Infinite Heroes Seat

Vol 4 Chapter 34: betray

The roar of the explosion sounded in the air. Under the sniper of the eagle eye, the propeller on the left side of the aircraft carrier stopped completely. The huge aircraft swayed constantly, like a bird with folded wings, heading under the sea of ​​clouds. Pierce.

"Alarm! Alarm! The left-wing engine is seriously damaged, the suspension power has dropped by 60%, alarm! Alarm! The third to sixth energy channels are damaged, and the fourth channel has unidentified militants breaking in, alarm! Alarm! — —"

The violent bumps and the harsh siren suddenly awakened the arguing superheroes.

"Damn it!" Tony was the first to jump from the ground and ran straight to his room. He needed to change into his steel suit.

Captain America followed closely and rushed to the fourth channel.

Thor hesitated for a while, but went straight to Loki's cage. By intuition, he felt that all this was related to his brother.

The Fantastic Four glanced at each other, a little at a loss.

They are scientific researchers, and they rarely fight in normal times. When it comes to reaction ability, they can't keep up with Iron Man, Thor and Captain America, who is a soldier.

After hesitating, it was Reid, the core of the team, who finally made the decision.

"Su, you and I stay here. Although the gamma-ray search instrument I made has not been completed yet, it cannot be ruled out that the enemy intends to destroy it in advance. Ben, you and Johnny will go to the bridge at the bow of the ship. The aircraft carrier is now seriously damaged, but as long as there is still under control, nothing major will happen!"

"Understood!" Nodded tacitly, and the four of them immediately separated and acted separately, and they couldn't see how many people were arguing non-stop before.

In the room, at some point, Loki's scepter had disappeared.


In the passage with Ben, Johnny couldn't help frowning as he watched the smoke and the panicked personnel. "Ben, do you remember how to get in the cab?"

After all, it was the first time to board a ship, and usually relying on those electronic guides, Johnny could find a position. But at this time the entire aircraft carrier was plunged into chaos. The heavy smoke made him a bit unable to see the direction, and where did he go to find the way to the cab.

Listen to Johnny's question. Ben shook his head, looked at the people around him, and then asked in a low voice, "Is there someone to ask?"

But before the two of them acted, five or six men in black rushed in from nowhere. With a submachine gun in his hand, it was shot at the few fled employees, and in the blood splattered, those employees fell down.

A dodging hiding behind Ben, watching the sparks of the bullet splashing on the rocky body, and then looking at the corpses over there, Johnny asked back, "Do you think it's possible now? Let's work, man!"

Scratched his head. Ben showed a simple and embarrassed expression, but the next moment his expression was awe-inspiring, as he rushed over aggressively like a bulldozer.

The dense bullets did not stop him from advancing at all, it was just a collision. There were two men in black, and the sound of bones hitting the stone made their teeth chill.

"Hi! Look here!"

Johnny wasn't to be outdone there, he saw a raging fire blaze all over his body, and his whole person turned into a huge fireball and rushed towards the few people in black.

Accompanied by the roar of the explosion sounded throughout the passage, a smell of burnt was passed over.

"One, two, three, four!" Strolling out of the sea of ​​flames, Johnny looked at Ben with a smug look, "Man, I said that I am still more capable, but I just solved four! This is twice yours,—"

A pair of eyes blinked, looking at Johnny who was showing off there, Ben reluctantly patted his stone head, and then pointed behind the opponent.

Johnny was taken aback, followed Ben's fingers and looked at him, and his face became embarrassed for the next moment.

The tunnel that was originally filled with smoke and could not see the direction completely collapsed. A large number of iron blocks blocked the way, and along the loopholes in the wall next to it, you can clearly see the changing clouds outside at this time. .

"Okay," Johnny said haha, "At least we don't have to think about the way there for now."

But just as the two were struggling how to get to the cab, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

"Ben, Johnny! Great, you are here, come with me, I need your help!"

Turning around, Johnny was suddenly surprised when he looked at the figure appearing behind him.

"Mo, it's great to see you! Do you know any other way to get to the cab, Reid let us go over—"

The voice stopped abruptly, Mo Wen dragged Johnny over, and ran in one direction, "Whatever the cab, follow me! I just saw a few people in black rushing to the lower floor. There is an ammunition depot. If they blow up there, what use is there to keep the cab!"

"What?" After looking at each other with Ben, Johnny rushed out with Mo Wen without saying a word.

After passing through the layers of decks, the three of them ran down, and after nearly ten minutes, they finally reached the lowest level.

Looking at the spacious passage, and then at the surrounding pipes, Johnny suddenly became confused.

"Mo, is it really here? But I think there are energy transportation routes around, will the ammunition depot be in this kind of place? And just now, it seems that there is no trace of others sneaking in?"

Walking in front of the two of them, Mo Wen paused slightly before suddenly stopping.

He turned his head and smiled brightly at Johnny.

"Ammunition depot? Of course not!-This is where you buried yourself!"

A dazzling cold light flashed in the passage, Johnny couldn't help blinking, and the next moment a sharp pain came from his chest. He was stunned when he looked at the arrow stuck in his chest.

"Mo, why are you—"

Stirring the arrow in his hand, Mo Wen didn't answer Johnny at all, so he drew the arrow out again.

The blood squirted out like a pump, pierced through the heart, and without any resistance, Johnny fell into a pool of blood, his face full of incredible color.

"Really an innocent child! Don't you think, Ben?" The arrow in his hand turned into a ball of light and disappeared, Mo Wen glanced at Ben with a playful look, and then asked softly.

"Johnny!" Hearing Mo Wen's voice, he recovered from the shock. Looking at his colleague who fell on the ground, his eyes suddenly became as red as his skin, and his whole person slammed into him like a tank.

The entire passage trembles in Ben's footsteps, and that stiff skin is enough to make anyone lose confidence in a frontal confrontation.

But there was no Mo Wen was hitting Ben with a punch.

The muffled sound reverberated continuously along the entire corridor, and the huge stone body flew upside down and smashed into the wall all at once.

After half a step, he looked at his reddish fist, and then at Ben, who was climbing up from the wall and shaking his head, Mo Wen gave a chuckle.

"It's really hard enough, but I'm also prepared!"

A white light appeared in his hand again, and a huge hammer appeared in Mo Wen's hands. He looked up and down at this weapon he had used in the dark world, and Mo Wen couldn't help showing nostalgia on his face. color.

"It's been a long time since I haven't used this kind of thing, Ben, you must let me enjoy it, don't die easily!"

"You don't have to worry about the burial after death. I will think about it for you. I will throw you into the sea to accompany those fish and snakes. I think it will be a good home. You don't need to thank me. ."

"Before the commotion on the boat is over, please please as much as you like to please me!"

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