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Chapter 928: Those who have come back from war, die!

"When you know it, you will know it naturally."

Zhao Yongyan smiled and shook his head. After leaving a sentence, he turned and left.

"That's the case again, but I probably know it too."

Li Yuntao sneered and said softly.

Above the sages, there is the true god.

Therefore, the cultivator who has the most contact with the true **** will only be the cultivator in the sage realm.

When Su Chen is in the future, Zhao Yongyan will wear that solemn costume.

It seems that we are well prepared.

Therefore, the ancient sages did not run away.

It turns out that behind my human race, there is also an ancient sage standing!

There is also the secret that I just learned, the world of great controversy is about to break out, and the human race... is the protagonist?

Is the protagonist who was brutally killed at the beginning?

Or is it a protagonist who is under pressure to rise and forge ahead?

I'm afraid it depends on the human race itself!

"After this year, all demons and ghosts should appear."


Soon, the soldiers on the human battlefield received messages from the military.

All the soldiers, go home on holiday this year and spend a good year!

For a time, there was noisy everywhere.

Go home for the new year?

Are you kidding me?

The boundary has not been leveled, and the offensive on the boundary has been particularly frantic in the recent period.

If they go home for the New Year at this time, do they still need a stable and peaceful life in the back?

If someone, or a certain team, a certain army is allowed to go home for the New Year, they may be envious, or jealous, but they will never be so unbelievable.

The war is imminent, but the order is sent home for the New Year?

Which idiot gave this order?

Where do you want to place me on the mainland of Kyushu?

Could it be that it is a high-level traitor hidden in my human race?

But when the person who gave the order was exposed, no one talked about rape.

According to the joint order issued by the Minister of Education and the Minister of Military Affairs, if these two were rapes lurking in the ground, then the human world would have been breached long ago!

What is it?

Is the other person at the top?

What international joke?

But in the hearts of all the soldiers, they just don't understand how brilliant the two ministers are and shouldn't give such orders!

Could it be that what happened to the frontline?

Or, what kind of agreement has the high-level combat power of the two sides reached that they will give up the land they have finally won?

Or, from now on, the war will be carried out on the land of China?

Will the stability and prosperity in the rear still exist?

A grandmaster, if he goes crazy without control, he can destroy a city in minutes.

What happened to the imperial capital?

At the same time, the demon hall, the temple and the saints behind the palace received a piece of news.

Within this month, those who have returned to war, die!

Whoever crosses the human race, die!

I don’t know who passed it, nor do I know the purpose of the call.

But the breath of death engulfed in the last death word made them understand that the messenger was an existence they couldn't afford to provoke.

There may be battles between true gods.

Now that the world hasn't started, they don't want to just get involved in it, otherwise they wouldn't know how to die.

So, at almost the same moment, the sages behind the three major forces gave orders to die.

In recent days, no friction and fighting are allowed!

Don't cross human boundaries!

Violators, kill without mercy!

All the army, retreat a hundred miles, stationed in place, retreat, no entry!

Although the top leaders of the three major forces were shocked after receiving the call, the battle in the realm was much crueler than in the human world.

Therefore, they did not dare to question and could only issue the order.

So soon, the various tribes of the human race discovered that the army led by the three major forces was retreating towards the rear, looking like a truce.

This also allows everyone to understand the meaning of the two ministers' orders, the Spring Festival is coming, this is to let them go home and have a good Spring Festival!

I really don't know what price the two ministers paid to win such benefits for them.

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