Infinite Earth Guardian

Four hundred and sixtieth chapters green green

Hal Jordan wore a ring and kept circling the green light.

"Give me strength."

"I swear to guard duty?"

"Dude, can you give me an answer? You dragged me across a hundred miles, where's the power?"

"Avada jiliwala~~"

"Hey, how the hell do I get power?"

The purple-skinned guy died so quickly that he didn't speak clearly. Hal Jordan didn't know what to do. He had pointed the ring at the light, but nothing happened.

So, he once again used the universal repair method, shoot!


With a slap, the light suddenly brightened, and a green light came out.

The green light shone on Hal Jordan's body and into his eyes, and he felt as if he saw a few lines and read them out.

"...The green light is always bright, shining forever."

Hal Jordan gasped violently, what did he just say? How did he see that passage? And the green light suddenly disappeared, did he succeed?

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Hal Jordan ran to the door immediately, only to find that it was his girlfriend.


"can we talk?"

"Uh~~Okay, why don't we have a drink and talk while drinking?" Hal Jordan felt that he needed alcohol to stabilize his emotions and a trustworthy person to confide in, but he didn't want his girlfriend to be involved, Don't even want your girlfriend to see that green light.

In the bar, Hal Jordan took a sip of wine, looked at his girlfriend Carole Phyllis: "I'm sorry."

"You apologized just now, for your wrong behavior during the flight test today? It's hard to imagine that you would apologize. Could it be that you were possessed by aliens?" Carroll laughed.

Hal Jordan's face froze: "Uh~~ I'm fine, really fine. Well, do you think I'm irresponsible?"

The two chatted for a while,

Talking about the failure of the test flight today and the loss of the purchase contract, Hal Jordan felt that he would always screw things up, took his clothes, and left the bar in frustration.

As soon as he got back to his car, three people surrounded him and beat Hal Jordan up.

"You idiot, relying on the glory of your father, you messed up the contract, and caused our entire team to lose their jobs, you are a piece of trash, don't let me see you again."

The three of them were going to leave, but Hal Jordan wanted a fight very badly, and he was very angry.

"I just finished warming up, are you going to leave?" He casually grabbed a handful of stones and wanted to throw them at them, but there was a green light following the stones he threw, and the three of them were sent flying several times Meter.

He stared blankly at the green ring on his hand. Could this be the power contained in it? Suddenly he saw a green light surrounding him, and he tried his best to dodge, but the green light was always by his side, and he couldn't dodge it at all.

Hal Jordan was a little scared, and wanted to take off the green light ring, but saw himself surrounded by green light, and he flew up.

He flew higher and higher, through the atmosphere, into outer space.

There is a force that seems to be attracting him, and he knows that it must be related to this green ring again. But this flight is too far away, how will he go back then?

Walking through a passage, Hal Jordan saw a planet glowing green, and he was tempted to say that now he hated green.

When approaching the planet, he felt dizzy and fainted.


"Fan, are you still hanging out?" Bruce's voice came from the intercom.

"No, I've found the home of the target person, and I'm waiting for him to come back." Fan Mang was sitting in Hal Jordan's house at this time, and when he found the hidden green light, he knew he guessed right.

So Hal Jordan should have inherited the Green Lantern Ring at this time, and he is about to become a Green Lantern, and he is also the first earthling to join the Green Lantern Corps.

Fan Mang is actually also very curious about how strong the Green Lantern Ring is and how strong the Green Lantern is, so he can deduce how strong the Green Lantern Corps is and how strong Darkseid is.

The Green Lantern Corps maintains the law and order of the universe. At the beginning, it was able to divide the Martians into white Martians and blue Martians, and cast a curse of flames, which shows its strength.

Darkseid's Apocalypse is a place that the Green Lantern Corps can't control, proving that Darkseid is stronger.

However, it can be inferred from Steppenwolf that Darkseid may not be that strong. Isn't Steppenwolf known as the second best player in Apocalypse? But sometimes, the gap between the first and second is also very large.

As far as he knew, Darkseid was one of the top few people in the universe, and Steppenwolf was not even ranked.

"Okay, that needs support, call us at any time, Clark and I are on duty tonight. Let alone, I saw a gang that robbed the bank vault, go and deal with it."


When Hal Jordan woke up, he felt pain all over his body. He opened his eyes and saw himself floating in an unknown space. There were some transparent threads that seemed to be drilling into his body. He uttered a painful cry .

When all this disappeared, he saw a set of green jumpsuits appearing on his body, with half a green mask on his face, which basically only covered the eye sockets.

The logo on the chest of the clothes was exactly the same as the face of his ring, and he still felt that his body was full of strength.

Just when he was about to dance excitedly, he suddenly found a figure like him beside him. He tilted his head to look over, and was stunned.

What is that thing, the body looks like a person, but the head is clearly a fish!

"Can you understand what I said? That means the translation function of the ring is normal. The mask on your face can be put on and taken off as you like to help you hide your identity. But on planet OA, you There's no need to wear it."

"My God, I saw a talking fish!" murmured Hal Jordan.

"Actually, I am a Zuldarian. Our genes are partly similar to the fish on your planet. My name is Thomas Ray, the guardian of Sector 2813."

Sector Guardian again, sounds like the same organization as the one who gave him the ring?

"Sector 2813 includes 800,000 galaxies, 2.34 million species, uh~~how do I know this?" Hal Jordan blurted out.

"From the knowledge base in your green light ring. I'm also curious, but no human being has ever become the holder of the light ring before, because you are an early species, that is, relatively weak."

"So I was sent to meet you and train you."

Jordan Hale fell to the ground, and he asked a little unconfidently, "Where did you say this was just now?"

"Star OA, we have lived here for thousands of years, and the guardians created this planet for us."

Hal Jordan looked at Thomas Ray: "You just said Guardian, Create Planet?"

Can the planet be man-made?

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