Infinite Dimensions Chat Group

Chapter 987: Bargaining chip for success

Tony has no money: "Go ahead!"

Tony has no money: "It's okay, even if you don't say it, I will say it later."

Limlu Tempest: "This kind of good thing is naturally to bring everyone together."

Marquis Vauban: "Yes, I didn't expect that during this medium group mission, such a big benefit would be hidden, uh... it can also be said to be a crisis!"

Marquis Vauban: "But for us, it is a welfare."

Go through the gate of the devil, go to the abyss, and slaughter the devil. This is another good channel to earn points.

Seeing that the Demon Gate does not exclude the entry of outsiders, it can be seen that the abyss has a broad mind for all creatures.

Therefore, they will not be suppressed and obliterated by the abyss.

Although there are many strong people in the abyss, there are even rank nine strong people.

But they are just small 7th-order cultivators, can this still arouse the interest of 9th-order demons?

Therefore, this is a more stable scoring point than Devouring Legion!

This task recently is so cool!

One or two are scoring points, but from another level, the exchange group allows them to find such scoring points, which shows that they want their strength to move forward quickly.

This means that the crisis faced after joining the exchange group may be...closer.

Tu Shan carried the handle: "What great thing has happened?"

Bo Feng Shuimen: "Good things happen, then this is a happy event!"

Bofeng Watergate: "In this mission, there will be no inexhaustible demons, right? If the number of demons is limited, you wouldn't say that. (Slime funny face

The thick-skinned bastard: "Since the three big brothers have agreed, let me explain it to you."

The thick-skinned bastard: "Through this group mission, we have found a way to the abyss, and this path is recognized by the abyss and will not cause a backlash."

A thick-skinned bastard; "There are countless demons in the abyss. This is a good point! Through this point, all of us can gain a lot of points, and the result is very gratifying."

The thick-skinned illegitimate son: "I have thought about it. If the group mission is completed, we must return. We can capture the superior demon first, imprison him and seal him up. He will not die. Our mission is not equivalent Is it done?"

The thick-skinned illegitimate son: "If you don't have to return, it's naturally better. Everyone will work together to complete the group tasks, and then you can run wild in the abyss."

The scoring point of Abyss is not only the scoring point of other group friends, but also the rise of their weak group friends.

As long as they control the opportunities and can rise quickly, then everything will develop for the better.

With the resurrection talisman, it will not die!

Put the obtained points into your own strength and resurrection talisman, even if you end up with a few points left, it will be a big profit!

And the arrival of a large group of friends is bound to attract a large number of demons.

He also won the Golden Legend Prize Infinite Cloth a few days ago. With the cloak, he can become very powerful in a short time.

When experimenting, he kept looking at his group business card.

Tier 7 combat power!

Although he can only hold on to a few breaths, with a large-scale bombardment attack, he should be able to earn a wave of contribution ratio.

Coupled with the understanding of the group of friends, if nothing else, this time, I should be able to become the top three.

The picture of the future is at your fingertips.

Of course, before he succeeds, he can't be too excited, he needs to think calmly to increase his success!

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