Although Wang Shuang's words sounded extremely arrogant when he said them from his own mouth, there was no sense of violation in other people's ears because Wang Shuang was strong enough to say such words.

After finishing speaking, Wang Shuang looked at each other and smiled slightly: "Zhang Ye, your ability is very good. Are you interested in joining us and working together to survive?" This is naked solicitation.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the man named Zhang Ye didn't seem to be defeated at all. On the contrary, he looked at Wang Shuang with excitement.

"Hahaha, okay, I'll join you!" Zhang Ye agreed very readily, as if he had been waiting for Wang Shuang to speak.

"Uh, you agreed so readily? Didn't you have any requirements?" Wang Shuang was caught off guard by Zhang Ye's eager agreement. He was just giving it a try to see if he could win over such a powerful helper. After all, his team Most of them are girls, and there are still too few people who can fight. He was already prepared for failure, but he didn't expect that the other party would agree so easily.

"Haha, request? Just one request, that is to survive!" Zhang Ye showed a wry smile, as if he understood what Wang Shuang was worried about, "Now is the end of the world, if we can't find a strong helper or team, maybe the next one will die. The most important thing is ourselves, and only by uniting can we survive the crisis."

"Therefore, I promise you, rather than relying on you, it is better to save yourself. I believe that with an outstanding leader like you, at least, the hope of survival will be much greater than others."

"If one day I find that this team is not what I want it to be, then I will naturally leave."

Zhang Ye spoke unhurriedly and expressed all his inner thoughts without any concealment. As soon as he said these words, many people in the car couldn't help but frown, but Wang Shuang did seem to have put down a big stone and laughed. "Haha, Zhang Ye, you are welcome to join!"

With a simple sentence, Wang Shuang completely accepted Zhang Ye, the evolver he met for the first time.

The vehicle drove out of the campus quickly. In the vehicle, a group of people gathered together, discussing where to go next. Wang Shuang looked at the map of Jiangnan City in his hand and felt a little headache. He himself was a very homely person. Apart from school, there was no other place to go. I don’t know where to go or where is a suitable place nearby.

"We need to find a place to stay now and settle down before we can continue with the next plan." Wang Shuang thought for a while and put forward his own idea.

"Yes, there are zombies outside now, and here we are mostly girls, so they are in a very dangerous situation. Therefore, we need to find a place with few zombies, a big house, and a safe place." Li Xin added on the side.

"But where is such a place?" someone asked with a wry smile. As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent. Yes, we are all students and we don't go out much. Who knows where there is such a place.

Wang Shuang turned his attention to Wang Hu. He had been in society for many years and should know the situation nearby. Wang Hu looked at Wang Shuang's questioning gaze and revealed a wry smile, "Brother Wang, don't think I've been hanging out for many years, but our real estate is so hot now. There are more people rushing to buy houses than there are houses. Is there a place like the one you mentioned?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, knowing that Wang Hu was right. Nowadays, Huaguo's real estate is extremely profitable. The developers' houses were sold out before they were built. It is really difficult to find a place with big houses and few people.

"That's right!" Suddenly, Wang Hu seemed to remember something and slapped his thigh with excitement on his face. Everyone was startled by him and rolled their eyes at him angrily. But Wang Hu didn't care, and said with shining eyes: "Brother Wang, I thought of a place, it must match!

"Where? Tell me quickly!" Wang Shuang and others were also refreshed and urged with some anticipation.

"Jinsheng Garden!"

Wang Hu said word by word.

Wang Shuang and others were stunned and immediately began to search on the map. Soon, a place appeared in front of them. Wang Hu introduced this place to them.

"Jinsheng Garden was built by Jiangnan City Jiatian Group. It is located in the suburbs of Jiangnan City. It has a quiet environment and sparsely populated areas. At the same time, it has strong defensive measures. They are all single-family villas. Each one is worth tens of millions, and all Jiangnan people live in them. The city’s dignitaries.”

"It's only a dozen or so miles away from us. As long as we can occupy it and clear out the zombies inside, we can have great guarantees in terms of food and safety."

Wang Shuang listened to Wang Hu's analysis and kept nodding. After he finished speaking, he made a decision directly, "Okay, that's it. Youran, this is the map. Read it clearly and set off for Jinsheng Garden." No one said anything. Yes, I obviously agree with this decision.

Lin Youran briefly looked at the map and knew the route by heart. After all, she was a top student at Jiangnan University. Memorizing a route map was extremely simple for her.

With a "boom", the bus immediately stepped on its full power and ran towards the distance. Fortunately, Jiangnan University was not in the city, and there were not many vehicles on the road. Although there were many traffic accidents, the bus barely left behind. a path. If it is really impossible to pass, Wang Shuang and others will get out of the car and push the vehicle out of the way to make way for the bus.

The distance is only ten or twenty miles. The farther away from Jiangnan City, the fewer vehicles and the rarer zombies. But even so, Wang Shuang and others got off the bus four or five times to clear the way for the bus.

An hour later, the sky gradually became dark. The lights of the bus were turned on, illuminating the darkness ahead. Everyone was silent, looking at the darkness outside the window, and listening to the inexplicable roars coming from time to time. They all felt extremely... It was depressing, and some girls even sobbed secretly.

Wang Shuang looked at everyone's depressed mood and was a little irritated. No one thought that the end of the world would suddenly come, and no one was even prepared.

"Do you want to smoke?" Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of him, holding a cigarette, and handed it to Wang Shuang. Wang Shuang looked up and saw that it was Wang Hu who took the cigarette. A ball of flame appeared in his hand and lit the cigarette. , took a hard puff.

Wang Hu took out a lighter and was about to light it. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but smile bitterly and had to light it for Li Xin who was approaching.

"Huh!" Wang Shuang slowly blew out a smoke ring and glanced at Wang Hu.

"I don't smoke originally, ahem," Wang Shuang laughed at himself. Before he finished speaking, he seemed to be choked and coughed twice.

"Who wouldn't! Didn't I never smoke before?" Li Xin smiled bitterly, took a deep puff, and also blew out a smoke ring.

"Ahem..." Many girls in the car couldn't help coughing. They couldn't stand the smell of smoke, but because of Wang Shuang, they didn't dare to speak, let alone express their dissatisfaction.

"Okay. Just pinch it. Didn't you see there's a girl in the car?" Wang Shuang snuffed out the cigarette butt and threw it out the window. The same goes for the other two.

This scene immediately changed the girls' impression of Wang Shuang. I originally thought that Wang Shuang was a domineering and authoritarian person, but I didn't expect that he had such a delicate side. Especially Zhang Xin, looking at Wang Shuang's face that seemed to become fairer, a flash of intoxication flashed in his eyes, and he deeply regretted why he had rejected his confession.

"It seems that he is not the kind of hard-hearted person who only cares about his own interests!" Lin Xueqing, Zhang Yao, Wang Dan and other women couldn't help but think. The eyes looking at Wang Shuang also became much softer.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that Boss Wang understands girls very well! He captured the hearts of so many girls in one fell swoop." Zhang Ye watched all this from the side and kept laughing secretly in his heart.

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