Infinite Heavens: Start by getting Steve's panel

Chapter 854: Toolman Li Ye and Miriam's pursuit

This matter ended just like that, but there were two more people who couldn't sleep in Kalia, one was Blaze and the other was Miriam.

Blaze was better, he could sleep even if he stayed up all night, because he knew Li Ye's "snake" characteristics.

"Snake" is not a good characteristic, snake and fire, these two characteristics are very disgusting to the Golden Tree.

When he was in the royal city, he heard a rumor that Queen Marika had another son, who was thrown directly into the Shadow Land because of his "snake" characteristics and never came back.

As for Li Ye's acquisition of the "snake" power through the Dragon Feast, Brother Wolf never doubted it at all. This is a fart, some people are born with the "snake" power, he obtained it through the Dragon Feast, isn't it more reasonable than those who are generated out of thin air?

"Will leaving such a person bring more benefits to Her Highness Lani than letting him go?"

But after struggling for a while, he suddenly thought of something.

His master wanted to directly destroy the Law Age and let the world return to ancient times. Isn't this more terrible than a hanging hair snake? And what does the golden tree think about having anything to do with them? Now is not the era when the Golden Church was everywhere.

In addition, during this period of time, Li Ye was basically in the state of "defending the city alone". Even if the Cuckoo Knight came to attack, he only needed one person to defend the city gate.

Magic, sword skills, and various combat skills emerged in an endless stream. This guy was like a fighting god, which reminded Blaze of the First King he had seen in the past.

Although the gap between Li Ye's power and the First King is indeed a bit large.

And he was still dating Miriam, or it was Miriam who wanted to date Li Ye unilaterally.

Miriam was a very lonely person. She only focused on her research and rarely taught others. She was a bit unworthy of the title of "professor". If it weren't for her strength, Brother Wolf even wanted to deprive her of the title of Professor of Kalia Magic.

Since she wanted to date Li Ye, this guy gave Li Ye all her knowledge one by one, without any regrets. Then Li Ye learned all her magic, and Brother Wolf also got a lot of magic from it. Miriam didn't care at all, because these magics could directly arm their army.

I heard that Miriam and Li Ye were studying magic together recently, and Li Ye was still an indispensable part.

Li Ye was so useful, so Brother Wolf accepted Li Ye with peace of mind, and he believed more and more in Li Ye's identity as "Mikaela's subordinate".

After all, only Mikaela could accept people with such characteristics in the entire handover area.

Of course, he didn't know that in the Gmir volcano, let alone snakes, their masters had become big snakes.

Another person who couldn't sleep was Miriam. During this period, she was studying magic like crazy and had no time to sleep at all.

At this moment, in Li Ye's house, Li Ye sighed: "I finally have enough points, and I have upgraded to the full ability value."

"Ability value: lv.4

Strength: 0 (e)

Durability: 0 (e)

Magic: 0 (e)

Agility: 0 (e)

Dexterity: 0 (e)

Magic: [Loretta's Greatbow], [Broom Star], [Explosive Crystal], [Three Halo], [Halo] [Golden Tree Vow], [Golden Tree Favor], [Golden Tree Fried Egg] (Unusable) [Golden Tree Flying Super] (Unusable).


Fader without fading: In theory, you should become a fader, but for some reason, you still have the blessing, but as a fader, you can use the magic and power of all factions, which will not change, but if you want to further study stronger magic , then you need to rely on your own talent.

Dragon Blood: Possessing the blood of the dragon clan, you can gain more powerful power by devouring each other. Now your power is only A, my friend, you can't even beat a polar bear.

Talent-Devil: Tarot faction ability, you can enter the state of the devil, additional ability: the more evil you do, the more powerful you get!

Reality (Second Dimension-Pandora): The reality of existence will cause deviations in your ability, all of which requires you to adapt to it yourself, just like Pandora's magic box, you will get promotions, and you will also get declines, and everything depends on randomness.

Development ability:

Swordsman: B

Hunter: C

Mage: E


This time, he chose the development system of "Mage" for his upgrade, and this ability can increase the power of his magic means.

At the moment of upgrading, Li Ye felt the increase in power again, which was quite large. It was the process of infusing the previously accumulated ability values ​​into his body at one time, which directly raised his power to a higher level.

However, there is no such thing as excessive power increase leading to disharmony. His soul comes from a higher dimension, and this improvement is not enough to suppress it.

"My physical strength should have reached the level of an ordinary knight now, and in fact, it is estimated that I have the strength of a senior knight. If I use all my firepower and unlimited physical strength, even the chief knight will be dragged to death by me."

According to Li Ye's idea, he divided the guys in this world into several batches.

Residents, soldiers, senior soldiers, ordinary knights, senior knights, chief knights, heroes, and demigods.

Among them, residents correspond to lv.1, while soldiers are lv.2, lv.3 senior soldiers, and lv.4 is ordinary knights.

The level of ordinary knights is actually the same as that of the Cuckoo Knights. They are called knights, but in fact they are just bandits who have been incorporated. If the number is large, it will be troublesome, but if the number is small, there will be no problem.

lv.5 is a high-level knight, which is much stronger than ordinary knights and can be called a real knight, such as the Red Lion Knight and the Rodel Knight. Those guys belong to this realm.

And lv.6-lv.7 are the realms of the chief knights, because the name varies greatly in different places.

For example, the weak ones are Mugram, who is only a little stronger than those high-level knights, and the strong ones are guys like the Lost Knight Oleg, who have even reached the hero level.

lv.8-lv.9 are heroes, referring to some powerful guys, such as the Holy Tree Army's Honored Corruption Knight Finley, and that B Blaze. These guys can be called heroes, and the entire latitude difference is also very large. Blaze should be just the worst of them, and can only be barely counted.

After all, Li Ye feels that he is stronger than Ota, but the strength is limited, quite limited.

Level 10 and above are demigods, powerful, terrifying, and weird. However, this realm is called demigod, but it does not mean that only demigods can reach this realm, nor does it mean that all demigods will be placed here.

For example, the limb-attached Grek, Li Ye can only say that he is not even a hero, while for example, the Dark Abandoned, or the later rebel Bernal, these are already considered demigods.

In short, the distribution of these levels is also Li Ye's own idea, not a real level distribution, but it can better compare his own strength.

It can be seen that his strength is now comparable to Mugram, but it is indeed difficult to fight, and he needs to use the "drag" spell.

Then Li Ye looked at his several abilities, but found that there were no special skills, but a lot of magic, and the memory column was infinite.

"The hunter has been upgraded to C. It seems that I have killed too many monsters of the same kind."

He can kill a ghost monster, this is simply killed by killing people, which means that he can improve his ability to find flaws in monsters like "humans".

"It's terrible, I'm a kind and good person!"

Good Li Ye.jpg

But it's true that his "talent-demon" is really terrible, and the benefits it brings him are even comparable to the one Zeus gave his grandson.

Of course, there are still some things that can't be compared. Even if Li Ye "goes against his own will" and "has to" kill a large number of humans to do bad things, the improvement is not very fast.

It has been a month since the last upgrade, and he has only upgraded to full capacity. He estimates that it will take half a year for him to upgrade from lv.4 to lv.5, and then it will be slower and slower, and he can only upgrade once every few years.


Thinking of the changes during this period, Li Ye has a little idea of ​​accusing Blaze of that idiot.

The idiots of the Azalea Knights come to invade again and again, just like there is a monster spawner for them to spawn troops. They never see their weakness. In addition, there are also strong ones among those guys, and they are defeated by Kalia.

But things were different after Li Ye appeared. A guy with unlimited physical strength appeared on the battlefield. Isn't that a harvester of the battlefield?

In addition, Li Ye's blue bar, according to the game Fader, is calculated using mental power, and Li Ye's mental power can only be said to be endless. It is not 1+1, but a special calculation method. Under the increasingly difficult point calculation method, Li Ye can still have thousands of mental power

It can even be divided into hundreds of pieces and projected into the heavens.

In this terrifying mental power, Li Ye's blue bar reached theoretical infinity, and then after the intersection of the Fader template and the real ability, he had no blue bar.

Skills can be released at will, magic? What the hell? I don't know, I play idealism, I think it can work.

But because there is no "intelligence" point addition in reality, the power of magic is determined by his own physical strength, physical magic, right?

In general, it is still very good

But this endless battle continuation ability has brought him endless troubles.

Here, Li Ye strongly criticized the werewolf named Blaze. This guy must be a bad capitalist in the future. This guy asked Li Ye to defend the city alone.

What he said: "To show your loyalty to Her Highness Rani, then go and fight!"

"You don't want Her Highness Rani's residents and subordinates to be injured and die."

Then Li Ye could only fight alone: ​​"So you don't want them to be injured, but you want me to be injured?"

"You are different. You will recover quickly when you are injured. You have unlimited physical strength and unlimited magic power. This is what Miriam told me. You can't escape."

Li Ye was numb. Miriam became the guy who backstabbed him after all.

As for the fast recovery, it was simply the recovery power brought to him by dragon blood. It was not as good as the Dragon King or those super-limit hybrids, but it was also considered to be a fast recovery. The last time he was severely injured by Miriam, it only took three days to recover.

So Li Ye could only defend the city alone. Fortunately, his magic power was unlimited and he could become a magic machine gun.

As for why he was willing to defend the city alone instead of running away, it was definitely not because Brother Wolf was guarding the city gate, nor was it because Brother Wolf's big sword was pointing at his head.

Li: "No, can't you come down to defend yourself? You are so strong that you should be able to kill these guys soon!"

Wolf: "No, I will be injured, and then I will not be able to protect Her Highness Ranie! And my power is not unlimited."

Li: "So you just look at me, right! You give me the feeling of a farm tool and a farmer!"

Wolf: "No way, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!"

Li Ye still feels uncomfortable when he thinks of those unpleasant times. BYD will definitely make him uncomfortable once in the future! Otherwise, it will be difficult to avenge me!

He will make him scream in pain!

However, it can be regarded as a blessing in disguise. Li Ye killed all the Dujuan soldiers and also gained a rapid increase in points.

At this time, Li Ye heard a crisp sound echoing in his ears.



It wasn't that Li Ye had obtained the system, it was the door that rang. Li Ye walked out helplessly, looking at the person standing at the door, his face still helpless.

"No. I really don't know what you want me to do again. The magic that I told you last time, which placed a lot of magic power in the same place and exploded naturally after a period of time, have you researched it?"

At the door, a woman with dark circles on her face, bloodshot eyes, and red eyes, was Miriam.

Since this guy knew that Li Ye could see the trajectory of magic clearly, he has been pestering Li Ye.

She needs Li Ye to study with her, saying that she can give all the research results to Kalia, and she only needs to let her do the research.

But Brother Wolf didn't agree, because Li Ye didn't agree. Brother Wolf wanted to use Li Ye, but this is not the way to use him. Li Ye made it clear that he was not happy, and you still want him to go? This is not good. Brother Wolf asked Li Ye to defend the city because Li Ye did not object to this matter.

Brother Wolf is a really good partner. If Kalia hadn't really had no future, Li Ye might have stayed in Kalia.

The reason why Li Ye didn't study magic was also very simple. He couldn't do it. What would he do? How could he know the principles? He learned magic because of his skill grid. He didn't know anything else.

But he wanted to use Miriam. He couldn't develop magic by himself, so he wanted others to help him develop it. Miriam was a good candidate. This one was a real magic professor. The study of magic was more important than his own life.

So he told this guy some of his ideas.

So he was completely entangled by this guy.

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