrifice for this base, their relatives will receive preferential treatment. Therefore, this is also the reason why everyone is willing to fight for it. After all, , People live to protect certain things. Once these things are lost, then life has no meaning.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, closed their eyes with smiles, and pointed the guns in their hands at their heads. Everyone turned their heads unbearably.



After two gunshots were fired, everyone saw two corpses on the ground. Wang Shuang ordered everyone to dig a hole and bury the two people in it. He could not let his own corpses be exposed in the wilderness and be eaten by zombies.

"Everyone, keep moving forward!" Wang Shuang took the lead and walked into the town. They were divided into several teams, each led by an evolver, spread out, and searched for survivors in this small town.

At this time, in a hidden attic, three tall men looked at the person in front of them with cruel faces. The room was extremely dark, and a large pot was placed in the middle, with some bones floating in it vaguely visible.

In the corner on the side, there are some bones. What is shocking is that most of these bones seem to be human.

"We are so lucky to find such a young little fat sheep today!" A big man among the three, his eyes flashing red, looked at the little lolita in front of him, with a sinister smile on his lips, "This little lolita Li is pretty good, she’s young, and the meat must taste very delicious!”

Being stared at by this man's eyes, the fear in Loli's heart has reached its peak. She looks like she is only thirteen or fourteen years old. She has a ponytail and a blue school uniform. Her face is extremely pure, like a childish child. It looked like a green apple, but at this moment, it looked at the three devils in front of it with a look of fear.

Her name is Liu Lei, she is just a junior high school student. After the apocalypse broke out, she hid in the basement with her mother and relied on the stored supplies for more than a month. She completely consumed the last bit of supplies a few days ago.

Her mother had fainted from hunger. For her sake, her mother only ate a little every time she ate, so in the end she couldn't hold on anymore and completely passed out. In desperation, she had to carefully go out to find food.

Unfortunately, there were too many zombies outside. Although she was careful, she was discovered by two zombies. When she was desperate, she was rescued by three men who suddenly appeared and brought here.

He was rescued by three people. He originally thought he was saved, but unexpectedly he fell into a terrifying hell.

After their narration, Liu Lei understood that there were originally seven or eight people here, but as the food became less and less, they fell into crisis one by one. These three people went so crazy that they killed all the others, cooked them directly, and started eating them!

Everyone else was eaten up, and they lost their food, and they actually set their sights on other people in this town.

And Liu Lei was the fourth person they caught!

Looking at the boiling cauldron, Liu Lei's eyes flashed with pain. Once she died, I'm afraid her mother would also die. She was a filial child. She was not afraid of death. She just worried about her mother and worked hard for herself. After so long, Liu Lei ended up with such an end, which made Liu Lei feel extremely painful.

"If someone saves me, even if it means letting me be his slave, I will be willing to do so!" A thought flashed through Liu Lei's mind. Then he looked at the three demons in human skin in front of him, but he closed his eyes helplessly, knowing that they were crazy, and no matter what they said, they would not listen.

"Haha, how can such a thing be eaten so easily? You have to enjoy it before eating her!" The other man showed a lewd smile and looked at Liu Lei's youthful and beautiful face. Although there is no figure, for a group of crazy guys, this is already a great temptation.

"That's right. I haven't played with a woman for a long time. I can have a good time this time!" The last man stared at Liu Lei with a pair of faintly red eyes.

"Beasts like you, if you actually eat people, you will die badly!" Liu Lei looked at the three of them angrily and cursed angrily. Now that she is a prisoner, she can only vent her anger in this way.

"Haha, that's because you have never eaten human flesh. Only when you taste it yourself will you find out that the most delicious food in the world is human flesh!" The man laughed wildly and said in a daze, sticking out his tongue. , licking his lips constantly.

"Uh" Liu Lei felt a little nauseous and wanted to vomit, but she couldn't vomit anything out. She was so hungry now that she had no strength at all. The words she just said had consumed her last strength.

The man stepped forward and wanted to enjoy this little fat sheep, "But you are going to die now! But you can't see it!"

"Hey, what's going on outside? Why are the zombies walking outside!" Just when Liu Lei closed her eyes and waited for the tragic fate to come, suddenly, the other two people made a sound of surprise, but the man who walked forward was He paused, turned around, and looked at the scene outside the window, a little shocked.

Liu Lei opened her eyes and looked at the surprised eyes of the three people. A flash of curiosity flashed in her heart, wanting to know what was happening outside. However, since the whole body was tied up, it was impossible to move.

In the eyes of the three men, the zombies in the entire town were constantly pouring out. Soon, the zombies in the town disappeared, and the streets became lonely. A gust of wind blew up the garbage on the ground.

Not only them, but other survivors in this town are also looking at everything outside through the cracks with curious faces. No matter what time, people's sense of survival is extremely strong, and they will always find out in adversity. A glimmer of life! This is especially true in the apocalypse. No matter how bad the environment is and how terrifying the zombies are, people will survive like cockroaches in desperate situations.

"What happened outside? Are these zombies crazy?" The first man to speak in the attic asked doubtfully.

"Is there an army coming from outside?" others speculated.

"Army, we are saved!"

"It may not be the army, it could be someone else!"

The three people kept guessing there, hoping that it was the army, so that they could be rescued.

"However, no matter what happened, this little loli must die!" In the end, everyone came to a conclusion. Regardless of whether it was the army or not, Liu Lei must die, otherwise once their affairs are exposed, they will definitely die!

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