Lu Mingze looked at Li Ye and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You are indeed another son of the Black King. He has so many sons."

Li Ye shook his head: "No, my father is not him. Just like you, I also want to kill him."

Lu Mingze's eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you serious?"

Li Ye nodded: "Of course it is."

"What is your identity?"

Li Ye smiled: "The last person who spoke like you still had the bone bottle in my hand."

The smile on Lu Mingze's face has not changed at all, but his heart is already in turmoil.

What the hell is this bone bottle in his hand? He hasn't even started making moves yet. When the other person tells you that he has snatched up all your moves, you will feel extremely uncomfortable at this time.

"Earth and mountains?"

"Don't know what you shouldn't know, little brat"

Li Ye crossed his hands and looked at Lu Mingze with a smile on his face. Lu Mingze also smiled,

Lu Mingfei was trembling on the side, not knowing what to say. Lu Mingze looked at Lu Mingfei and said to him

"Brother, live hard. When you want to borrow my power, just call my name and I will help you! Don't forget! We are brothers!"

Li Ye's gaze was on Lu Mingfei. His gaze was so sharp that it made Lu Mingfei's back tingle.

"You... don't hold me back!! You..."

Li Ye smiled: "Lu Mingfei, remember, make good use of your power, you are very strong,"

"Ah...ah this"

Lu Mingfei's scalp tightened immediately after being named. In his opinion, the guy in front of him was an extremely powerful guy who could not be more powerful. After all, even the "ghost" next to him was afraid of him.

"Okay, brother, you must live well!!"

Lu Mingze unlocked the existence of the spiritual space, and Lu Mingfei returned directly to reality. Of course, the matter was not over yet.

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingze in front of him and his smile became even deeper.

"Let your brother go, but leave me here alone. What do you want to do? Little friend Lu Mingze"

"Let's cooperate, Li Ye, I can tell you everything that happened,"

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingze and smiled. This guy's combat power is now estimated to be only at the level of the four monarchs. He is still the kind of four monarchs with incomplete dragon bodies, and his combat power has reached the level of casually destroying this planet. level, then do we still want to cooperate?

That must be necessary, because when Jiang Nan wrote this book, he dug too many holes and did not fill them in at all.

Xia Mi only told him part of it, and she didn’t know the rest, such as about Lu Mingze’s identity.

Can a guy like Li Ye stop trying to figure it out?

After all, he returned to the Dragon Clan just to find something interesting to do. After fighting for half his life, why can't he enjoy it?

So Li Ye slowly spoke

"We can cooperate, but you give too little."

Lu Mingze asked: "Then what do you want!"

Li Ye tapped his fingers lightly on the table, making a crisp sound. This is a small negotiation technique. When you are in an absolute advantage, you can use this method to put pressure on the other party.

But it was obvious that Lu Mingze was not a fool and could tell that Li Ye was staying on purpose.

But even if he knew it, it would be of no use. The advantage was not with him now. The moment he saw Li Ye could enter the spiritual space, he knew that he could not beat this guy.

"But I don't need anything. What should I do, little friend Lu Mingze?"

Lu Mingze's eyes narrowed slightly: "Except for the Black King, I know the most about this world. I know more than the King of Earth and Mountain. Are you sure you don't need me to do anything? Let alone Said that the black golden swan in the financial world is still in my hands! I also have a lot of wealth!"

The black swan in the financial world today

Obviously, this guy had already guessed that what Li Ye had obtained was the bone bottle of the King of Earth and Mountain, and at this moment he said it directly and told Li Ye directly.

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingze: "Your knowledge is very useful, he saved your life,"

Lu Mingze lowered his eyes: "Very good, then our cooperation is settled."

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingze and smiled: "Don't worry, tell me first how the dragons block the road to becoming a god."

Lu Mingze was stunned: "You want to completely unlock the road to becoming a god? This is impossible! Even with me and Dadi Yushan, this is impossible!"

The smile on Li Ye's face turned into a laugh: "Hahaha! You are so naive. What I want is to completely seal this road!"

Lu Mingze was stunned, but then he laughed: "I thought you were going to turn all the mixed-bloods in the world into pure-bloods to deal with the Black King!"

Li Ye looked at Lu Mingze: "I am a madman, but I am not a fool. Unblocking the road to becoming a god will only bring harm. It is really difficult to unite those hybrids."

The hybrid not only inherits the power of the dragon, but also inherits the dragon's nature, greed, rage, laziness, lust, arrogance, gluttony, and jealousy.

Lust can be removed, because Jörmungandr, who represents lust, is an abandoned member of the Xia Mi family. He is a mixed-race child who did not stay.

"You are still not as crazy as I thought. I thought you would be like a guy like Angers."

After hearing this, Li Ye smiled: "If I had nothing, I might become crazier than anyone else, but now I have hope. The greater the hope, the harder it is to go crazy. Of course, with you guys, There is no need to go crazy now.”

What he meant was about going home. At the beginning, his hope was very small. Whether he could go home was still a big problem. Now as long as he keeps adding points, the probability of going home is much greater than before.

Of course, he means that he is crazier than anyone else. How can a normal person directly provoke all the gods in the world?

"Okay, is there anything else you want to know?"

"A lot, but there isn't much I want to know right now. I need to take my time."

In an instant, Li Ye returned to the outside world. Seeing that Guderian had begun to explain to Lu Mingfei what the Dragon Clan was, he smiled.

Sure enough, Guderian felt that it was impossible for him to be his student, so he settled for the next best thing and chose Lu Mingfei.

One look at Lu Mingfei and it's easy to be deceived

"Boy, do you understand now?"

Lu Mingfei still didn't understand. It was obvious that this guy was telling him a lot: "If you didn't tell me now that I entered some dragon-slaying academy, I would still be one of the guys with the highest bloodline level in this academy?"


"What else are you saying to me that Newton is a member of the Dragon Clan, and that those guys in history are also from the Dragon Clan?"


"Are you kidding me? I want to go home! You are all liars!!"

"Hahaha, boy! You can come today, but you can't go!"

"Ah? What is this? A kidnapping academy that specializes in kidnapping others? This is not Southeast Asia!!"

"Look at it! Boy, this thing can shock your three senses!"

I saw Guderian lifting the black curtain that had been covering up behind him, revealing the true appearance of what was inside.

That's a little dragon in a glass jar

"Look! Boy! This is a sleeping ancient dragon embryo!"

Lu Mingfei looked shocked, "Huh? Are you sure this isn't the Indian giant lizard? Or is it the one that was fucked?"

Guderian was speechless: "Boy, your Bengal monitor lizard has wings."

Li Ye smiled. Lu Mingfei was a bit of a bitch. No one cared about him before, but now some people care about him. The trait of being a bitch was immediately revealed.

At this moment, the embryo shook violently, and Guderian was confused: "What happened!"

He immediately rushed towards the ancient dragon embryo and saw that the ancient dragon embryo actually opened its eyes.

"It's broken! There are guys like you two with high concentration of dragon blood around! This thing woke up early!! We can only attack it on the spot!"

He looked at Li Ye: "Is it okay?"

Li Ye just smiled and did not speak.

The next moment, Gu Long broke through the bottle cap, spread his wings, and sprayed a mouthful of dragon flames at Guderian, burning off his hair and eyebrows.

I directly told these guys that I was from the Bronze and Fire Clan.

"I am heading!!!"

Guderian immediately pulled out a Glock from his crotch and shot wildly at Xiaolong.

Lu Mingfei had never seen this battle before, and immediately hid under the table on one side, trembling.

Li Ye looked at the little dragon and crossed his hands: "That's enough!!"

The little dragon obeyed instantly and stopped breathing fire. Instead, it flew to Li Ye's side and landed on him strangely, like a big bird.

Guderian was dumbfounded: "You...have you passed the path to becoming a god?"

Only guys with high bloodline can attract dragons that control bloodline

Li Ye smiled: "Of course it is."

Guderian nodded: "Sure enough, the White King's Dragon Bone Cross was taken away by you."

Li Ye was stunned for a moment when he heard this. When did he take away Bai Wang's Dragon Bone Cross? If a guy like Xia Mi doesn't understand, just talk about it. This guy doesn't understand either? This guy originally slayed the dragon, but he went with him

He originally wanted to say that the Dragon Bone Cross of the King of Earth and Mountain was absorbed by him. After all, the King of Earth and Mountain is now his, so he can do whatever he says, but this guy said it belongs to the White King. Gone

In this case, there are only two situations, either the secret party has hidden the information, or it is really gone.

And this thing passed through the hands of Angers. He and the Camarilla were not dealing with each other. If the thing was still hidden by the Camarilla, he was determined to jump out and give the Camarilla a slap in the face.

So he really absorbed the White King's Dragon Bone Cross? Good guy, the keel cross not only represents power but also power. All I have absorbed is power. When it’s over, the keel cross is gone, which makes people confused.

To be honest, Li Ye seems to be taking advantage and acting like a good boy.

Because if a normal hybrid wants to use the dragon bone cross to open up the road to becoming a god, it is basically impossible. At least two complete dragon bones must be used. This is only if this guy has a strong enough mentality.

Otherwise, they will still become Deadpool, just like the Emperor's blood. It is because the Emperor controls the spirit, so their bloodline limit is higher, exceeding 50%.

And Li Ye directly took away all the power from the opponent, but his power was not completely replenished and he needed to practice slowly by himself. Sooner or later he would be a White King again.

Guderian smiled: "Hey, just take it away, otherwise it will be given to those old people in the secret party. Who can those old people be assigned to?"

Li Ye nodded and stroked the little dragon on his shoulder: "Okay, it's time for you to go back to the jar. The days of having a dragon lying on my back are over. I don't want to have another dragon still on my back." "Lie on your stomach"

Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, obviously showing some reluctance.

Li Ye's eyes instantly turned red gold, and powerful pressure continued to oppress everyone in the carriage.

"You should go back!"

Xiaolong then reluctantly flew back to the jar, closed his eyes, and closed the lid by the way.

Guderian looked at Li Ye and laughed, and Li Ye was pulled up by Lu Mingfei.

"How's it going, Xiaolu-san, do you understand the reality of this world?"

Lu Mingfei looked shocked: "No, this...ah..."

Guderian looked at Lu Mingfei and smiled: "You will be the main force in dealing with such things from now on. I didn't expect that."

"No, no, no, I don't think I can do it. Even that embryo can't do it!!! I'd better let this big brother do it."

Guderian shook his head: "He is S-level, you are also S-level, you even have S-level parents, how can you be worse than him?"

Lu Mingfei was confused: "My parents? Didn't they... travel around the world?"

"They are excellent S-class specialists. Because of this, you have been watched by everyone since you were born."

"Then what should I say? I'm... honored?"

At this time, Li Ye patted Lu Mingfei on the shoulder, "This shows that you are a born dragon-slaying warrior. Don't worry, you will definitely be stronger than me. Besides, if you go back at this time, your aunt will let you Are you feeling better?"

Lu Mingfei's cowardly character once again prevented him from doing anything to resist, so he had no choice but to accept this reality.

The car arrived at the stop soon. Guderian got off the car first, followed closely by Li Ye, and finally Lu Mingfei.

He looked at the magnificent academy and the gorgeous students, and suddenly felt that he did not fit in this place.

But at Guderian's urging, he still entered the academy.

At this moment, a red figure jumped out of the academy and hit Li Ye heavily in his arms.

"Li Ye! Li Ye!! Touch your head! I miss you!!"

Along with it, some hoarse and childish voices kept ringing in Li Ye's arms.

Lu Mingfei was stunned: "Senior Nuonuo?"

But he soon realized, no, this woman is prettier than senior Nuonuo.

Guderian sighed: "Let's go first, that guy..."

"Then he should be at the top of this list, the man who made Eriri-senpai wait for so long."

"It should be, look at how Eriki-senpai looks like."

"It's really sad for those who hear it, and sheds tears for those who hear it."

Lu Mingfei walked up without knowing why: "I'm not a senior, but is there someone like this who deserves to be punished?"

"Of course. I was just added last year. There are only two people on the list. One is the guy over there who kept Eri Yi-senpai waiting for so long before he even entered school. There is also a Gattuso family member. You are the new member. You’re a student, what’s your level?”

"Ah, I'm S-level"

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