Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 910: First look at this document

"The minister wants to see me?"

"Su Chen"'s expression changed, and he asked nervously.

"Don't be nervous, the minister has a very free and easy personality, and he is not restrained at all, and the minister has high expectations for these geniuses of us and treats us well.

After Ning Cai'er put the pill into "Su Chen" hands, said with a smile.

"Su Chen" took the pill and sighed: "But the Minister is the Grand Master after all. Who is not nervous when I see the Grand Master for the first time?"

As the three major ministries of China and the State, as university students, the Ministry of Education is directly responsible for them.

So don't think about it, the minister Ning Caier said must be the minister of education.

The three ministers are all great masters, although he is now a great master, but when he meets a great master, he still feels a little confused.

Especially when I just killed the third prince Wang Ting, I don't know what attitude this minister would say about himself?

"It's okay, you won't panic after you understand the Minister. Our Minister is known as the Hunting King. Think about this title, the Hunting King!"

Ning Cai'er chuckled lightly and said, "With such a domineering name, would our minister care about a third prince?"

"Why? They are only allowed to kill our people, but not allowed to kill them? How can there be such a reason in the world?"

After saying this, Ning Cai'er turned around and looked out the window. After a moment of silence, she said: "You have a good cure, I'll go out first."

"Sister Cai'er, you want to..."

"This group of imperial court chores, don't leave when they come! Don't worry, I will arrange the enchantment on your side, they will never find you."

"Sister Cai'er, there are many people on their side, although you are a practitioner who enters the realm, but..."

"Su Chen" didn't finish speaking, she was interrupted by Ning Cai'er: "Don't worry, I am not the weak me back then. Don't forget, what I am best at is not bows and arrows."

"What's more, in the same rank, my human race is the first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ning Cai'er jumped up, and quickly disappeared from "Su Chen"'s vision.

At the same moment, a transparent barrier rose at the entrance of the cave.

Under the lining of this enchantment, the entrance of the cave was looming, and after a few breaths, it turned into a mountain and disappeared.

Of course, if there is a Dao Fruit Realm King coming, you can still see through it at a glance.

After all, the barrier arranged by Ning Cai'er couldn't hide the Dao Fruit Realm King.

"Among the same rank, Human Race is the first..."

"Su Chen" smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "Isn't this number one title that I got it all through reckless play? My strength is still too weak."

"Home, now I really want to go home."

"Really, I would rather be an ordinary person in an ordinary world than be an aspirational master in this world. It's too difficult..."

In the cave, with the sound of a sigh, it returned to silence again.


The picture turned around and came to a room with a streamlined decoration.

Li Yuntao, dressed in military uniform, sat in the seat, holding a pure black pen in his hand, not knowing what he was writing.

"Don't be so restrained, sit down."

After "Su Chen" knocked on the door to enter, Li Yuntao stopped working, looked up at "Su Chen", smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not here to inquire."

"You killed the three princes of the Royal Court. I didn't give you a trophy to encourage me. It is my negligence. How could I blame you again?"

"Come on, you look at this document first."

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