Infinite Devouring in the End of the World

Chapter 470: There’s something wrong with the painting style!

Under the rule of the previous king, the Star Kingdom was still living and working in peace and contentment. Although it was not well-off, it was not a big problem to make ends meet. In this chaotic era, with wars everywhere, it was quite remarkable to be able to make ends meet. achieved.

However, when it comes to the woman named Lilita Agusi, it has almost become a hell. This woman's nature is extremely cruel. She not only spent 100,000 people to build herself an extremely luxurious and huge castle. , afterwards, all of these 100,000 people were directly killed and became a wisp of dead souls in the castle.

For pleasure, Lilita kept thousands of faces in the castle. At that time, these faces were extremely afraid, because every time they had sex with each other, it was the end of their lives, and Lilita would completely separate them. They cooked and ate the tenderest livers in their bodies. Many people would rather die than become each other's food.

Lilita doesn't care about the life and death of the people in the entire Star Kingdom. Local levies are imposed violently, and corpses are everywhere. Innocent people can starve to death every day. There are uprisings everywhere every day, wanting to overthrow Lilita's tyranny, but in the face of technology The extremely prosperous Star Kingdom army cannot be dealt with by just holding some ordinary weapons.

Even if an army of 100,000 people uses the lowest level of physical firearms, which cannot injure soldiers wearing protective clothing at all, the laser guns in the hands of the soldiers can kill each other with one shot, or with an energy A grenade can blow up a ten-meter radius of land in an instant!

Facing such a powerful force, how could a group of civilians resist?

Although this woman is extremely cruel to ordinary people, she attaches great importance to the army and guards she controls. All weapons and equipment developed by the Star Kingdom are given priority to them.

As for the ruling class of the army, they are even more beautiful and enjoy endless delicacies. They also don't care about the life and death of the people at the bottom. As long as they can please the queen, it goes without saying that they will be rich and prosperous. As for ordinary people, they will die if they die.

It can be said that the entire Star Kingdom is completely rotten from top to bottom. In just ten years, the national power of Star Kingdom has dropped to its weakest point. Countless ordinary people have rebelled and want to overthrow Lilita. rule, and some surrounding countries are waiting for the day when this country will collapse. At that time, they will be able to accept the entire Star Kingdom without any effort.

As for me, maybe it was because I blocked the Queen's way. In fact, I was still ten miles away from this woman, but I was still discovered by the guards. Just when I passed through the silver gate, my whole body changed. He was caught by these people without any strength at all.

They originally planned to shoot themselves directly, but when their laser guns landed on Wang Shuang's body, it was like hitting steel, unable to penetrate at all.

They were all extremely shocked and quickly informed Lilita of the news. Lilita learned that she immediately ordered people to take Wang Shuang into custody and use star shackles, which are a powerful explosive. Being brought along, no matter how strong you are, you can't break free, and as long as the opponent presses the button lightly, even steel will be blown into powder.

In addition to the shackles, Lilita also gave Wang Shuang a drug, a kind of anesthetic that could make ten elephants unable to get up with just one drop. It was enough for Wang Shuang to drink a kilogram. They were afraid that Wang Shuang's power would be too strong and they would be unable to control it.

This was the memory in the minds of the two young men. Wang Shuang looked at the dull look of the two men and sighed lightly. He used his mental power to forcefully hypnotize them. I was afraid that it would cause serious damage to their brains, but he also There is no way, I have fallen into this situation as soon as I woke up. If I don't think of a way to understand the situation clearly, I'm afraid I will really be killed!

After figuring everything out, Wang Shuang was just thinking about how to run out. In this damn place, three days later, no, one day has passed, and there are still two days left. He will be sanctioned and may be sliced ​​into pieces. Research, but I can't accept it.

"What bad luck! I obviously entered the secret realm of the galaxy, how could I end up in such a strange place!" Wang Shuang murmured to himself with a wry smile. As soon as he finished speaking, a strange voice appeared in his mind.

"The mission has begun. Kill the Queen of the Star Kingdom, Lilita Agousi. If you successfully complete the mission, you will receive an energy stone and the opportunity to leave here!"

"Mission failed, die!"

Hearing this emotionless voice, Wang Shuang couldn't help but froze. Instead of fear, a huge doubt appeared in his mind, system? unlimited? Or the main god? The earth is at the end of the world now, why would such a nondescript thing suddenly appear?

Wang Shuang was not surprised. In fact, all this had surprised him enough. First it was a blue star, then Lilita, and he was actually subdued. Finally, a person who seemed to be someone suddenly appeared in his mind. The voice of the Lord God. His ability to persist without collapsing is considered a sign of his strong mental strength.

"Are you the main god or the system?" Wang Shuang murmured softly, but there was no response.


"Lord God..."

"How long is this mission?"

"Do I have any teammates? Can you restore my strength first?"

Wang Shuang collapsed on the ground and kept whispering to himself, but the voice that suddenly appeared in his mind did not say another word.

"This apocalyptic flow has suddenly become an infinite flow. I am really unprepared." Wang Shuang smiled bitterly, but he did not think that the voice was joking with him. He could directly transmit the voice to himself beyond his huge mental power. In his mind, even if he is joking with himself, he is definitely joking with a master who is beyond his imagination. He is definitely not his opponent, so he should complete the task honestly.

"However, we can know from their memories that this Lilita is definitely not an easy woman to kill. She is the master of a country after all. Technology has developed to an extremely prosperous level. Various combat weapons can arm people to At the extreme, there are even various so-called genetic potions, which allow an ordinary person to burst out with extremely terrifying strength, which is similar to the genetic enhancement potions invented by Dr. Xu." Wang Shuang kept thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

"It is said that this woman also has a hidden divine guard who is responsible for her safety. The guards inside are all beings who can kill a mammoth with one punch. With the advanced weapons, it is probably impossible to force it. "

"Perhaps, you can try assassination, but this is the capital of the Star Kingdom. There are surveillance cameras everywhere. Let alone a person, even a missing dog can be found within half a minute. This road is not advisable. .”

"Disguise yourself? This may be a good idea, but if a camera on the street scans a person who does not exist in the Star Kingdom database, it will definitely arouse their vigilance, and they may even be arrested directly."

Wang Shuang was a little distressed. He came up with one solution after another, but was rejected by himself the next moment.

Wang Shuang turned his gaze to the two people who were a little dull on the side, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "If I disguise myself as them, I won't be discovered by then."

The two young men in front of me are authentic locals, and they have too many skills. It is not easy to disguise themselves as each other, and to disguise the other person's appearance as themselves. In this way, I will You can take the opportunity to escape and then look for opportunities to assassinate Lilita.

"Okay, let's do it!" Wang Shuang thought of this and tried to mobilize some of the power in his body. In his dantian, the slightly red lake was covered with a thin layer of gray mist. The energy in the two bodies could only seep out a little bit. He wanted to pour it all out, but was blocked by the gray mist.

Now, he woke up, and the mental power in his mind turned into a huge spear, which landed on the gray mist with a bang. Suddenly, a huge hole was poked out of the gray mist, and red energy suddenly came out of the hole. It rushed out and turned into flaming sword energy that could burn the world.


Countless flaming sword energy fell, and the gray mist was burned clean in the blink of an eye. Wang Shuang did not stop. Wave after wave of energy rolled, and the entire lake seemed to have set off a turbulent wave. Wave after wave of energy ran along the meridians in Wang Shuang's body. Wherever he passed along the way, Wang Shuang felt that his body had recovered a little, that soreness. The feeling of powerlessness disappeared a little.

It took a full two hours for Wang Shuang's body to completely regain its previous strength. Feeling the star shackles around his neck, Wang Shuang frowned and wanted to smash it, but was afraid that it would explode if he stepped on it. After thinking about it for a while, Wang Shuang decided not to worry about it yet.

Standing up and stretching, he also found that the clothes he was wearing had turned into a gray prison uniform with a lot of gray stains on it. Wang Shuang didn't care much, and then slowly walked towards One of them had a smile on his face, "It's you!"

Ten minutes later, Wang Shuang looked at the other "self" opposite and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"In this way, I can look for opportunities to slip away!" Wang Shuang then disguised himself and killed zombies. He had countless evolved skills that he devoured. Although for his combat effectiveness, It doesn't have much effect, but if used well, it is an opportunity to save one's life.

Wang Shuang wanted to fight out directly, but according to their memories, the prison was guarded by a large number of troops, including countless masters. It had been more than three hundred years since the founding of the Star Kingdom, and no one had ever been able to escape from the prison.

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