Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 911: Didn't fool him

"this is......"

"Su Chen" took the file, and after reading it for a while, his pupils shrank and his face turned pale.

"You read that right, this document is a document of the Wang Ting's military adjustment."

Li Yuntao slowly got up and sighed: "We used to face only the thirty-two branches of the northwestern frontier army of Shenting, but this time, the king of the court has transferred eight branches of the Wangting army.

"Eight branches, not much, but Wang Tingjun belongs to the Wang Ting regular army, and its weaponry and combat capability are more than superior to the Northwest Frontier Army."

"So our human race, especially our China, has experienced a sudden increase in pressure. Some disabled veterans have already assembled on their own and went to the front."

Speaking of this, Li Yuntao paused, and then said: "Did you know? There is news from within the royal court that as long as our human race surrenders you, the royal court will not only withdraw from the royal court, but even move twelve branches of the Northwest Frontier Army. Transferring away, just this one, will greatly reduce the pressure on my human race, and allocate more strength to deal with the demon hall and the temple."

"To give you the bottom line, in this imperial capital, many people think this method is feasible."

"After all, it is a good thing to sacrifice one person to benefit millions of soldiers, Su Chen, what do you think?"

As soon as the voice fell, "Su Chen" closed the document directly, raised his head and said, "Minister, just tell me what you need me to do!"

Li Yuntao smiled slightly and said: "It's not stupid. I will tell you as soon as you come. You are a hero of my human race. If you kill the third prince of the royal court and send you to the royal court, then I still have China What dignified face?"

"Human race is unyielding! This sentence is more than just shouting."

"There is a lot of pressure, but for geniuses, this is also motivation. Su Chen, this pressure is not my pressure on you, but your own choice."

"As the Minister of Education, I also need to consider internal opinions at certain times."

"I assure you that the great master of my human race is different in age, personality, or expression, but deep down in my heart, I have a deep attachment to the land of China."

"Ke people are humans because they have seven emotions and six desires. They want to make the loss not so big. If I sacrifice one person, I can be replaced by a million soldiers. I will not hesitate."

"But I will not make the decision for you, the decision is in your hands!"

"I mean, you will be dazzling in the future. You don't have to worry about other things. The more dazzling you are, the more you will support you internally. At such a crisis, I cannot tolerate any dark things. So you spread your wings as much as you want. , I will take care of you."

After saying this, Li Yuntao suddenly turned around, turned his back to Su Chen, sighed faintly, and said: "But, if you are not talented enough, when the internal and external pressures are both great, I might consider that I will not Things to consider, do you...understand?"

"Su Chen" said with a straight face when he heard this, and said, "Don't worry, Minister, I won't let you down."

Li Yuntao put his hands together and said, "I hope you will be among the great masters in the future."

"Okay, go out! Do whatever you want, even if you blow up the palace, I will help you!"

"Su Chen" saluted Li Yuntao, then turned and left.

And Su Chen left the minister's office with his forefoot, and then a man in military uniform appeared in the office with a cold face.

"You shameless old thing, is it interesting to intimidate children like this?"

"He is a genius, what can I do without putting pressure on him?"

Li Yuntao laughed and grinned: "What's more, I didn't fool him. Which sentence I just said is lie?"

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