Everyone was running different thoughts in their hearts. As a voice sounded, everyone woke up.

"Jinsheng Garden has arrived!"

Everyone looked out the window. Not far away, a group of villas stood quietly in front of them. There were no lights, but with the help of the moonlight, everyone could faintly see the outline. It was like a big dark mouth, trying to swallow everything up. Not far away, there are some mountain forests with lush trees, and a small river winds through the back of the villa.

The entire villa complex seemed silent, but everyone could faintly smell the pungent smell of blood, and couldn't help but get closer together. Some hesitation.

"This is Jinsheng Garden! Why does it feel like a haunted house?" Zhang Ye's eyes flashed solemnly and he muttered in a low voice. These words did not arouse any objection from everyone. In their opinion, this was similar to a haunted house.

"There is no way, even if it is a haunted house, we have to break into it! Otherwise, there will be no place for everyone to rest." Wang Shuang took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

"Everyone stay in the car, turn off the lights, and don't make a sound. Zhang Ye and I will go out to investigate. You can come back down after we deal with the zombies inside." After Wang Shuang finished speaking, he looked at Zhang Ye. Zhang Ye didn't care. He shrugged, grabbed a baseball, and jumped out of the car first.

"Xiao Shuang, be careful!" Li Xin knew that Wang Shuang wanted them to stay and protect these people, so he didn't say much and just warned Wang Shuang.

"Don't worry, these zombies can't do anything to me!" Wang Shuang waved his hand casually, showing a victory gesture. He ran toward the darkness not far away without looking back.

"Boss, don't you find it troublesome to take these women with you? Or are you interested in them?" The two men walked quietly into the villa. On the way, Zhang Ye couldn't help but be curious and asked Wang Shuang. This was the doubt in his heart. Each of these women was powerless and a total burden. He didn't understand why Wang Shuang wanted to save them.

"I'm not that cold-blooded. I don't mind doing good things to the best of my ability!" Wang Shuang said calmly. As soon as he finished speaking, the figure suddenly stopped, his eyes condensed, and he looked ahead.

When Zhang Ye saw Wang Shuang's actions, he immediately stopped and looked forward. Through the moonlight, he could see a group of zombies wearing black suits wandering around the gate. There were quite a few inside, including some wearing expensive clothes. The zombies, presumably the residents here suddenly turned into zombies.

There are about a dozen villas in the entire villa group, which are surrounded by an iron fence. Each villa has a separate fence, but it is made of wood and is as tall as an adult man.

"I'll deal with the zombies at the door. You open the door!" Wang Shuang whispered.

"Okay." Zhang Ye nodded and moved forward quietly. Wang Shuang was floating forward like a ghost at this moment. The silver-white long knife in his hand glowed faintly with a cold glow under the moonlight.

With a "chi" sound, Zhang Ye only saw a flash of white light. The three zombies that had been swinging at the door were instantly separated from each other, and streams of black blood continued to spurt out from the neck cavity, like a fountain.

"Boom" the three corpses fell heavily, attracting the attention of the zombies not far away. Zhang Ye took the opportunity to step forward, took out a bunch of keys from a figure, and quickly opened the iron door.

With a "bang", the door opened, Wang Shuang and the two rushed in, and then immediately closed the door. He wants to get rid of all the zombies here.

"Kill" looked at the figure that kept running towards here after hearing the noise. Wang Shuang's face showed a hint of murderous intent and fanaticism. The same was true for Zhang Ye. They are evolvers. As long as they can kill zombies, they can continue to upgrade. , so they were all extremely excited.

"Roar!" The tall zombie bodyguards were running towards here at a speed similar to that of ordinary people, and their mouths could even be seen full of blood with the help of the moonlight.

One of them held a knife and the other held a stick, and they faced the zombies at the same time. Wang Shuang's Tang knife flashed like a stream of light, directly cutting a zombie running in front into two halves. Not to be outdone, Zhang Ye swung out a force that was comparable to that of two grown men, and directly blew the head of a zombie open. Red and white splattered everywhere.

The zombies didn't know what fear was, nor did they know pain. Even though Wang Shuang and his two men killed their companions so easily, they still moved forward without fear of life or death.

"Chi Chi Chi" Wang Shuang maximized the power of Tang Dao. He used basic skills such as cutting, splitting, stabbing, and picking skillfully, as if he had gone through countless exercises, but in fact he had gone through countless exercises. exercise.

Two zombies screamed and tried to pounce on Wang Shuang from behind. Wang Shuang dealt with the three zombies in front, turned around and slashed them diagonally, cutting them in half. Waves of energy that cannot be seen with the naked eye continue to flow into the body.

Zhang Ye himself is also extremely powerful. Most of the zombies were eliminated by Wang Shuang, and he only had to face a few zombies. Therefore, Zhang Ye also fully demonstrated his power as a power evolver, blasting away all the zombies one by one with one stick. Became a scumbag.

Perhaps there were not many security guards in the community, so after the two killed more than a dozen zombies, there were no more zombies.

"Brother Wang, are all the zombies in the villa?" Zhang Ye came to Wang Shuang covered in blood and asked with some confusion.

"Maybe, but I can't control that much. It's getting dark now. We need to clear out a villa for us to rest. We'll talk about the rest tomorrow." Wang Shuang shook his head and said solemnly. Although they are evolved, they are still human beings, and they feel tired from constant fighting.

Zhang Ye nodded and agreed with Wang Shuang's words. The two of them took a casual look and settled on a villa closest to the door. Wang Shuang and Wang Shuang jumped over the fence and walked into the house.

The house was dark and there was no sound. Both of them were very careful. Although they were not afraid of zombies, if they were caught or bitten by zombies, it would be the end.

With a "squeak" sound, the door was gently pushed open. It seemed that no one was there. The owner forgot to lock the door. The two people walked in quietly, and "pop", the light in the room was turned on, and the whole villa instantly became bright.

"Hiss" both of them gasped involuntarily, not because they were scared by the zombies, but secondly because they were scared by the luxury here. The hall was hundreds of square meters in splendor and splendor, with a huge crystal lamp hanging from the top, and a huge The spiral staircase leads directly to the third floor, and the ground is covered with a white blanket. The sofas, coffee tables, and TVs were all from brands they didn't recognize, and even the kitchen was larger than their living room.

The walls were covered with portraits of famous people, including works by Van Gogh, Picasso and other world's top painters. The two started searching every room, even the toilet, and completely turned the entire villa upside down. What they didn't expect was that there was a huge swimming pool on the third floor. They were stunned. Sure enough, they really didn't understand the world of rich people.

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