Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 889: Died more than a hundred times!

Tony doesn't have any money: "That's it, is it done?"

Limlu Tempest: "Otherwise? Do you still think that the task was completed easily?"

Marquis Vauban: "Limru, have you ever counted, how many times have you died in this war?"

Limlu Tempest: "Uh... more than a hundred times!"

Limlu Tempest; "I don't know, I was shocked! (Slimes smile and cry

Died more than a hundred times, it sounds scary!

I don't know if I really don't die, I'm used to it if I die.

At first, maybe I was not used to it, but then it didn’t seem to be anything, right?

If you can't kill you once, you can beat you twice, and if you can't kill you, you can beat you ten times eight times!

On the premise that a Tier 7 cultivator doesn't want to die, wouldn't it be possible to die dozens of times without taking a Tier 6 cultivator?

is it possible?

But having said that, they died so many times in this war, what about the future?

This can't die like this anymore!

Tony has no money: "These are not important now. What is important is that the proportion of my reward this time is even higher than that of the administrator, which is incredible!"

Tony has no money: Slime with his face on his hips

Limlu Tempest: "..."

Limlu Tempest: "Shall we point the face? The cute boss didn't try his best. That is to give you the points, otherwise you can get the 15% reward? "

Tony has no money: "That's the same thing!"

Tony has no money: Slimes scratching his head

In the final battle, the little cute boss waved his sleeves and solved the problem of the barrier that plagued them.

Perhaps the five percent reward of the little cute boss comes from this!

Although it is light, it is relatively speaking.

If there is no little cute boss, if the administrator is not selective, it will trouble them for a long time. ,

But the point is, how did the 20% of the administrator come from?

Although the exchange group said it was completely fair, he didn't see the administrator attacked him?

The administrator is operating in the dark again?

There is a possibility, with the personality of the administrator, it is really possible to increase the task reward, and then operate in the dark to add his own ratio.

Of course, their reward points are no less.

Limlu Tempest: "The God Eater is under the command of the Administrator, and the credit of the God Eater should be counted on the Administrator."

Limlu Tempest: "The administrator took less this time, only 20%."

Limulu Tempest: "Thousands of words gathered in my heart, I only have one sentence, the administrator is awesome! (Broken sound

Marquis Vauban: "Indeed, the Sacred Rats are very capable of fighting. This battle has helped us a lot. If there is no Sacred Rats, then this mission will probably fail."

Bo Feng Shuimen: "This is true, the strength of the predator is still too strong."

At first, although he and the old marquis used a large number of clones to entangle the predators.

But the predators are not stupid, they also know themselves, knowing that their clones are actually useless.

It may be able to entangle it for a while, but it won't do much.

A real war can never be solved by a few people.

Even if these people have strong clone abilities, it won't work. After all, there are a large number of opponents, and there are cultivators who are good at doing clones together.

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