Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 890: Roar of evil dragon

Tu Shan carried the handle: "But speaking of it, everyone has gained a lot from this mission."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "Everyone who came to participate in this mission has basically reached the seventh level of cultivation."

Tu Shan carried the handle: Greetings, congratulations and circles

Sun Mengyao: "..."

Sun Mengyao: "Sister, you used to be a tall and cold person, how did you match this picture, such a sand sculpture?"

Sun Mengyao: Slimes are dumbfounded

The former Tushan is red, and the words are less and cold.

Although the two met few times, she probably knew Tu Shan Honghong's character.

But today, Tu Shan's red-haired meme, why does it look like a sand sculpture?

Could it be that the cold eldest sister in the past was infected by the sand sculpture of Tony?

Tu Shan carried the handle: "What high cold? Was I cold before?"

Tony has no money: "Is the eldest sister cold? Not so cold, that's not happy!"

Limlu Tempest: "As the head of Tushan University, it's not cold, it's not showing or showing emotions!"

Tu Shan carried the handle: "..."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "I think you two have itchy skins again, right? (Slime grimacing

Tony has no money: "Ahem! Just kidding! Just kidding!"

During several times of fighting side by side, he also understood Tu Shanhonghong's fighting methods.

That's a cruel!

Once the fight starts, the opponent basically gets GG.

Although group members cannot harm each other, they cannot be too rampant.

The administrator is not restricted by this rule, he is worried that when the administrator's wicked taste comes up and the restriction of Tu Shanhonghong is lifted, then he will have to be beaten.

The surname of Cao, the name of Cao, the word Meng De: "Yes, that's right! This battle really benefited a lot!"

Surname Cao, Cao Zi Meng De: Slime cute face

Happy Feng Man: "Old Cao, can you stop pretending to be cute?"

Happy Feng Man: "Rimuru is so cute, and he pretends to be cute and screams cute, you are called contrast and disgusting! (Slimes vomiting face

Surname Cao, Cao Zi Meng De: "???"

Limlu Tempest: "I'm still here! I'm not cute, my look is fierce!"

Happy Wind Man: "Hahaha! Yes, that's called the roar of the dragon!"

Happy Wind Man: "Woo~"

Limulu Tempest: "..."

If the dragon is really roaring, what is the situation with the weird symbol behind it?

Shouldn't it be an exclamation mark?

Or even two levers!

That symbol has a deep meaning!

Tony has no money: "We have the biggest gain this time, and that is Prime Minister Cao."

Tony has no money: "Golden Legendary prizes, at this stage, you can't buy many points."

Tony has no money: "Prince Cao, should we send a red envelope to celebrate? (Slime funny face

Limlu Tempest: "Red envelope! Red envelope!!!"

Marquis Vauban: "Red envelope! Red envelope!!!"

Bo Feng Shuimen: "The red envelope is coming! Get the red envelope!"

Sun Mengyao: "Hey! Is it time to grab red envelopes again? I like to grab red envelopes the most! (dog head

Tony has no money: "Wait! I suddenly remembered one thing!"

Limulu Tempest: "???"

Limlu Tempest: "What is more important than grabbing a red envelope? (Slime frowns

When it was time to give out red envelopes, he was also ready to grab red envelopes. What is this big **** doing?

Good point, what is the topic?

He was the one who gave out the red envelopes, and he was the one who turned the subject off!

What does this guy want to do?

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