Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 456: Meeting Mr. Hua for the first time!


The dark purple thunder was twice as powerful as the previous one, and it landed hard on the dragon turtle's back. This time, the yellow light lit up, but this time the light was turbulent and seemed a little weak, but it was enough. Several breaths passed, but the purple thunder still failed to break through the dragon turtle's defense.


Seeing the second purple thunder disappear, everyone let out a sigh of relief.

"The next step is the last one." Hearing Wang Shuang's voice, everyone's hearts rose again, and they looked nervously into the distance.

In the sky, the thunderclouds turned as dark as ink, and an extremely depressing and heavy feeling emerged from this small space. From a distance, it looked like a black mountain peak pressing down.


At this time, the Dragon Turtle was also vaguely aware of a huge crisis, and a yellow light suddenly lit up on his body, forming an earthy yellow shield above his head.


The thunderclouds in the sky were turbulent, with countless thunders trembling. This time, the entire thundercloud turned into a huge purple thunderbolt as thick as a bucket, like a swooping purple dragon, with a powerful force that shattered the heaven and earth. The momentum fell towards Dragon Turtle.

"This thunder is probably stronger than a second-level evolutionist's blow!" Everyone was shocked. In front of this attack that was as powerful as heaven, they felt like an insignificant ant, who would be killed at any time. Direct annihilation.

"Although the dragon turtle's defense is strong, can it really withstand such a terrifying blow?" Many people had doubts in their hearts.

The next moment, under their shocked and curious eyes, the purple thunder collided with the dragon turtle's yellow light shield. With a "click", the earthy yellow light shield only lasted for less than five breaths before it completely shattered. , the power of the purple thunder continued to fall, falling straight on the dragon turtle.


It felt as if it had hit a piece of earth and rock. The thunder and lightning exploded with a bang, and the terrifying electric current escaped in all directions on the dragon turtle's back. Even the dragon turtle's defense could not withstand such a strong electric current, and a series of bursts of electricity came out from its mouth. Some screams of pain.

However, this attack only stops here. With the dragon turtle's talent of inheriting blood, these injuries still cannot pose a fatal threat to it.

In the sky, the thunderclouds dissipated and the clear sky returned. Everyone was surprised to see the dragon turtle's body become even larger, almost like a big mountain. A pair of huge pupils looked at Wang Shuang and others, mouths Suddenly there was a roar, and in everyone's ears, the image of an ancient ferocious beast seemed to appear in their minds, roaring loudly towards the sky.

A trace of excitement flashed in Wang's eyes. He had conquered the dragon turtle and helped him many times. Now it has become a second-level mutant beast. This is equivalent to another big step up in the strength of their base. How can he not be happy? .

"Great, with the Dragon Turtle, we now have three second-level powerhouses in our base. Haha, which force can be as powerful as us now!" Bai Xiaosheng couldn't help but smile proudly, looking at It seemed a bit pretentious, but strangely, no one objected. They all nodded in agreement, seeming to agree.

After all, in the apocalypse, whoever has the bigger fist is the boss. The stronger they are, the greater their voice will naturally be in the apocalypse, and their ability to deal with crises will be greatly enhanced, just like this time , if there are five or six second-level strong men in their base, how can they encounter such a crisis? They can directly push past them, and even the second-level zombies will not dare to resist!

"Okay, let's take a look. Let's all go back!" Wang Shuang said to everyone. The existence of the Dragon Turtle is not a secret in the first place. If everyone knows about it, it will be known. It can also give some encouragement to everyone. Give them a stronger sense of belonging to the base.

Hearing this, everyone scattered with smiles and left, still discussing what they had just seen. For them, what they had seen this time was enough to brag about for a long time.

Wang Shuang looked at the dragon turtle, then stepped forward, landed on the dragon turtle, and talked with this mutant beast that seemed to be full of wisdom for an entire afternoon.

Time seemed to be on a clockwork, constantly flowing forward, and another month passed in the blink of an eye.

In Wang Shuan's practice room, Wang Shuang exhaled slowly, and all the rich vitality of heaven and earth, which had almost turned into substance, was absorbed by himself. However, Wang Shuang looked inwards and saw that the energy in his body was much stronger than before. The lake, which had doubled in size, sighed deeply.

After truly stepping into the second level, Wang Shuang realized that the further he evolved, the slower his improvement speed became. Just like he is now, he has been in Bodhizi for almost three months. With the bonus, it can be said to be like cheating, but even so, the energy in Wang Shuang's body has only doubled. According to Wang Shuang's estimation, it is only level 22!

And Wang Shuang felt that the further back he went, the more terrifying the energy required would be. By then, not to mention the bonus of Bodhizi, even if he killed the second-level zombies, he might not be able to make himself come back again. evolution!

"Energy, energy, where can I get a lot of energy!" Wang Shuang fell into deep thought for a moment. Now, his own swallowing skills seem to have gradually become a bit useless. Even if he kills the opponent and swallows the opponent Skills, but they are often not powerful, such as disguise, ice, hemolysis, even bone spur skills, night vision skills, animal transformation abilities...

Skills like this could not really improve his combat power. Therefore, Wang Shuang did not use energy to improve these skills, but put them aside and ignored them.

However, there is one skill that has improved as Wang Shuang advanced to the second level, and that is the Eye of Truth. However, it may no longer be called the Eye of Truth, but the Eye of Breaking Laws!

As the name suggests, in addition to being able to remove the false and preserve the true, it also has the ability to break the law. This ability to break the law has an extremely powerful effect on energy. It can be said to be the nemesis of energy!

However, Wang Shuang has never had the opportunity to use this ability, so he is eager to find a test subject.

Wang Shuang was thinking wildly when the door to the practice room was opened. Wang Shuang could feel Zhao Xin's familiar smell without opening his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Wang Shuang opened his eyes, and all the thoughts in his mind disappeared.

"The Beijing Municipality has also agreed to the currency plan we proposed. I want to have a formal chat with you!" Zhao Xin looked at the man in front of him who seemed as deep as the sea, with a smile on his lips and chuckled.

Wang Shuang usually didn't pay much attention to the affairs of the base city and left it to them to deal with. This made her extremely intoxicated with the feeling of having power. Countless people had undergone earth-shaking changes because of her one order. , many powerful evolvers would greet him respectfully when they saw him, not only because they were afraid of his own power, but also because they were afraid of the man behind him.

But she understood that all this was given to her by Wang Shuang. As long as Wang Shuang was willing, he would take everything back at any time and send her to hell. Therefore, when it comes to Wang Shuang's words, she will never be lazy, but will execute them meticulously. This is why Wang Shuang likes her so much. There are many beautiful women. Now as long as Wang Shuang says a word, she wants to crawl The beauties who go to the king's double bunk can line up from one end of the base to the other.

Hearing Zhao Xin's words, a bright light flashed in Wang Shuang's eyes, "Let's go!" With just one word, Wang Shuang's figure disappeared from the room.

In a room with advanced equipment, the top brass of the base had gathered here, waiting for Wang Shuang's arrival. On the wall in front, a conference room was projected, with people sitting on both sides of the table. , and Wang Shuang and the others knew most of these people. They were all high-level officials from Shangjing City, and Du Kong was also sitting next to an old man.

"Captain Du." Wang Shuang saw Du Kong on the screen and said hello, then looked at the old man in the first place, with a flash of respect in his eyes, and said slowly, "Mr. Hua!"

Zhao Xin and others stood silently behind each other. This was not the time for them to interrupt. This was a conversation between the top leaders of the two parties.

"Xiao Shuang, right? Strictly speaking, this is the first time we have met, although it is virtual, haha." Hua Lao smiled, and a touch of softness flashed across his serious face, "I will listen to Du Kong about your affairs. As I said, Dongshan Province is thanks to you, otherwise I don’t know how many innocent people would have died tragically!”

"Mr. Hua, I..."

Wang Shuang's mouth moved, and he wanted to say something, but he was interrupted by Mr. Hua, "Haha, you don't have to say it, I can guess it. Now that the apocalypse has broken out, no one can imagine that the government can't protect everyone. You I would like to thank you even more for being able to take the lead in establishing a base and protecting the surviving ordinary people!"

As he spoke, Mr. Hua's face became serious, "But, I hope you will remember, keep your true heart in mind, and don't be blinded by power. Like Zhongyun Base, you can treat ordinary survivors kindly. They, You shouldn’t have to suffer like this!”

"Yes, Mr. Hua, I will definitely remember your words!" Wang Shuang nodded respectfully. In front of Mr. Hua, even though he was the leader of a super power, he was like a child.

"Okay, now that the gossip is over, let's talk about business." Hua Lao's face softened and he chuckled, "I heard that you want to issue currency. Why, can't you continue to use the previous currency?"

"Hua Lao, you are testing me. Although I am not very knowledgeable, I also know that the currency system has collapsed. It is not impossible to use the previous currency, but you must know that there are still a lot of the previous currencies. If we continue to use the previous methods, how many people will desperately look for these retained coins instead of working hard to get the rewards they deserve."

"Also, there are various evolvers in the apocalypse, and their abilities are far beyond ordinary people. Although the previous currency was highly anti-counterfeiting, in the face of these evolvers with different abilities, , there shouldn’t be many secrets, does Mr. Hua want to see counterfeit money flying all over the sky?"

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