Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 201: Do you want iced black tea for afternoon tea?

"What the hell? You can't brag like this when you're bragging."

At this time Guderian came over and said, "He is really S-level, one of the three S-levels in the college. Have you done your homework?"

"Hey, isn't this Professor Guderian? I won't disturb you anymore. I'm leaving now."

Guderian smiled and looked at Lu Mingfei: "Don't worry, you are now the highest-level bloodline in the academy, and you are of the same standard as the two people behind you."

"Are you serious?"

Guderian extended his hand to him: "I think highly of you, be my student!"

Leaving aside the conversation between the two over there, Li Ye is quite difficult to deal with.

Li Ye looked at the silly red-haired man in front of him, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"No, my relationship with you shouldn't be this good, right?"

Na Huiliyi had red hair and looked at Li Ye with a puzzled expression: "Li Ye, touch your head."

Li Ye sighed: "It's hard for me to deal with you like this. Do your father and brother know about it?"

Huiliyi still looked at Li Ye persistently: "Li Ye, touch your head."

Li Ye looked at this guy. It wasn't that he didn't want to touch it, but that he couldn't touch it. Even Gaia and Tiamat couldn't handle his hands. This little girl couldn't do anything right here.

It was rumored that the dragon-slaying hero actually did such a thing in front of Kassel Academy.

I can only imitate the Black King and destroy this world.

Li Ye sighed: "No, how are you doing here..."

Li Ye really has nothing to say, so just show your concern.

Hui Liyi looked at Li Ye: "Very good! But there is no Li Ye. I want to fall in love with Li Ye and like Li Ye."

Li Ye's expression was a little complicated: "You know what feelings are..."

Eriyi smiled, her innocent smile was in sharp contrast to Li Ye's complex expression.

"I know. Dad said he wanted to be together, which means he likes me. He also said that if I want to be together and you don't want to be together, then he won't recognize you as the head of the family."

Li Ye looked questioning: "Master of the family?"

"Yes, dad wants you to be the head of the Uesugi family,"

"??? You're a very interesting father. Is this a gift for your daughter???"

This move by the head of the Uesugi family is actually quite clever. On the one hand, it is to please Li Ye, on the other hand, it is to find a trust for Uesugi Eri, and on the other hand, it is to find a protective umbrella for the Snakesaki family.

On the other hand, it is to calm down the Snakesaki Eight Family's dissatisfaction with Li Ye. After all, Li Ye was almost bombed by the Snakesaki Eight Family back then. Although it was Tachibana's authentic Snakesaki Eight Family, now it is Uesugoshi's Snakes. Saki Hachike

But there are still some people who have lost friends and relatives and are dissatisfied with Li Ye

In fact, it is very simple for Li Ye to solve this matter. Just get rid of all those who are dissatisfied.

"Forget it, since I can't refuse, I can only lie well. I'm not going to teach you what feelings are."

In fact, it is no longer necessary now. Eri is a simple guy, but not stupid. She knows best who is good to her and who she likes. From the time Li Ye snatched it for her at the Snakesaki Eight Family until now. He also taught her common sense and played games with her, and in the end, he saved her and dealt with her bloodline problem.

She knew all these things. After Li Ye's operation, how could an inexperienced little girl endure it?

But Li Ye has never seen such an innocent girl before. All he has seen are old fritters, so he is not sure. Although Li Ye has a deep strategy and a good mind, he is only good at dealing with that kind of innocent girl. You old man, I'm really not good at dealing with such innocent girls.

But it doesn't matter, he just likes to challenge his weaknesses

Li Ye looked at the innocent Hui Liyi and smiled: "Okay? My eldest lady."

Eriyi nodded heavily: "Be with Li Ye."

[Ding, Passerby A’s negative emotion value +1]

[Ding, Passerby B’s negative emotion value +2]

[Ding, Passerby C’s negative emotion value +3]

The smile on Li Ye's face became more and more rampant. It was obvious that someone was jealous. Li Ye looked around and saw that there were indeed many men looking at him with jealous faces.

Li Ye looked at Huiliyi in his arms again. Her little face looked happy.

"Why does this scene feel a bit like a youth campus romance movie in which a gangster lady falls in love with a god?"

Li Ye felt a bit of a contrast, but after thinking about it, he came back just to relax. As I said, after half a lifetime of fighting, can't you relax? Can't you just enjoy it?

So Li Ye entered the campus with Eriyi in his arms.

Half a minute later, Li Ye sat across from the principal's desk in the principal's office.

The principal is Angers

This guy has the habit of inviting people to afternoon tea. The whole school considers it an honor to be invited to afternoon tea by the principal.

But Li Ye was not invited by him, he came by himself

Ange looked at Li Ye. He was still wearing that sexy white suit with a flower pinned to the collar. He looked more energetic than last time. He probably killed a white king to entertain himself, and his mentality became younger. Got it

"You're back?"

Li Ye smiled: "I'm back,"

"You came back at the right time"

"I should really come back."

At this time, Eriki Uesugi, who was standing behind them and playing with things on the bookshelf, had a question on her face. What were these two guys doing? Why did they look like they were seriously ill? There was a big doubt in her little head.

Anger looked at Li Ye and smiled: "Have you cleared the path to becoming a god?"

Li Ye nodded: "That's true."

In fact, he has never even walked the road to become a god, and has never even used violent blood. He said this purely to save himself a little trouble.

He doesn't like trouble now

"So how did you take away the Dragon Bone Cross for the White King? There are so many people, could it be the tail?"

Li Ye smiled: "You are indeed very wise."

Ang Ge nodded: "So do you have any ideas about becoming a principal or something?"

Li Ye was stunned for a moment. As long as he didn't expect Angers to really give up his position, don't look at Angers 130 years old. The dragon's blood allowed him to fight for at least another ten years, and the most important thing was that Angers wouldn't Do you know his true identity?

He didn't understand: "Are you really planning to quit?"

Angers sighed and shook his head: "The people in the secret party have long disliked me."

"Don't you have a little fangirl? What's her name?"

"She is just a little girl."

The secret party is an organization, a dragon-slaying organization, a dragon-slaying organization that has been passed down for thousands of years. There are eight leaders in it.

These eight leaders are composed of the Kassel Academy and seven ancient European families.

These seven families are the Gattuso family of Caesar Gattuso, the Beowulf family who selects their bloodline by eating dragon blood, the Cassel family of Angers' close friend Menech Cassel, and There is Angers’ little fan girl, Elizabeth Laurent’s Laurent family. As for the other families, they don’t have many opportunities to appear, so let’s not talk about it.

The Secret Party claims to be the most determined dragon slayers in the world, but some of them have already had the idea of ​​"becoming a dragon". After slaying the dragon, they try to replace it with a hybrid identity and become the second ruler of the world. ,

But can Angers agree? He has been fighting dragons for half his life. After that, you tell him that the brave dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon. Can he bear it? So he said that he would kill whoever becomes a dragon, no matter whether this guy is a pure-blood dragon or a hybrid

So the secret party was dissatisfied with Ange and wanted to get rid of him.

But this guy Angers has been slaying dragons for half his life, and the popularity he has accumulated is not ordinary. He has a little fan girl in the Camarilla, not to mention that the entire Kassel Academy is now dominated by him.

Even Yuan Zhisheng, who has dropped out of school for a long time, yearns for him.

Coupled with the strength of Angers himself, with Time Zero, he may not be able to deal with dragons, but he is really powerful against those hybrids. The name of the Civil War Phantom God is not for nothing.

Therefore, the secret party can't deal with him at all, and they still have to send money to Kassel College on time.

Of course, there are not only these guys in the secret party, but also some guys such as Lu Mingfei’s grandfather Lu Shanyan

Li Ye looked at Ange: "So, you just stopped doing it because the secret party didn't let you do it?"

Ange wiped the cup with a handkerchief in his hand, and said while wiping without looking at Li Ye, "You are more suitable for this position than me. You are a guy who can kill the secret party. I am not as crazy as you."

Li Ye burst out laughing: "You say I'm crazy? Are you kidding? I just... bombed Tokyo three times."

Angers raised his head, put the cup on the table, and looked at Li Ye: "At least I won't bury that amount of trinitrotoluene in Tokyo. If you really succeeded in igniting the fire, the entire Everyone in Tokyo must accompany you to heaven.”

"Haha, that didn't work. Also, do you know my true identity? How dare you give me the position of principal?"

Angers continued to lower his head. His cup had been wiped clean, and he began to pour tea, iced black tea.

That's right, this old lamp took a large bottle of iced black tea and poured water there.

Everyone in Li Ye was stupid

A British aristocratic man wearing a suit and leather shoes held a cup worth more than hundreds of thousands in his hand. He poured water into the cup with a very elegant and noble bottle of iced black tea that cost no more than ten yuan.

Angers seemed not to notice his gaze and continued to answer his question: "I just need to know that you are a human being and not a dragon. I am only interested in dealing with those dragons. I only know that you like to kill dragons. You can't hide the lion in your eyes. The enthusiasm and greed in your eyes after seeing the dragon tell me that you are a good material for slaying dragons."

He didn't stop talking and kept saying: "I'm not good at people's intrigues. I just like to be a big-headed soldier. If you become the principal, just give me a dragon-slaying position. Just don't dislike me, an old man." "

Li Ye smiled: "You are no less crazy than me, Principal Angers."

Ange had already poured the iced black tea and handed it to Li Ye: "Didn't those guys from the secret party always call me an old madman? Isn't it wrong of me?"

Li Ye took the tea cup, took a sip, and laughed loudly: "Good guy, it's really iced black tea. I wonder how you contrast it."

Ange also smiled: "Don't you like to drink this? You wanted this too at the beginning, and because we were studying the alchemy potion you gave us, there are a lot of it in the academy. I have been drinking it recently. I’ll probably have to drink this for a long time in the future.”

Li Ye's smile remained unabated. Anger lived for more than a hundred years and was a good person.

He was talking about the bottle of corruption potion that Li Ye gave to Uesugoshi. He originally used it in an iced black tea bottle, so these guys were also studying iced black tea when they were researching, trying to find some correlation.

When he first gave it out, Li Ye knew that this thing must be studied. Angers would study it even if he didn't study the secret party.

And Ange said it directly at this moment, obviously telling Li Ye directly that they were doing research, and the following sentence also directly told Li Ye that their research results were of no use at all.

In fact, Li Ye wouldn't believe it if there were any research results. After all, this thing came from Valoran, and even if Li Ye went there, he couldn't be considered one of the top figures.

All in all, a guy like Angers is really much better than that black braised egg.

Li Ye grabbed the cup and drank heavily.

"Yeah! This still tastes better!"

Eriyi on the side saw Li Ye drinking something, came over, grabbed Li Ye's cup and licked it

"Yeah! Delicious"

Li Ye looked at her and sighed: "You are not allowed to eat other people's food or drink other people's water from now on, you know? You will be cheated!"

Eliyi's big ignorant eyes looked at Li Ye: "Can't Li Ye do the same?"

Li Ye looked at Hui Liyi and smiled evilly: "Okay, okay, except for me, you have to remember it!"

Ange looked at Li Ye and smiled evilly: "Don't worry, there is no such thing as cheating fools into bed and breaking the law. You can do it boldly."

Before Li Ye started to speak, Hui Liyi glanced at Ange, and the surrounding air suddenly became a little colder. It was obvious that Hui Liyi was Bai Tian, ​​but there was not much stupidity. Now she could contact others and learn Things are not slow either

Angers quickly apologized, but still smiled: "Okay, okay, you two are so happy! I wish you a happy marriage and no children!"

"No! I want to have a baby! I want a baby! Little Li Ye!!"

Li Ye's face was almost unbearable. This little guy still didn't know what it meant to have a baby. Ange over there was laughing so hard that he almost burst into laughter.

Ange quickly said to Li Ye: "I didn't hear anything. Listen to me, I really didn't hear anything."

Li Ye looked at Ange and sighed: "Okay, I know that the child born of two high-ranking mixed-race species may be a dragon, and I don't want to have a child."

Hui Liyi looked at Li Ye with red eyes: "I want little Li Ye"

Li Ye sighed: "Okay, be good~"

The big hand touched Eriki's head. Of course, he had suppressed his doctor panel, which had no special effect, but it was enough to stop Eriki from making trouble.

Angers took out a new cup, which was still a cup that looked valuable at first sight. He poured himself a cup of iced black tea and joked casually, "This reminds me of the past. I was also a handsome young man back then."

Li Ye snorted coldly, still stroking the red head with his big hand: "Are you talking about you, an old man, sitting on a park bench in Cambridge in the summer and looking at beautiful women? Are you still waiting to look at other people's legs when the wind blows?"

Angers was stunned for a moment: "How did you know?"

Li Ye laughed: "Hey, look, I admitted it."

Although Uesugi Eri didn't know what Li Ye was talking about, she still laughed.

Ange coughed twice and looked at Li Ye: "Well, head of the Uesugi family, it's time for us to choose a dormitory."

Li Ye looked at Angre and frowned, but soon seemed to have remembered something and asked.

"Are you free for a day now?"

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