Infinite Doomsday Start Draws Luodu Mechanic

Chapter 91 How could it be you?

However, just as he was about to control two remote-controlled machine guns to free these half-orc slaves, the female warrior over there actually exclaimed.

Ruger hurried over and saw the female warrior who was curiously checking their helmets was pointing at the face of an orc and exclaiming.

"Kohler, how could it be you?"

"How do you know him?" Ruger's heart trembled, and he felt that things seemed to be going in a worse direction.

"Yeah." The shocked female warrior nodded slowly after hearing this.

"Not only do I know him, but Tia also knows him."

"He is the eldest son of the family that has been helping Aunt Kadala's alchemy workshop."

"After the alchemy workshop was targeted and closed by those guys of the Nephalem Supremacists, I heard that this family was also excluded."

"Then one day, their whole family suddenly disappeared."

"At that time, Tia thought they were assassinated by those people, and she was so angry that she went to the town manager to complain, but it ended up in vain because there was no evidence."

"I didn't expect to see him here again in the end."

As she said, the female warrior looked at Ruger, "I can't be sure about others, but I just think they look familiar, but I'm sure this person is Kohler."

"Look at the corner of his right eye. This is where he was accidentally hit by a spark when he was working for me and Tia."

"I treated him at that time. Look at the suture marks that look like spider legs. They were left by my poor skills back then."

At this point, the female warrior couldn't help but touch the man's forehead with a half-nostalgic and half-hearted feeling, but the man was scared and retreated repeatedly, but had to stay where he was under the effect of the exoskeleton.

Ruger, who was watching all this with a bitter face in the back, couldn't help but sigh, thinking that it was indeed the case.

He had long suspected that with the technology mastered by the ghosts, they might be able to easily create orcs with stronger physical strength, but their intelligence was unlikely to be too high.

At most, they were the useless orc infantry stationed in the camp before.

But there were really too few things that infantry of that level could do.

For things like working on the production line, even if there are exoskeletons to nail them firmly in place and leave them nowhere to run, it is only a temporary solution.

When the beasts are in full swing, they will still vent their unlimited energy on these manufactured products.

That will not only cause a sharp drop in work efficiency here, but also cause huge waste.

In addition, the orcs outside are not wearing brainwashing helmets.

When Ruger saw these helmets before, he just thought that perhaps the ghosts replaced the useless beast brains of the orcs with electronic brains.

However, combined with the various doubts that the ghosts have revealed so far, Ruger vaguely feels that things don’t seem to be like that.

When Lao Gua Zao tells the general structure and working mode of the brainwashing helmets he has discovered, Ruger can be completely sure that his previous guess about the orc slaves is wrong.

The more types of ghosts he has seen along the way, the more strange Ruger feels.

It is said that these guys have a very high level of technology, especially in biological transformation, which is completely beyond Ruger’s cognition.

But in some simpler and more basic electronic technologies, they always give Ruger a feeling of being too stingy.

They seem reluctant to create more ghosts that use electronic technology.

At present, only flying mobile phones use more electronic technology.

Even those mecha zombies give people the same feeling as these laborers.

It seems that some kind of organism or monster with its own intelligence is used to replace the electronic chip to control and guide the exoskeleton.

Or conversely, those half-skeleton and half-zombie wearing mechas actually only play the role of controlling the electronic chip of the mecha.

So the ghosts give Ruger the feeling that they are not lacking in technology, but seem to be stingy in using electronic technology because of insufficient raw materials.

Another example is the remote-controlled turret.

Using a machine gun crab that has undergone surgery to replace the remote-controlled weapon station is a very advanced concept in technological development.

However, from Ruger's perspective, the cost-effectiveness is definitely not high.

Even if the organism itself is 0 cost, the cost of adapting it will not be low, and it is definitely not as low as the cost of the remote-controlled weapon station.

The only reasonable explanation that Ruger could think of was that the ghosts trapped in the underground caves by the monsters had very limited electronic chips in their hands, and most of them had low computing power.

The limited chips could only be supplied to the flying phones that served as battlefield commanders.

The remaining chips that did not have enough computing power but could at least listen to simple commands were made into things such as brainwashing helmets and used in key positions.

For example, the production line that needs precise control here.

Another example is the grassroots ghost leaders who accept the leadership of the flying phones and then lead their subordinates.

Then there is another problem:

These simple chips can allow the controlled or the user to receive simple commands.

However, if you want to participate in the operation of the production line, the labor force itself also needs a certain amount of wisdom.

Going on the assembly line means repetitive labor, which is true for skilled workers, but for novices, they still need to use their brains and study hard for a while.

Therefore, when Ruger saw the half-orc slaves, the question in this place was never explained.

Until the female warrior called out the name of the human who was transformed into a half-orc.

Now, Ruger suddenly understood as if he had suddenly realized the truth.

No wonder, no wonder the old noisy man who came here 20 years ago has no memory of fighting with the ghosts who used a lot of firearms.

Perhaps the ghosts had discovered this underground arsenal, but because there were not enough production workers, they could only occupy a treasure mountain gold mine in vain and could not mine it.

It was not until the ghosts seized humans with sufficient intelligence through some unknown channel and transformed them into stronger half-orcs that they finally had slaves to make this production line run.

Why use humans instead of those half-orcs transformed from beasts? In Ruger's opinion, the answer is very simple, the latter's brain is not developed enough.

It's like no matter how much you optimize a set of software in 2020, it is difficult to optimize it to the level that can be loaded on an old computer in 1998.

Because the difference in hardware alone is tens of millions of times.

Even if the human brain has not been sufficiently learned, its structure is far more complex than that of animals.

Even the human brain should have been brainwashed by the ghost with knowledge such as the production line work manual.

In this case, brainwashing the beast brain should also work.

But the difference in hardware between the two is huge.

The Ghostly probably tried it, but finally chose to transform humans.

Perhaps, the orcs who served as guards on the ground were the byproducts of this experiment.

From their combat performance, it is obvious that they are not very useful.

The Ghostly always transforms based on the natural advantages of a certain creature.

From this point of view, transforming humans into laborers for precision processing is not in line with their usual methods?

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