Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 929: Please one thing

Exchange group.

Eastern Leader: "I saw those memory scenes, are those... my future?"

Tony has no money: "Um...There is your future in "Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker", but the rest is not your future."

Limlu Tempest: "After reading it, I have a deep feeling!"

Limlu Tempest: "I thought about life for a long time after reading it."

Tony has no money: "..."

Thinking about life for a long time?

you sure?

As far as your stable upgrade route is concerned, there will be no crisis at its peak. What's your feeling?

The growth of others is dangerous, and your growth is basically flat.

Although there have been some sad plots in the middle, there is nothing to be sad after all.

After all, sad things happen to others, Limru is just a bystander, and feels a little uncomfortable at most.

But what about them?

The difficulties passed by one by one were almost fatal, not to mention the subsequent disasters.

Is this contrastive?

Such a happy life, still thinking about it!

Eastern Leader: "I really didn't expect that I would have the honor to join such a stalwart organization."

Eastern Leader: "From this I also know that outside of the original world, it is so colorful, and the previous life experience is always a bit narrow."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "Since you know a little about the exchange group, then you should know that we are from different worlds."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "And in my world, I don't know you, so please don't be very familiar when you talk to me in the future. I look very uncomfortable."

Eastern Leader: "No problem."

Eastern Leader: "I actually wanted to ask you one thing. After you joined the exchange group, did you get out of that shadow?"

Tu Shan carried the handle: "Come out."

My own shadow demon, that little Taoist priest, how could he not come out after knowing that everything is still recoverable?

After all, as long as he grows up, the problems that he cared about before, and the circumstances that bothered and blocked him will all be solved.

Reverse time and space, resurrect others!

Maybe he can't do it now, but he thinks that as long as he is a few more powerful, he will do it easily.

Speaking of how long did I join the exchange group?

In less than a year, his strength has been improved to such an extent, so what is there to be unsatisfied with?

Eastern Leader: "Then can I ask you something?"

Tu Shan carried the handle: "What is it, you say."

Eastern Leader: "Can you come to our world to help Tu Shan Honghong, who is you, get out of that shadow."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "When the same people in the parallel world meet, I don't know what will happen."

Tu Shan carried the handle: "What is really going to happen, with my strength, it must be Tu Shan Honghong in your world who suffers, so, do you want me to go?"

Eastern Leader: "This..."

After learning some information, he probably knew that Tu Shan Honghong in the exchange group was the former Tu Shan Honghong.

But this Tu Shan Honghong's strength is very powerful!

His own strength in the group face is Tier 4!

And Honghong's strength should be similar to his own.

Therefore, it is also fourth-order.

This Honghong in the group is ranked 7th!

He doesn't know how the rank realm in the exchange group is divided, but the gap between the three realms must be the sky!

Therefore, once any conflict breaks out, I am afraid that they will not be opponents when they join together.

Even the Third Young Master came...

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