Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 877: Kill all

Shui Ruobing took Lin Yi and ran wildly in the wilderness.

They cannot use armor yet.

Because that is too obvious, it is easy to be detected.

After running for hundreds of kilometers like this, when Shuruobing was already a little tired, Lin Yi took out the armor from the space.

Although he has almost no strength in his body, the energy in his body has long been exhausted.

But as long as the armor is put on, the armor can provide power, so that he can fly back to China.

He has given full control of the armor to Jarvis, and then flew towards Huaxia District with Shuruobing.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the Datonghui, the special medical room on the 18th floor.

This medical room is a medical room built according to the standards of the Sharu Xing people.

Originally, with the super strength of that Sharu Xingren, there was almost no danger on earth that could threaten him.

But he considered that this medical room would be necessary if the Sharucinians were to colonize the earth in the future.

After all, although the Shalu Stars are strong, there are still very few people like him who are so strong.

And now, the Sharu Xing was lying on the operating table, struggling and screaming constantly holding his head.

Several earthlings around are manipulating various instruments and conducting various checks on his body.

The last person said: "His brain waves fluctuate very abnormally. It should be that his spirit has been greatly damaged."

"With Sharuxing's technology, no matter how serious the body is injured, it can be recovered. But mental damage is more difficult. Of course, his strength also has a certain impact on his mental strength. If his strength is sufficient Strong, the recovery cycle of mental strength can be shorter. The only thing we can do now is to use some auxiliary treatment methods to shorten this cycle a bit. But everything depends on his strength."


In terms of strength, in the entire earth people, this Sharu Xingren has not surpassed anyone.

After just two days, the Sharu Xingren barely recovered.

This means that his strength is too strong, so that his mental power has reached a point far beyond the average evolutionary.

If he changed to another person, he would have died because of a complete mental breakdown.

The pain of the Sharu Xingren was slightly relieved, and there was a trace of fear in his heart.

Since he came to the earth, he found that the strength of the evolvers on this earth is really unsightly, so on this earth, no one can make him afraid.

But this time, he was a little scared by a mere 20-level evolutionary.

That kid's strength is very average, but this mental attack is too terrifying.

It was more terrifying than the mental attacks of many of the evolvers on Saru Star who were stronger than him.

"Fortunately, that kid is only a 20th-level evolutionary. If he was a 22nd or even 23rd-level evolutionary at the time, I am afraid that he will really be finished. It seems that the kid can never really grow up. Take advantage of him not yet. Grow up, catch him, and then kill him. Only in this way will you be truly safe."

Thinking of this, the Saru star ordered Zhang Xiaocui: "Find me the whereabouts of that kid..."

"Yes! Your lord."

Zhang Xiaocui responded quickly.

But then she was a little embarrassed and said: "My lord, but that kid seems to have interfered with our satellite in some way. It is getting more and more difficult for us to find his location."

When the Shalu star heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, "That kid is from Huaxia, right?"


Zhang Xiaocui said.

"Even if you kill all the Huaxia people, you have to find that kid."

Nasha Ruxing is humane.


In this way, even Zhang Xiaocui felt a little weird.

After all, looking at it now, there are many people in China.

If you kill all people, then what is the point of ruling the earth yourself?

The Shalu star turned his head, looked at Zhang Xiaocui, and said coldly: "Don't say killing all the Chinese people, even if you kill all the people on earth, you must find out that kid! Is there any problem?"

Zhang Xiaocui responded quickly: "No, there is no problem."

"Then go! The kid was also seriously injured. According to my opinion, he must return to Huaxia District and hide in which safe zone. We will do it as soon as possible. Find it out for me."

When the Saru star spoke, his tone was cold.

In his opinion, killing all Chinese people is no different from trampling a group of ants.


Zhang Xiaocui responded and left the treatment room.

But this time, she did not implement it immediately as before.

Instead, after walking out of the treatment room, he immediately commanded through the communicator: "Hurry up and find someone and fix the **** satellite signal for me."

Although Zhang Xiaocui, in order to rule the entire world, disregarded the lives of billions of people, and dropped the virus on the entire world.

But if you kill all the people in the world, even if she rules the world, what is the use?

So this time she thought if the satellite signal can be fixed, then fix it first.

Moreover, Lin Yi took Shui Ruobing, and it took more than ten hours before he flew back to Huaxia and returned to the safety zone in Beijing.

Shui Ruobing hadn't been to the Beijing safety zone much before, and no one had seen her much.

But when the soldiers who guarded the city saw Lin Yi, they shouted one after another: "It's the evil spirit knight!"

"Sure enough, it's an evil spirit rider!"

"What's up with him?"

"Let him in, let him in!"

The soldiers welcomed Lin Yi into the high wall.

"What's up with him?"

A team leader asked Shui Ruobing.

Shui Ruobing shook his head and said, "The spirit has been severely damaged. I am afraid it will be difficult to recover in a short time."

"Quickly, take it to the hospital first."

Everyone immediately rushed Lin Yi to the hospital.

After a complete face-to-face examination in the hospital, the doctor said that he could do nothing.

Because all examinations showed that Lin Yi had no physical problems.

This means that Shaluxing's technology can be checked. With the current technology of the earth, it is impossible to check it.

The doctor's advice to Lin Yi was to stay in hospital for a while.

Lin Yi really can't do anything for the time being.

But by the fourth day, he felt that his spirit seemed to have recovered a little bit.

Shui Ruobing was also secretly happy.

With Lin Yi's recovery speed, within ten to twenty days, he should be able to fully recover.

The only thing he needs now is to rest.

However, Lin Yi wanted to rest, but there was no opportunity for Lin Yi at all.

On this day, all the screens that can be used in the world appear at the same time.

On the screen, it was the Sharu star.

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