Infinite Heroes Seat

Vol 4 Chapter 35: War starts


In the driver's cab, Natasha watched eagerly as a black long knife whizzed and pierced Hawkeye's chest, nailing him to the wall without any loss.

The Thunder's blow gave Hawkeye no time to dodge. Looking at the blade that penetrated his chest, Hawkeye's original sharp gaze quickly dimmed, and at the same time the gleam of light controlled by Loki gradually disappeared and recovered. His sane expression was a little confused, and he didn't seem to understand why things turned out to be what they are now. Looking at Natasha who was lying on the ground not far away, Hawkeye gently raised his hand, his lips squirming, as if he wanted to say something. What, but the sharp blade took away his last vitality, and the hand fell weakly after being raised halfway.

Staggering up from the ground, Natasha rushed to Hawkeye and reached under his nose, where there was no more sound. Turning around angrily, the black widow yelled at Mo Wen, "You Kill him! You killed him!"

"Yes, I did it." Mo Wen walked over blankly, with one of his hands dragging the bodies of the last two men in black in the cab.

"You! Did you know that Hawkeye is controlled by someone? He is from S.H.I.E.L.D., not an enemy!" Picking up the pistol that fell on the ground, Natasha couldn't wait to pull the trigger immediately, but her heart remained Reason tells her that she must not do this. The man cannot be injured by a pistol, and the current situation still requires his efforts.

Looking at the gun in Natasha's hand with cold eyes, Mo Wen showed a look of disdain.

"I naturally know that he is from S.H.I.E.L.D., and I also know that he is controlled, but what about that? He just killed Johnny and Ben, and the murder will pay for it!"

"Impossible! Hawkeye would not do this!"

Natasha subconsciously denied it. If Hawkeye missed and killed a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, they would still be able to suppress it. But Johnny and Ben were both invited scientific researchers, S.H.I.E.L.D. had to confess, and must not be perfunctory, and the Fantastic Four was a whole. Something happened to Johnny and Ben. Reid and Sue will not give up.

After listening to Natasha, Mo Wen took a step forward. He put his chest against the gun in the opponent's hand, and said forcefully: "Why is it impossible? He just wanted to kill you! With your relationship, he can do it, let alone two strangers. people?"

"Johnny's body is lying down. An arrow hit the heart, and Ben, was blown to the bottom of the sea by this bastard. If you want to find him, you have to turn the entire Atlantic Ocean over!"

"Yes, I killed this **** deliberately, and shoot if you want revenge!"

Was choked by Mo Wen's tough attitude. Natasha involuntarily took a step back, but looking at the cold body of Hawkeye, thinking about the humiliation she had suffered before, she gritted her teeth and took another step. The muzzle was firmly against Mo Wen's chest.

"Do you think I dare?"

The big eyes stared at the small eyes, and the two of them were in a stalemate, and neither of them would give in.

At this moment, only a noisy sound was heard outside the door. Captain America and Iron Man with a deformed armor walked in. Just now under Rocky’s attack, the two worked together to repair the left wing engine, life and death. The friendship between the two has eased the relationship a lot.

"What's wrong?" Seeing the two confronting each other, the face of Captain America who had just improved somewhat became gloomy again. Although he was asking questions, his gaze was on Natasha, who obviously trusted him more.

Biting her lips, the black widow did not speak.

Instead, he glanced at him from the other side, and Mo Wen said in an unpleasant tone: "It's nothing, just accidentally killed Miss Natasha's little lover, now they are ready to take revenge!"

Captain America was taken aback, and then he saw the eagle eye nailed to the wall.


A few steps stepped forward, watching the brother who had accompanied him from birth to death in front of his eyes, even with the cultivation of Captain America, he couldn't help it.

He pulled out the black blade inserted into Hawkeye's body, and Romes' bloodshot eyes stared at Mo Wen.

"Asshole, what have you done!"


The atmosphere on the plane to Los Angeles was very embarrassing at this time. Everyone was silent. The scene that just happened on the aircraft carrier was stuck in everyone's mind. Reed completed the Gamma ray search instrument and came to the cockpit to announce the good news. , But he heard the news of the deaths of his two partners, and Su, who learned that his brother had died, went into a coma on the spot; because of the death of Hawkeye, Captain America clung to him and learned of the'what happened'. Reed and Sue were not willing to give up, and they almost fought. Although Tony on the side wanted to calm down, he was not a party to SHIELD. In his opinion, Hawkeye killed Johnny and Ben, and Mo Wen avenged them. Naturally there was nothing wrong, and the words were a bit biased towards the side of Mo Wen. As a result, the relationship that had just eased with Captain America was pushed back to the freezing point, plus a missing Thor, who should have been united because of the death of Coleson. The Avengers have left a bigger rift between each other.

Had it not been shown on the search device that the Cube of the Universe had been activated on the roof of Stark Industrial Headquarters, or if Fury had suppressed the contradiction with his own prestige, the newly formed Avengers might have broken up.

Looking at the Stark Building approaching outside the window, Captain America took a deep breath, and watched the faces of the surrounding people slowly speaking, "I don’t need to say anything about the situation now, the Chitari’s army will be there at any time. It may come. I hope we can put aside our prejudices and join hands to deal with Loki first. As for other things, we will talk about it later!"

The cabin was quieter. After a while, Reid glanced at Su, who looked haggard, and said with some difficulty: "Well, I agree, I will obey your orders for this action!"

After all, they are superheroes who belong to the righteous side. Although they lament the death of their companions, Reid can still make the right decision before the big trouble.

Seeing that Reid had both agreed, Tony and Natasha would naturally not object. In the end, everyone's eyes turned to Mi Wen who hadn't expressed his position.

"Mr. Mo Wen, what's your opinion on UU reading" Captain America asked nervously. Although he didn't want to admit it, Mo Wen was the strongest of all, and lacked his help. The strength of the Avengers will be greatly reduced.

Without noticing something, Mo Wen, who had a cold face as soon as he entered the cabin, suddenly stretched his eyebrows. He glanced at everyone casually before he said, "I'm fine, anyway, what should I do? It’s all done already—but Captain Rogers, I think there’s something you might have made a mistake."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Mo Wen agreed, Captain America heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked casually.

"It's not Loki that we have to deal with now, but the army of Zetaru!"

As if confirming the unspeakable words, a stout blue beam of light shot straight from the top of the Stark Industrial Building towards the sky, and suddenly opened a big blue hole in the sky. Inside the hole was a dark universe, with countless stars shining. With a dazzling light.

Driving a metal flying machine, a bee-like army of Zetaru filed out from the big hole, and the entire atmosphere was humming. Behind the flying machine, the humpback whale-sized battleship also began to sway over New York.

The invasion of Zitarri has begun!

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