Wang Shuang thought for a long time, and finally thought of a way to remove the shackles, and then installed them on the head of one of the guys.

"I'm sorry, brother, you are all natives. Brother is a cherished outsider. You can't die so easily..." Wang Shuang talked for a long time, but the two of them seemed to be half stupid and stayed there. Sitting blankly, eyes glazed over.

Wang Shuang didn't wait long. Soon, two guys in police uniforms came to the room and took Wang Shuang and another man out. They also noticed something strange about the man. His eyes were dull and he had no energy at all. , but they don't care, they are just death row prisoners, and it will be the same for anyone who dies.

At this time, Wang Shuang also discovered the hugeness of this prison, which was comparable to the size of a basketball court. There were soldiers with guns and live ammunition everywhere. Wang Shuang could even occasionally find many guys wearing a special kind of armor, like robots. .

"Could this be the military armor above Blue Star? After wearing it, a person can be invulnerable and powerful!" Wang Shuang thought in his heart, without any expression on his face. He knew that the two of them should be next They will be sent to a valley for execution. It is the nearest law enforcement place. It is more like a mass grave than a law enforcement place. There are corpses everywhere. The corpses that were shot are usually dumped here. Some vultures come to devour.

And there was the best place for Wang Shuang to escape. Guns couldn't hurt him anyway. As long as he hid well, he could integrate directly into this country after they left.

After getting into a police car, Wang Shuang found that there were many prisoners in the car. A rough count showed that there were six or seven people. Adding the two of them, there were eight people. Many prisoners were silent, but their eyes could not hide the fear.

Wang Shuang and another guy looked at each other and found that they were both skinny and malnourished.

"I didn't break the law, no, I just accidentally touched that adult, wuwu." A little boy who looked to be only eleven or twelve years old cried softly at this time.

"Which of us has broken the law? It's just because I was disliked by the daughter of a high-ranking official, so I ended up where I am now!" Another man said with an indifferent expression.

"He was just grabbing something to eat with a stray dog. As a result, an officer saw him and immediately had him arrested!" the man said, pointing to another person on the side.

When Wang Shuang heard this, his expression was indifferent, but he sighed in his heart. From the memories of the two young men, he already understood that the current Star Country has almost become a hell, all thanks to Queen Lilita.

"This woman, even if you don't have this mission, I will kill you completely!" Wang Shuang's thoughts were rolling in his heart, but he didn't reveal a trace.

Soon, they came to a valley. Wang Shuang and the others were kicked out of the car. They looked at the desolate land, with many dead bones on it, and black vultures hovering above their heads, as if Waiting for a delicious meal.

"Get ready!" Following the words of the leading police officer, eight policemen stood in front of Wang Shuang. They all held long stick-like things in their hands. Wang Shuang understood that it should be them. The so-called laser gun can penetrate a boulder with just one shot.

Wang Shuang looked at it calmly without any fear.

"Bang" "Bang" "Bang"...

Eight gunshots were fired in a row, and Wang Shuang's body fell down. Several policemen stepped forward to take a look. When they saw Wang Shuang, Wang Shuang used his huge mental power to slightly change the scene in their minds. , looking like he was being shot.

"Okay, let's go back!" Following the words of the leader, everyone got in the car and left. As for the few corpses here, they didn't care. They would soon become food for wild beasts.

Sure enough, when they saw the police car leaving, the vultures circling in the sky suddenly fell down, and they were about to start enjoying their delicious food.

A somewhat strong vulture landed next to Wang Shuang and was about to bite. However, the next moment, Wang Shuang killed the vulture with a fierce blow and then threw it away into the distance with a "swipe" sound. The body burned and turned into a pile of ashes.

Wang Shuang looked at the other vultures that were frightened by him. A cold light flashed in his eyes. With a thought in his mind, he slashed at the vultures in the air with sword energy. In a few breaths, all the vultures were killed.

Wang Shuang didn't pay attention. He looked at the valley full of dead bones and was silent for a moment. Then he waved his hand and all the corpses gathered together under a force. Looking at the corpses in front of him, Wang Shuang waved his hand again and a flame appeared out of thin air. Appear and burn all these corpses cleanly.

Then Wang Shuang took out a set of clothes from his storage ring to change out of his prison uniform, and headed towards the big city in the distance.

Wang Shuang was a prisoner before and didn't know what the capital of the star country looked like. Now he looked from a distance and saw tall buildings rising from the ground. It was almost equivalent to Shangjing City in his own country, but each one was different from it. The huge airship towers over the city, seemingly protecting the safety of the entire city.

Wang Shuang understands that this is the defense system of the capital of the Star Kingdom. Once attacked, it can not only carry out long-range strikes, but also defend. This is the research result of countless scientists in the Star Kingdom. Wang Shuang is salivating. If these things can be placed In his own base, wouldn't it make his Jiangnan City a complete defensive fortress?

When the time comes, who will he be afraid of!

Wang Shuang walked carefully on the street, trying not to be caught by the camera. He looked like the guy in the prison now. He should have been shot by now. He didn't know if there was any information about him in the government information after he was shot. If he was discovered and his information was death, I'm afraid he would be in trouble.

Although the people here are not strong, they will become extremely powerful after using various high-tech weapons. Wang Shuang estimates that the strongest ones should have third-level power. He does not want to encounter such a terrifying opponent so early!

"Eh!" Suddenly, Wang Shuang's footsteps stopped, and his figure stopped slowly, looking at a relatively dilapidated house on the side. These are houses that are ready for demolition. They are usually inhabited by beggars or refugees, and even for During the fight, many people were beaten to a bloody head. Even if someone died, it was no surprise that the police would not take care of them. They were a bunch of poor people who were not qualified to call the police.

"Uncle, everything is ready. When this woman Lilita sees our people tomorrow, he will directly detonate the super star bomb on himself and die with this woman!"

came a voice full of hatred.

Wang Shuang's figure seemed like a shadow, standing quietly outside the room. Outside the room, there were two men who looked like beggars squatting on the ground, scanning the surroundings quietly, but they did not notice Wang Shuang right next to them.

Wang Shuang's huge mental power extended inward, and he immediately discovered two people. One looked like an unshaven man, a middle-aged uncle, and the other was wearing a black robe. Wang Shuang discovered that this turned out to be a rather handsome man. A wild woman, but her eyes were red at this time, and she looked like she was about to eat someone.

"Delise, can you guarantee that Lilita will definitely meet the other party and that he can detonate the bomb on himself in time?" The man said solemnly, "This is not a trivial matter. Our organization does not have the strength now." How much, if you fail this time, I’m afraid we will really be doomed, and by then, the entire human race in the Star Kingdom will continue to live this kind of dark life!”

"Don't worry, he is a strong man that I accidentally rescued. He is definitely stronger than anyone in our organization. As long as he sees Lilita, he will be able to blow her away completely before she can react!"

"I have staked everything for this operation. Tomorrow, I will accompany the leader of the Cole family to that woman's castle. I heard that this woman has captured a strange guy, and tomorrow I will reveal this guy's secret. Squeeze them all out. I will take him with me, and when the opportunity comes, we will be finished together!" The woman's voice was a little crazy, "This woman killed our entire family, my brother, father, mother... they all died. In the hands of this woman, there are countless people in the entire Star Kingdom. Only if this woman dies can our Star Kingdom be truly saved!"

After hearing this, Wang Shuang already understood what was going on.

Lilita's rule is so cruel. Naturally, wherever there is violence, there will be resistance. There are hundreds of rebel armies in the entire Star Kingdom, all hoping to overthrow Lilita's rule. To do this, they will not hesitate to sacrifice anything. cost.

The two people in front of them should be members of a certain rebel army, secretly discussing how to get rid of each other.

To be honest, in the past, Wang Shuang had no interest in such things, but now his mission is to kill Lilita, and they can be said to coincide with each other.

But Wang Shuang did not appear rashly. These people were like frightened birds. It can be said that they did not believe anyone except the people they trusted. If he rushed in like this, they would definitely fight to the death with him.

"Tomorrow?" Wang Shuang raised his brows and laughed a little at the strange guy in her mouth. Isn't that him? It seems that the fact that he has escaped will be exposed tomorrow.

However, this is a good idea, as he can also take the opportunity to kill the opponent, and then take advantage of the chaos to escape!

"I have contacted dozens of other rebels. As long as you successfully kill Lilita, we will directly suppress Lilita with our army and completely eliminate Lilita's power." The middle-aged man said.

Hearing this, the woman nodded, and then they discussed the details, and then the woman left quietly. It seemed that her identity was not ordinary, and she did not even dare to expose it.

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