Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 319: A Simple Plan

Clark flew with Ebbotson, crashing through many mountains. If Fan Mang hadn't reminded him not to destroy human buildings, he might have chosen to directly hit some factory chimneys, walls of buildings and so on.

Even hitting a mountain felt like a blow to Ebbotson. He elbowed Clark hard on the back, but Clark seemed completely fine.

"Ka, you are from Krypton, I advise you to follow me to see General Zod as soon as possible, and don't do anything you regret."

Clark interrupted Ebbotson's words with a punch: "You dare to come to my parents, how dare you do this!"

Ebbotson covered his head with his hands: "Ka, are you crazy? We are Kryptonians, and those two are from Earth, they are not your parents at all!"

"You surrender immediately. General Zod is not something you can resist, otherwise he will kill those two earthlings himself, just like he killed your parents back then."

Clark hadn't thought of killing Ebbotson at first, but only wanted to knock him out, but after hearing Ebbotson's words, his eyes suddenly turned red, and two rays shot out, piercing Ebbotson's mask.

Ebbotson clutched his neck, he felt as if he had arrived in a place full of poisonous gas, he had difficulty breathing, and he couldn't exert all his strength.

"You will regret this."

Clarke punched Ebbotson in the head again, and returned home with the body. There is also a Kryptonian over there, and I don't know how strong he is, whether Fan can deal with it.

After he flew back, he saw Fan Mang peeling off the respirator from the corpse of a Kryptonian.

"You're back, I thought you'd be able to spare him, it seems you've grown up." Fan Mang pulled out the respirator, and asked the raptor to help adjust it later, so he can use it himself.

"He said that Zod killed my biological parents and wanted to kill Martha and the others. I couldn't help it for a while." Clark still felt a little guilty.

"You should kill him, otherwise he will definitely come to kill your adoptive parents. Then our next step is to go to Zod and the others. But why did you break his respirator, you need this too."

"I'm from Kryptonian." Clark looked at Fan Mang puzzled.

"But you grew up on the earth. The air on the earth is completely different from that of Krypton. You may be able to adapt in the future, but not yet. I am afraid that you will feel suffocated and even comatose when you arrive on the battleship of Krypton. This is not a good thing. "

Fan Mang sighed, this plan needs to be changed. Originally, they wanted to rush to Krypton's spaceship with Clark, and the two of them killed General Zod and his party, which was the easiest.

Hitting the spaceship with the spaceship and creating a black hole to suck all the Kryptonians away is a backup plan.

He now has kryptonite, which can do the greatest damage to the Kryptonians, so why let them escape? A little more, he just needs to be careful not to be hit by Krypton's weapons.

Besides, after arriving on the spaceship, you can also use Clark's master control key to wake up Clark's biological father and give them some help.

But I don't know if Clark's biological father will stop them from killing other Kryptonians.

"Raptor, adjust this setting so that it is suitable for people on earth to breathe. Uh~~ Clark, I still have an auxiliary respirator here, but it is from another alien race, do you want to try it?"

Fan Mang remembered that in the corner of his own space,

There are also respirators removed from the Predator, the kind that are directly connected to the mask. It's just that this breathing tube is directly connected to the mouth, and Fan Mang has never used it anyway, so he feels a little sick.

If he didn't tell, Clark wouldn't know.

The raptor came out and took human form, Clark's adoptive parents appeared beside him, and the dog was trembling with its tail between its legs.

"Clark, did you kill him?" Martha looked at a corpse at Clark's feet.

"He's going to kill you, I can't help it. I'm sorry, I don't want to kill people." Clark explained.

"It's okay, child, people always have their own emotions. When the other party wants to kill you, it's not wrong for you to kill him." Martha gave Clark a hug.

Fan Mang took the raptor's newly adjusted respirator and tried it on his neck. It seemed that there was no problem. He would enter the beetle-like spaceship and try it out later.


General Zod stood on the spaceship, waiting for good news from his subordinate Fiora. Although Fiora was not considered a powerful fighter, she was loyal enough and had been with him for a long time.

But this time, Fiora let him down.

"General, it's been so long since Fiora hasn't responded to the letter. It is said that she should have arrived at the target location and returned with the tome. It is very likely that they were attacked by Ka."

General Zod looked back at the subordinate who was speaking: "You mean that Ka's combat effectiveness is stronger than that of Fiora and Ebson combined? As expected, he is the son of Jor-Eyer. He brought me a great surprise."

"But there's no need to worry, let the earthlings send him back to us. By the way, let Ka-El see, in the face of this situation, foreigners are simply unreliable."

On TV, computer, mobile phone, radio and other electronic media, General Zod's order appeared again.

"Earth people, time has passed for a long time. If we don't hand over our people, I will let the earth understand what a devastating blow is."

At this time, many countries are questioning the United States. Aliens should be looking for Superman, so have you contacted Superman?

The United States is also very helpless, where can they contact Superman? Besides, if Superman is really handed over, will the other party not be able to launch aggression?

They detected a UFO appearing on the earth before, and they are tracking it now, maybe they can have a good talk with the other party.

"Okay, Clark, now we are still facing threats. I think the deaths of these two people have been known by General Zod. And just now the raptor told us that General Zod gave the world an ultimatum , if I don’t hand you over again, I will launch an attack on the earth.”

Clark let go of his mother's embrace. "Van, what are we going to do?"

"It's very simple. You tell Martha the location of your spaceship at the North Pole. If necessary, use that spaceship to hit General Zod's spaceship, create a singularity, and suck them away."

"If we can solve General Zod, of course, this is not necessary. You can also keep that spaceship, occasionally go to chat with the projection of your biological father, and learn more about Krypton and everything."

"You and I, take this little spaceship, go to Krypton in a spaceship that stays in lunar orbit, and kill those Kryptonian prisoners, or let them go, and promise never to come to Earth again."

"But I don't think they will agree. That's a guy who started the Kryptonian rebellion. How about it, isn't the plan very simple?"

Clark stared blankly at Fan Mang, isn't your plan too simple? Don't you worry that we will be blown up by the opponent's gunfire on this spaceship halfway?

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