Infinite Earth Guardian

Chapter 461 I'll Help You

On returning to Earth, Hal Jordan also thought it was a magical and bad day.

He has seen too many aliens, each of them is green, and like him, they belong to the Green Lantern Corps and have a Green Lantern Ring, which can gain power from the energy source.

And this power is will, one of the easiest and most powerful forces in the universe to collect. How much combat power can be displayed depends on how strong the willpower of the holder of the green light ring is.

Hal Jordan never knew that with only one ring, so many things could be changed, and it seemed to be changed according to his will, which was more miraculous than magic.

It's just that the guys who trained him didn't seem very friendly, as if those people didn't think highly of the people on Earth, thinking that the Earth was very weak.

Those people probably don't know that there is still a Justice League on Earth, right? The Justice League has defeated so many formidable foes, no weaker than Green Lantern's Guardians.

But the number of the Green Lantern Corps is too large, 3,600 people, and those guardians who created the Green Lantern Ring, known as the oldest race in the universe, immortal, how powerful should it be?

In the eyes of Hal Jordan, the guardian who created the green light ring should be the most powerful person in the universe.

But in fact, he didn't like the captain, he looked down on the people on earth, and said that it was a mistake for Abin Sur to give him the ring.

What a joke, obviously the ring chose him, which means that he is the chosen one!

He also imagined that after returning to Earth, he could become a global idol like the superheroes of the Justice League.

At that time, his girlfriend will no longer look down on him, she will only worship him. He doesn't need to be some unlucky test pilot anymore, what can he do without making a lot of money by using a little bit of ability casually?

Those people kept telling him to overcome fear, but how the hell did he overcome fear? What fear is the enemy of the will, how can a person be without fear, this is one of the most basic human emotions.

They are simply sick. While saying that the people on earth are weak, the ring should not be chosen, and at the same time they don't let him quit, saying that the ring chose him because it took a fancy to some of his qualities, but what are the special qualities?

Returning to Earth angrily, Hal Jordan flew back home and resumed his ordinary people's attire.

just opened the door,

He was startled, how could there be anyone at home? !

"Who are you?" Hal Jordan clenched his fists, ready to use the ability of the green light ring at any time.

"Hal Jordan? Hello, I'm Fan, of course you can also call me Dongfang Swordsman."

"Oriental Swordsman? You are the Eastern Swordsman of the Justice League?!" Hal Jordan couldn't hide the joy on his face, as if a little fan had met his idol.

"Of course, I think this is easy to prove, as long as you go back to the headquarters with me. How about it, I see you are wearing a green light ring on your hand, have you become a Green Lantern?"

Hal Jordan put his hands behind his back: "What are you talking about?"

"No need to hide, it's not a bad thing. Only then can you qualify to join the Justice League and become a superhero. Why, didn't the rest of your legion come over? Didn't they give you special training?"

Hal Jordan looked at Fan Mang: "How do you know this? You also have a ring? Impossible, I have never seen you turn green."

Fan Mang's face darkened, just because you're willing to turn green doesn't mean I'm willing!

"I don't have a Lantern Ring, but I know this news, and I also know that Green Lantern's combat power depends on his own willpower. From the look of you, it seems that you have not passed the examination of the Green Lantern Corps? Sit down and have a drink, let's chat ?”

Hal Jordan sits down: "Well, I should have a drink, I'm so stressed out..."

Hal Jordan didn't know why, but when he saw Fan Mang, he felt very trustworthy. Maybe it's because the other party is the Eastern swordsman, his idol?

"I was very excited about being a Green Lantern, but they always said that I was too weak and unqualified, which would affect the combat effectiveness of the entire Green Lantern Corps. How could I affect them?"

At worst, when dealing with powerful enemies, it's fine if he doesn't go up, so it won't affect other people, right?

"Hal, so you still want to be a superhero, right? You want to be the one who can help others and stop being laughed at by others, right?"

"I know that you may have many worries in your heart. Everyone has their own fears. I may be able to find someone to help you, but he may not be willing, because he has some ancient hatred with the Green Lantern Corps."

At that time, the Martians were divided into blue Martians and white Martians by the guardians of the Green Lantern Corps. Before that, they were tyrannical race burners.

It is precisely because of this that they have the weakness of being afraid of fire, and they are exterminated. Although Ron Junz was reasonable, he might not be able to maintain his rationality in the face of this kind of thing.

But after Fan Mang thought about it, Ron Juntz's telepathic communication ability could help Hal Jordan most directly.

Hal Jordan frowned: "Are you taking me to help someone who has a grudge against the Green Lantern Corps? Are you sure you're not joking? I just joined the Green Lantern Corps, or I may quit at any time. I shouldn't be responsible for this kind of thing."

Fan Mang knew why the members of the Green Lantern Corps were dissatisfied with Hal Jordan. This kid gave up too easily and was not willing to bear difficulties at all.

"You have the green light ring, you can have a very strong power, this power makes you very difficult to kill, what do you have to be afraid of? If you don't want to, then try to overcome your fear yourself."

"You can imagine, when the people closest to you are facing danger, do you choose to retreat, or bravely rush forward?"

Hal Jordan thought of his dead father, thought of his beloved girlfriend, and if they were in danger, he should rush forward.

"But what if I can't fight? I don't know how to use my power at all. They didn't teach me well at all. They only told me that willpower determines everything, but how to use willpower?"

It's like giving you a brand new set of equipment, but there is no instruction manual, you don't know how to use it, you can only fumble around on your own, and then someone blames you.

"In our organization, there is not only one person who thinks like you. From the original Flash to Thunder Wizard, they are relatively timid, but now they are fearless."

"You can start by trying to save people with your own ability. When one day you understand that only by defeating the enemy can you save more people, you will become more brave."

"As for the usage skills, I don't know, but we can help you get familiar with how to use the power of the green light ring faster, would you like to?"

PS: Thanks to Cricket Pot is a Legend, and Li Yongsheng’s reward again, thank you

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