Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 90 Orc slaves in the ammunition factory

Those patrol bees just flew back and forth around the outer circle of the camp, but no one dared to enter the camp. Google search reading

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It's not impossible. One of them may have been tired from flying and accidentally flew in half way.

However, for this half of the body, the teammates around it actually raised their butcher knives (bee stings) towards it, and killed it (shot down) in two or three blows.

"This, this is?" the female warrior couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Huh?" Luger quickly took a look, his eyes changed light and dark for a while, then he turned around and returned to the car and said,

"Ignore them for now. Who knows what they are doing? Maybe they don't dare to come in without receiving orders?"

"Anyway, we don't have the ability to kill them all at once."

"Rather than waste time dealing with them, only to hurt them and force them to report the news, we might as well take advantage of this time to help Tiya find the blood raven Sarah."

"At least it gives us a little more time."

"Is that so? Okay."

The female warrior thought for a while and felt that she had no other choice, so she stopped worrying.

With this relaxed attitude, it simply rushed directly to the barracks, picked up the long-handled sword and slashed at the door.

Blah blah blah.

The steel-edged long-handled sword in the female warrior's hand, which had always been invincible, actually failed to open the door.

"How is it possible? Is this door actually a wall?"

The female soldier chopped around the barracks without believing in evil, but found that she could not split the hard steel plate anywhere.

On the contrary, Luger, who was behind, had jumped into the back compartment again. With the help of Lao Naocha, who had the ability to see through eyes, he adjusted the cannon and fired a shot at the real weak point of the door.


The previously rock-solid barracks door was hit on the door axis by Luger and immediately lost its balance.

When he followed the same pattern and fired 6 shells, the door itself trembled and fell backwards.

"Go quickly."

Luger greeted the stunned female warrior and rushed in first in his chariot.

This barracks, which doesn't look too big from the outside, is really quite magical inside.

In fact, rather than calling this a barracks, it is better to call it a factory.

The things inside were very familiar to Ruger, because there were a lot of equipment with similar functions in his logistics space.

Yes, this is indeed an arsenal building.

The equipment is pretty much the same, but in terms of precision or form, Ruger's is more advanced, but there's not much difference in nature.

But there is one aspect in which the two sides are completely different, and that is workers.

In Ruger's logistics space, several small industrial robots and a large industrial robot for hoisting are busy.

And it is operated under the program of the main control computer.

But here, the busy people are half-orcs wearing special exoskeletons and metal helmets.

Seeing the two people rushing in, these semi-mechanical and semi-biological slave workers seemed to be unaware and were still busy on the production line.

The various World War II-era guns and artillery shells they produced were loaded into large logistics supply ammunition boxes by specialized staff.

Those ammunition boxes were eventually placed on several transport vehicles with only chassis.

Ammunition factory, this is exactly an ammunition production line.

Luger was watching with interest when he heard the female warrior suddenly come to the side of the chariot and said, "Look, do the things on them look like the zombies before?"

Powered exoskeletons, the powered exoskeletons on these guys are exactly like the ones on mecha zombies.

"More than just powered exoskeletons, look at them. They only know how to move repeatedly. Isn't it more like a walking zombie than a zombie?"

Ruger also joked.

But all said and done, the two are still very different in details.

The mecha zombies that had attacked them with various small weapons did not wear metal helmets on their heads that looked like some kind of brainwashing device.

In addition, the exoskeleton of mecha zombies should be thicker.

The most important point is that the zombies have power devices on their exoskeletons, and the exoskeletons on these orc workers are just pure exoskeletons.

Rather than being exoskeletons, they are more like cages that bind the orc workers in place.

If these half-orc laborers are like their gun-toting relatives outside, their brains, which are only a few years old, may go wrong at any time.

So with this set of exoskeletons, even if they are really convulsed and want to run and jump around wildly, they can't leave their posts at all.

Once their brains are gone, their bodies will be firmly nailed in place.

Thinking about it, it’s quite miserable.

At least it's much worse than the mecha zombies.

It can only be said that the exoskeletons of these half-orc workers and those of the mecha zombies are mostly two branches of the same technical line.

That's all.

"What should we do, leave these guys here?" The female warrior nodded and asked again.

Luger thought for a moment and slowly shook his head.

"No, if they receive an order soon and pick up the explosives on the production line and smash them towards us, we won't be able to bear it."

"Then, um, Simba, can you suppress their helmets to prevent them from receiving external signals?"

Hearing this, Lao Naochao flew out with a loud sound, and soon came back, nodding to him first, then shaking his head.

"The thing on their heads only has a simple receiving function and can only receive simple commands such as 1234."

"But what these 1234s represent has actually been input into the helmet."

"The person who controls them only needs to keep issuing those simple 1234 commands to trigger the corresponding commands in the metal hat and then control those guys."

"In theory, as long as their hats are destroyed, the controller's restraint on them should be broken."

"But the hat is installed in their brains, and many structures are connected to their own flesh and blood."

"If the hat is destroyed, they themselves will not survive."

"So, I can suppress the control signals sent by their controllers to them for a period of time, but I can't suppress it permanently."

After a pause, Lao Quoyu said again, "If you ask me, it's better to blow them all to death with one shot."

"Anyway, they can't be saved. At least this is simple, convenient and efficient."

Ruger nodded after hearing this.

In fact, he came to the same conclusion halfway through.

Anyway, these are just biochemical beast-headed people created by Guimei. Although they look like humans, they are another species after all.

Even if they are now used as slave laborers, the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend.

Ruger does not think he has the ability to save their species, so it is better to send them to rest.

Instead of making some meaningless attempts, it is better to simply exchange them for points and convert them into his own combat power.

It can also be regarded as letting these enslaved orcs participate in his battle against Guimei to some extent, which is indirectly avenging himself.

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