Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 853 Miriam's Surprise

The magic missile looked exactly the same as the one Miriam released, but the power was not as good.

The blue trajectory that passed through the air was exactly the same as the blue magic clot.

Miriam raised her eyes and looked at the guy in front of her: "You have learned pyroxene magic gravel before!"

She knew it in her heart. During this period, she ignored many things, such as the control of magic power, the speed of magic condensation, and how to carefully condense a barrier in the magic missile so that the magic would not dissipate quickly.

She didn't talk about these things because she was too lazy to continue to talk nonsense with Li Ye. If this guy really wanted to learn magic, he would definitely ask others after he went back. When he learned it, he would come back to find me. I could barely teach him something else when I had free time.

If he couldn't learn it, it was because he didn't want to learn magic.

The other knights also came to ask me this, but those guys were all high-minded and low-skilled, and teaching them was a waste of my time.

But now, the Li Ye in front of her completely exceeded her imagination. Did this guy learn it directly?

Li Ye shook his head: "Of course not. If I had learned it, why would I come to you? I am not a person who likes to do unnecessary things."

Is he going to tell Miriam that he has a memory grid, and he only needs you to teach me the principle and meet the requirements of the memory grid, and I can release it.

If he tells this to others, he might be dissected.

Miriam directly threw out a missile again, flying directly to the wall on one side, where there was a mouse.

"Increase the magic output of the magic missile, and then condense the power in it to improve the protection of the outer shell of the magic barrier. This move is called the pyroxene magic gravel!"


A missile that is much smaller than the pyroxene magic gravel just now, directly crossed a longer blue trajectory, and shot straight at the mouse at a slightly slower speed than just now.


A small magic explosion directly beat the mouse into slag.

Li Ye also narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand, and waved his staff again, and cast an identical magic.

It went straight to another mouse on the side, still with the same tail and the same speed, but it only made a big hole in the mouse.

Miriam narrowed her eyes again: "You have learned it!"

Li Ye shook his head: "I haven't, I said! If there is benefit in lying to you, I can lie to you, but I don't think it's good to lie to you."

Miriam waved the staff in her hand again, this time, an irregular body as big as a basketball went up to the sky, and countless pyroxene magic gravels fell from the sky.

"This move is called crystallization from the sky! The principle is..."

Li Ye also waved his staff directly, with the same effect and the same power.

Miriam narrowed her eyes more and more, she saw that Li Ye's movements were awkward, but she also saw the familiarity of his magic flow, which was exactly the same as what she had just shown!

"Explosive Crystal! The principle of this move is."

This time, Miriam's magic path deviated a little, which had no effect on the magic, but just changed the running route, which had no effect on these low-level magic.

And Li Ye on the opposite side still released it this time, with the same running route as hers.

"Explosive Crystal!"

Miriam's eyes were no longer narrowed at this time, but widened.

She has only seen three people with this kind of magic talent in her life. Don't think that three people are many. You should know that there are more than 30,000 magicians in the world, and she has seen most of them, and even some from several eras, but she has only seen three people. These three people are one in a million!

"Full Moon Queen-Leinara."

"Dark Moon Princess-Lani."

"Brilliant Stars-Selian."

These three people are all geniuses among geniuses without exception, and today, she will see the fourth one?

She stretched out her hand, facing Li Ye, and directly stretched out her staff. This time, her staff directly lit up with a fierce light and turned into a huge longbow.

Then a magical arrow was generated, and this arrow was directly facing Li Ye in front of him.

"If you can learn this move, then I will recognize you! Regardless of your identity, Knight Li Ye!"

This move is called

"Loretta's bow!"

"The learning principle of this move is.!"

The magic of Loretta, the son of platinum who serves the Queen of the Full Moon, is also Miriam's good friend, so she can also use this move, but in this world, she and Loretta should be the only two people who can use this move.

But the next scene made her stunned, because now there is a third person who can use this move.

Li Ye also opened the bow, and a magical arrow faced her. When the bow was opened, the light that lit up dyed Li Ye's face blue.

But Li Ye's eyes, in the light, emitted a stronger golden light!

Golden vertical pupils! The symbol of the dragon clan!

Looking at the bow, Miriam's hand couldn't help but loosen, because she felt it was simply too incredible.

Then the result was that a huge arrow was shot out directly, but at this time, the arrow was aimed at Li Ye!

Li Ye was also stunned. No, why did you really shoot! This is not some pyroxene magic gravel. Hit me if you want. This is Loretta's big bow!

He also shot the arrow immediately, trying to intercept the arrow directly, but he couldn't do it at all. His magic power was too little, and his research on magic was not deep enough. His basic ability was terrible.

His arrow was directly annihilated, and then he watched Miriam's huge arrow shoot at him.


The explosion of magic power spread around, and directly blasted a big pit in the ground. Loretta's big bow was worthy of being a fierce work in advanced magic, and it almost blew up the house.

At this time, a werewolf immediately rushed out and shouted towards the location of the magic explosion: "Li Ye! Li Ye!"

He got into the light of magic and pulled Li Ye's body out directly to prevent secondary damage.

Li Ye was charred by the longbow just now, and his whole body was covered with black spots. The newly made Kalia Knight Armor was now full of pits.

"Are you okay, Li Ye? Hey! Hey!"

Brother Wolf kept shaking Li Ye's body, shaking Li Ye back from the coma. Li Ye just now even felt a slight disconnection of consciousness. If it were an ordinary person, it would be like seeing a nanny.

After Li Ye woke up, he was awake for a long time. His eyes were still blurry, but his consciousness was quite clear because it was a shared high-dimensional consciousness, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

After waking up, he saw Brother Wolf in front of him and immediately howled: "Oh my god! This is murder! Murder! Murder! I just want to learn magic, but she wants to kill me! Brother Wolf! Brother Wolf, you have to make the decision for me! I can't stay in Kalia for a day!"

Without thinking, Li Ye knew that this idiot must be around him, otherwise he would definitely get lost, but he didn't care. It's normal to be monitored, but it's abnormal to be shot by a bow!

Werewolf Blaze looked at Li Ye, covered his head speechlessly, and looked at Miriam on the side. Miriam was still in a daze now.

So Blaze said to Li Ye: "Okay, Knight Li Ye, I just passed by here and happened to see this scene. I think it should be just a teaching accident. I will take you to see the wound."

But Li Ye still cried: "No! No! Brother Wolf, you don't know, this Miriam is prejudiced against me, I must leave Kalia! Brother Wolf, believe me, I will still be loyal to Her Highness Lani after I go out. I will open up new territories for you outside, but don't let me be with this woman again!!"

Li Ye said with tears in his eyes: "Brother Wolf, you have to make the decision for me. I want to go out. Escape from here."

Blaze covered his forehead. Very good, this guy is probably fine, but he didn't know how to say it. At this time, Miriam came over.

She seemed a little anxious, a little panicked, and a little uneasy. She directly met Blaze and said to Li Ye: "How did you learn that move, and my magic, your moves are basically the same as my magic!"

Li Ye stopped "crying" for a second, but looked at Miriam, then looked at Blaze, and then continued to cry: "Brother Wolf, look at her. Look at her. She is still threatening me. She must want to hurt me again. I won't do it, Brother Wolf, I have to go!"

Blaze sighed and saw that the guy in front of him was just pretending to be sick. The injury was probably real, but it was not too serious, at least not serious enough to make this guy shut up.

Then he said: "Okay, Knight Li Ye, I can compensate you for your clothes, find you the best set of Kalia Knight armor, as well as your staff and the holy mark. Let's end this matter. I will accompany you to see the doctor."

Li Ye was still "sobbing": "But. But"

Blazer touched his greatsword: "Okay, are you not loyal enough to Her Highness Lani?"

Li Ye instantly became honest, and immediately stopped crying and making trouble. He sat down honestly: "Ah, okay, Lord Blazer, can I ask if I can have another shield? You know, I was disgusted by the shield at that time, and now I want to play with it."

Blazer covered his forehead with one hand: "Okay, then this matter is over."

Li Ye nodded obediently, but what he loved in his heart was that this idiot was waiting for me. When he went out to level up, he would come back and turn him into a husky.

Then Blazer carried Li Ye and walked out, um, a princess hug.

But they forgot one person, Miriam. She turned into a cloud of smoke and stood in front of the two people when she appeared again. Her eyes were a little anxious.

"Tell me! How did you do it? It's exactly the same as my magic!"

Li Ye looked at Brother Wolf, a little stunned, and Brother Wolf sighed: "Sorry, Miriam, this is his personal secret, we can't investigate it."

Brother Wolf was also helpless. This Li Ye is not really their Kalia's person. It's okay for you to use him normally, but if you really make him angry and really turn against each other, it will be really bad.

Miriam's behavior is obviously digging into the other party's privacy.

Brother Wolf didn't do this, so isn't it not good for you Miriam to do this?

Miriam's eyes flickered, with a slight dodge: "But... I want to know, I can exchange things for it, I can"

As soon as he heard about the exchange of things, Li Ye didn't feel sleepy anymore and jumped directly from Brother Lang: "I want your trick of 'Miriam's Disappearance'!"

Miriam heard it, without hesitation at all, her eyes were firm as if she wanted to..., she said directly: "Okay! The principle is..."

She even said it directly in front of Brother Wolf, not caring whether he would listen or not. Brother Wolf unexpectedly did not look at Miriam, but turned around without looking at these details.

Li Ye saw Miriam's magic and nodded: "I can do it!"

Miriam also nodded, her eyes twinkling: "So... tell me, why can you see through my magic, and even imitate it completely!"

Li Ye looked at Brother Wolf. Brother Wolf Blaze raised his hands and said directly: "I think it would be better if I just avoid it."

Li Ye shook his head: "There's nothing you can't see."

Li Ye's eyes gradually turned into golden pupils: "I am a person who accepts dragon food, but my dragon food does not come from a simple flying dragon, but from an ancient dragon. But the problem is very strange. I did not get the powerful dragon food prayer. , but gained an ability.”

Long snakes appeared around Li Ye's body. They were spiritual snakes, but Miriam and Blaze in front of him were both ordinary people, and they could all feel these things.

Spiritual snake.


Miriam didn't have anything to do with it, but Blaze was a little anxious. It wasn't anything else, it wasn't that he was afraid of snakes, it was just that things like snakes shouldn't appear in the border area.

Snakes are terrifying, devouring, and greedy. They can snake up and swallow the entire golden tree.

This is an ominous sign!

Li Ye continued: "I can use the snake to see clearly everything around me and the elements in front of me. That's what happened just now. I saw your magic elements clearly."

This is the truth. Li Ye has always been able to see these things clearly. These are the basics of alchemy, but he just doesn't know how to do it.

Brother Wolf Blaze also nodded: "This point is a bit too important, and you actually said it."

Li Ye shook his head: "At worst, it's better not to be a knight of Calia. You will be exiled by me."

Blaze sighed, only that adult dared to accept people with "snake" qualities.

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