Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 318: Killing Fiora


Clark landed in front of the Kent farm house, startling Martha, who was feeding the dogs.

"Clark, why did you come back suddenly? You came back by yourself?" Martha looked disappointed.

"Martha, are you all right? There are no aliens looking for you?" Clark asked quickly.

"You mean the news on TV? Are they really looking for you? They don't know about our relationship with you, why did they come looking for us?" Martha looked at Clark, why did she feel that her son was nervous, those aliens Are people scary, don't they come from the same place?

"You guys hide first and hide in the cellar. They are prisoners of Krypton. They come to me with absolutely no good intentions. They may even want to transform the earth. At that time, all the people on earth will die. I must stop this! "

Martha was terrified: "Why would they do this? You can live on Earth and they can too, why terraforming the Earth?"

Martha didn't understand the seriousness of the matter. She thought that there were more people like Clark at most, and they could talk about anything.

Clark looked up at the sky: "Fan and the Raptor are coming, you and Jonathan will go with Fan in a while, he can protect you."

Martha wanted to ask who the bird of prey was, when she saw an aircraft landing above her head, and Fan Mang walked out from it.

"Hey, Martha, you are still so temperamental. Listen to Clark, the Kryptonians who are here this time will capture Clark and we will fight, so the two of you must be protected."

Jonathan came out of the house, still holding a shotgun in his hand: "What about our farm? My house has just been renovated."

"At this time, I can't control so much. If this place is destroyed, you can build a more beautiful house. Let's go, the longer the delay, the more dangerous Clark will be."

"Can't we stay here? If we leave, where can we hide?" Jonathan asked back.

"That's okay, but you have to get in the car, and the raptor will protect you. The raptor is my partner, you can talk to him if you have any needs. Okay, get in the car."

Fan Mang stuffed Jonathan and Martha, who were still hesitating, into the car, and the cheerful shepherd dog also jumped into the car. As for other poultry and livestock, there is no way to control it.

"Birds of Prey, take them to hide underground. Don't worry about me, there won't be any masters coming, Clark and I can handle it."

The raptor drove into the warehouse, opened the basement door, and took the Kents inside. If he finds that Fan Mang is in danger, he will definitely rush out to rescue him.

Fan Mang looked at Clark: "Where is your baby cabin, we have to hide."

"Can't we just fight directly?" Clark looked at Fan Mang, and after he had no worries, he was full of fighting spirit.

"Isn't it better to simply deal with the opponent? Let me ask you, will you kill? Well, if you don't want to, just stay here and don't expose me."

Fan Mang curled his lips. Clark was unwilling to kill people. This was a good quality, but it was too dogmatic. Fan Mang will not be merciful to the enemy.

After Clark felt other people's killing intent towards him, he should be able to change.

Hiding in the warehouse, Fan Mang waited patiently,

Half an hour later, he finally saw two red dots on his alien radar.

Only two people came, so it was not difficult to solve.

Fiora brought Ebbotson to the skies above the Kent farm in a small aircraft. There is no problem with the positioning, it is here. If the information in the reporter’s computer is correct, Ka-Eyer is aliased as Clark Kent. He grew up here, and his baby cabin must be here.

A beetle-like aircraft landed at the door of the farm house, and Fiora and Ebbotson descended from it. They all wear special respirators on their heads.

The composition of the air on Earth is different from that of Krypton. If they don't use assisted breathing apparatus, they will feel very uncomfortable and it is difficult to survive normally.

The respirator turned transparent, and Fiora looked at Ebbotson: "You go to the baby cabin, and I'll go to the two earthlings who adopted Ka."

Ebbotson appeared at the door of the warehouse with a whoosh, smashed through the wooden door, and saw the baby cabin. But before he could react, he felt a strange force hit him, and he flew out.

Clark was furious. He heard what they said, but he still wanted to threaten his adoptive parents. This is unforgivable!

Watching Clark fly away with Ebbotson, Fiora did not go to help, but turned and walked into the warehouse. She finally found the baby cabin.

Opened the baby compartment, only to find it was empty, with nothing in it. What about the tome, what about the tome of Krypton?


Fiora smashed the baby compartment with one punch, the book must have been taken away by Ka-El, and she must go and get it back.

The moment she turned around, she was hit hard on the back, and her whole body was smashed into the soil, her back was burning with pain.

Ka-El has help?

And this helper is so strong, this power is not weaker than her, how can the people on earth have such strength?

Fan Mang chopped Fiola down with a sword, rushed over immediately, and stabbed down again, but was caught by Fiola who turned over.

Fiora is a Kryptonian, and her body and skin are also highly strengthened. But she is only LV35, far behind Clark.

The sword was caught, Fan Mang continued to use force, and still broke Fiora's skin. A gun appeared in Fiora's hand, and she quickly pulled the trigger.

bang bang bang!

Fan Mang stepped back, and the No. 2 Atomic Gun in his hand quickly fired. All of them hit Fiora's left leg, directly limping Fiora's left leg.

"Who are you? How could you be so strong?" Fiora couldn't believe that the opponent's speed was not weaker than her in her prime.

And the other party has such advanced weapons, how could the earth be so powerful, she invaded the earth's network, and didn't find it at all.

"Do you think that only Kryptonians can be so powerful? Your knowledge is really superficial. To be honest, you are far behind Clark. I really don't understand how the two of you have the guts to come to Clark's house to make trouble."

"Oh, Clark is the card you mentioned. Well, it seems that you don't have any last words, so goodbye."

Fan Mang rushed over again, this time Fiora couldn't keep up with Fan Mang's speed at all, and was pierced directly in the chest by Fan Mang's sword, making a whoo-ho sound from her mouth.

"General Zod will not let you go."

Fan Mang looked down at Fiora: "You are wrong, I will not let Zod go. If you dare to invade the earth, you must be prepared to be destroyed."

"Do you think Zod is very powerful and invincible? Don't worry, he will accompany you soon."

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