Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 986: The possibility is great

"Tony, go, let's go in!"

In the center of New York, Limlu turned to Tony and said.

"You go first!"

Tony shook his head slightly and said, "I'm waiting for people here, and counting the time, they should be coming soon."

Limru could say this, indicating that passing through the Demon Gate would not cause any changes.

In other words, this demon gate is actually a very large teleportation formation?

"it is good."

Limru nodded and said, and then stepped into the demon gate with the Marquis of Vauban.

I didn't expect that there would be an abyss.

A clone is still a little weak in the abyss.

"Brother Fan, or... let's go in too?"

Sedum hesitated for a while, and asked tentatively.

All came to participate in this medium-sized group mission, but didn't even go to the mission destination. Is this a bit unreasonable?

"Let's wait a while, it's too dangerous to go in now."

Fan Xian said solemnly with his eyes moved.

Not surprisingly, Tony should be waiting for the superheroes.

It's been a few days since I've been here, and he probably knows a little bit about the superheroes in Marvel World.

The strength is not too strong, and the strength of the two of them is similar.

The Demon Gate is a passage to the abyss, so superheroes are also very likely to go there.

The two of them, just go with the big troops.

After all, the strength is not in place, only through this method.

"Okay, listen to you."

Sedum replied, and then stood aside and began to observe the demon gate carefully without speaking.

Although the Demon Gate was a bit evil, he could still hold it.

"Swish swish..."

After a while, there was a sound of cutting through the air.

And superheroes with distinctive characteristics have appeared one after another!


Exchange group.

The thick-skinned illegitimate son: "@小宝宝小宝宝 has appeared again, the administrator, the number of group tasks is limited, which means that other group members can no longer come to this world, does that mean?"

Little cute little cute appeared again: "No, as long as the group members want to, they can still go to the mission world."

Little cute little cute appeared again: "It's just the cost of crossing the world, and the exchange group will not bear it for you."

The thick-skinned bastard: "It's just a cross-border talisman, right?"

Little cute little cute appeared again: "That's right, you ask these things, want to fool others to go to Marvel World?"

Little cute little cute appeared again: "A simple invasion task, with three seventh-order cultivators here, can easily solve this problem."

The thick-skinned illegitimate son: "@托尼 has no money, @利姆露.坦佩斯特, @侯爵沃邦, three big guys, can I tell you something about our side? If it’s because I reduce your point income , I can make compensation after this time."

The thick-skinned illegitimate child: "Please (Slimes hold their hands and face)."

He just studied the words of the exchange group.

Therefore, he believes that this idea of ​​his own is possible in such a way.

It's just gambling.

If the bet is won, naturally everyone is happy.

If you lose the bet, nothing will be lost.

Of course, all of this is based on the agreement of Tony's three big bosses.

But before saying these things, he thought about it.

According to the good and harmonious atmosphere in the exchange group, at the very least, what is shown to me is a kind and friendly group of friends.

Coupled with the requirements of the group regulations, it is very likely that the three bigwigs agree.

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