Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 457 Reactions from all parties!

Hearing Wang Shuang's simple analysis, Mr. Hua couldn't help but show a hint of approval on his face. He didn't understand the truth, he just wanted to see Wang Shuang's reaction.

"Then what are your plans when you find us? Should our two families carry out this plan together?" Mr. Hua continued to ask.

"It's not our two families, but all the large bases in China!" Wang Shuang waved his hands and said something that shocked the Shangjing base.

"Everything..." Mr. Hua was slightly shocked for a moment, and then he glanced at Wang Shuang and exclaimed, "Xiao Shuang, I still don't know whether you are brave or courageous, you actually want to Unite all forces and jointly promote currency!"

"You have to know that currency issuance is a force, or even the economic lifeline of a country. If there are only two of us, when the currency is implemented, other forces will also be affected. They will either accept our currency, or they will My own power is isolated, but I think they won’t be so stupid.”

"So, this is a huge profit, and it will even form a huge restriction on other forces. Are you willing to give this kind of profit away?"

Listening to Hua Lao's words, Wang Shuang was not moved at all. "Currency issuance is originally for everyone's daily trade and exchanges. This should be the right of everyone to participate. I don't have such a big appetite."

"Besides, even if I really do this, if they also issue currency in order not to be restricted, then how much currency will our country have in the end? You use your words, I use mine. In the end, it is just a It’s just a farce.”

It has to be said that Wang Shuangji is very rational. This kind of thing that seems to be full of huge benefits cannot be accomplished by his own power. Just like the Chinese country established a stable currency system after the completion of the great unification. Now, with so many of their powers, it would be sheer nonsense if all kinds of currencies appeared.

"If I really do this, I'm afraid Mr. Hua won't be in the mood to talk to me anymore." Wang Shuang glanced at Mr. Hua with a smile.

"Haha, you kid." Hua Lao laughed and looked at Wang Shuang, "Then what do you want me to do?"

"Hey, Mr. Hua, you are highly respected. If you can come forward to inform other large bases, then everyone will get together to discuss a plan that can include everyone. In this way, the currency issuance will be smoother. "Wang Shuang expressed his request, "I can't do this kind of thing. If I were to say it, I'm afraid all of them would think that I want to take the opportunity to annex them, and I'm afraid no one would dare to come."

"You guys are also afraid." Mr. Hua said with a smile, but he didn't object. It is indeed more appropriate for him to say this kind of thing. After all, his identity allows everyone to let down their guard, and he also occupies the position. In the name of orthodoxy.

"In this case, I will try my best to contact all the large bases, but it is probably difficult to get everyone together, and even if I come forward, I am afraid there will still be some forces that will not agree to come." Mr. Hua frowned. Talk about your difficulties.

"But I will do my best, and you have to come up with a specific plan. Don't wait for people to come. You have nothing prepared here."

Hearing this, Wang Shuang nodded, "I will come up with a specific plan as soon as possible. I will give one to Shangjing City as soon as possible. Then Mr. Hua, you will find someone to carefully consider it and take a look. If something is not suitable, modify it and send it to us. Our two families will help each other and strive to make the plan the most perfect."

Hearing Wang Shuang's slightly mature words, Mr. Hua gave a rare wry smile, "Well, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I might have thought that I was facing a shrewd businessman. Who would have thought that the dignified master of a super base turned out to be a second-tier man?" It’s a young man in his teens.”

Hua Lao felt a little emotional. After the end of the world, countless forces have risen, and a large number of young heroes have emerged. Wang Shuang, who is considered the best among them, makes him lament that a new generation will replace the old ones. What will happen in the future? The world is still the world of young people.

After talking about business, Wang Shuang continued to chat with the other party for a few words, and then disconnected.

"Everyone has heard what I just said. Whether you discuss the specific plan yourself or find experts, we will try to come up with a specific plan within a month." Wang Shuang looked at everyone and said.

Dong Zhu and the others had a touch of excitement on their faces. This was a big event. Thinking that the future currency would be issued during their discussion, everyone felt extremely proud. So when they heard Wang Shuang's words, they were all excited. He couldn't help but replied loudly, "Yes, City Lord!"

Next, everyone in the base became completely busy. Those who were looking for people began to look for people, and those who were discussing plans began to discuss plans. Even Shangjing City was completely busy because of this plan. On the one hand, it had to contact the leaders of the major bases, and on the other hand, it also had to prepare a venue where everyone could meet to discuss issues. Such extremely important things Usually it has to be done several months in advance. Now the time has been shortened to one month. They are all a little nervous. After all, these people are all heroes and top-level evolvers. They are not ordinary people. What if something happens? Problems, they also need to have a response.

At the Juye City base, Liu Dong is handling the daily official duties of the base. Before the end of the world, he was a businessman. Strictly speaking, he was a business tycoon, with assets worth tens of billions, a luxurious house, a beautiful car, and a lovely wife. It can be said that he has reached the level of a man. The peak, but after the end of the world, all these things disappeared and the world returned to zero, but Liu Dong was also lucky to become an evolver.

Some of his men also became evolvers. Relying on his own prestige, Liu Dong gathered everyone together, and then went through all the obstacles and established the current base of 30,000 people after countless hardships.

In the end of the world, he can be regarded as a very successful person. However, thinking of the six super bases of China, Liu Dong, who was once extremely glorious, is still a little unwilling. Even though he worked hard, he still couldn't reach China. Top level.

At this time, a woman walked up. Her figure was as slender as a willow branch, her oval face looked extremely pure and beautiful, and she exuded an aura of youth, and came to Liu Dong's side.

"What's wrong?" Liu Dong glanced slightly, and then a smile appeared in his eyes. He put down what he was doing and asked with a smile. The woman in front of him was his wife, although they were quite different in age. Thirty years old!

Even so, his wife, Zhang Qi, is not just a flower vase. She took care of his business in an orderly manner before the end of the world. Now she is responsible for the daily management of the entire base. She is a veritable strong woman. Therefore, he also has great respect for Zhang Qi.

Zhang Qi looked at her husband, a look of solemnity flashed across her face, "There is a message from the base in Shangjing City..."

"They want to promote currency and unite all large bases." A flash of shock flashed across Liu Dong's face. He thought about the relationship carefully and couldn't help but smile bitterly. "They are really generous and courageous. , By the way, is this proposed by the Shangjing base? What is the reaction of the other major super bases? "

"This is jointly participated by the Shangjing City Base and the Jiangnan City Base. It is said that they have contacted the other four super bases. Except for the Zhongyun Base, the other three bases have agreed."

"Jiangnan City is also involved?" Liu Dong was a little surprised. He also knew something about the Jiangnan City base. He also saw it in the previous battle. He could only admire this base for being able to withstand tens of millions. The attack of the zombie army is worthy of the name of the six super bases.

"Well, I heard that this idea was proposed by them."

"Then could this be a dangerous situation, a trap set by Jiangnan City to catch us all?" Liu Dong murmured to himself.

"No, if you don't believe what Mr. Hua said, you can think this is a trap!" Zhang Qi rolled her eyes at him. This news came from Mr. Hua himself, so how could it be a trap?

"Hua Lao came forward. It seems to be true. Did they say what they need us to do?" Liu Dong's face relaxed. With Hua Lao's high moral character and respect, he was not afraid that this was a trap. This is why Wang Shuang wanted to The reason for leaving the matter of contacting everyone to him is that because of Wang Shuang's own prestige, everyone will respect him and fear him, but they will never trust him.

"Hua Lao hopes that the leaders of the major bases can go to the Shangjing base and discuss a specific plan together. Husband, this is a good opportunity. Currency issuance is a huge and incomparable benefit. If we don't participate, I'm afraid there's no place to cry." Zhang Qi said excitedly from the side.

"It's not that simple. Even if I go, it will be insignificant. The real right to speak is still in the hands of those super bases." Liu Dong looked deeper than Zhang Qi, "But, as you said, go If I go, I might have some soup, but if I don’t go, I won’t even be able to drink the soup.”

"Get ready. After I leave, I will leave the affairs here to you. I will leave my most trusted subordinates to assist you."

Liu Dong worked very neatly. Now that he had made a decision, he led people to Shangjing City the next day. He did not dare to take a helicopter. There were many terrifying flying mutant beasts in the sky, and they were not extremely powerful. Who dares to fly in a helicopter.

Driving is certainly safe, but it will take several days, so Liu Dong is in such a hurry to set off.

Situations like this have occurred many times throughout the land of China. Many base leaders got the news and most of them chose to go to the Shangjing base. After all, this is a big cake. If they don't get a share of the pie, they will Not very willing. There are also some forces who don't really believe Hua Lao's words. They think this is a conspiracy and a trap set by the Shangjing base to catch them all. They all refuse to go to Shangjing.

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