Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 878: The Sharu Star's Ruthless Move

On the fourth day, Lin Yi's spirit had slightly recovered.

From the outside, it is no different from ordinary people.

He then went to his parents' residence and met with them.

When Lin Yi came back, his parents were naturally very happy.

Zuo Yiran was also very excited. When Lin Yi went out, she was always worried for Lin Yi.

Now Lin Yi has finally returned, and her heart can be put down temporarily.

Zuo Yiran saw Shui Ruobing also come back, and was quite enthusiastic, letting Shui Ruobing into the house.

When Zuo Yiran was still in college, he followed Lin Yi to Hanyue's place. He had met Shui Ruobing, so he was not unfamiliar.

Of course, she didn't know the relationship between Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing in front of her.

Lin also didn't know how to explain to her.

Although Lin Yi had several women, these women had never met before.

Now that Shui Ruobing and Zuo Yiran met, Lin Yi was still a little embarrassed.

Shui Ruobing seemed very natural, matching Zuo Yiran's sisters.

The family gets along very well.

In such troubled times, it is very rare to have a happy family like their family.

So they cherish such a meeting.

However, during dinner, Zuo Yiran seemed a little bit lost.

After Lin Yi asked, he realized that Zuo Yiran missed her father.

It has been half a year since the virus broke out.

Her father Zuo Chenggong, although he has been in contact with her, has never met in six months.

After all, her father was in Magnesium, and was separated from the capital by tens of thousands of kilometers.

Now that the flight is not available, it is not easy to cross the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Shui Ruobing comforted: "Don't worry, zombies and infected creatures will be cleaned up one day, and you father and daughter will definitely be able to meet."

"Thank you."

Zuo Yiran nodded, but she knew that it was Shui Ruobing comforting herself.

Shui Ruobing said: "This is not just a simple comfort. Now a potion has been developed that can eliminate all zombies and infected creatures. Lin Yi and I are now thinking of ways to find this potion. Then you can. Reunited with your father."


Zuo Yiran said in surprise.

"Of course it is true. When did I tell lies?"

Zuo Yiran listened, finally letting go.

The next morning, after Lin Yi and others had breakfast, Shui Ruobing planned to go for a walk with Lin Yi in the nearby garden.

To restore mental power, you must maintain a good mood.

However, before they left the station, their mobile phone screens turned on almost at the same time.

There is also left Yiran, Lin Yi's parents' mobile phones are all lit up.

On their mobile phone screen, a picture appeared at the same time.

When Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing saw this picture, they both frowned.

Because the person on the screen is not someone else, but the Shalu star.

At the same time, the same picture appeared on every screen in the world that could be lit up.

I saw the Sharu Xing man open his mouth and said: "Earth natives, I am the Sharu Xing man, and the new ruler of your earth. The power of life and death for all of you on the earth is in my hands. I can let you earth zombies run wild. , Blood is flowing into a river. It can also restore everything on the earth to its former calm. It all depends on you. I am looking for this person, please look at the photo on the left of the screen. If you have a clue about him, please provide it to me immediately, I will give you unexpected rewards. If you don’t know about it, then wait for it to perish."

Then, the Sharu star said: "Lin Yi, the next news is for you. From now on, the countdown is half an hour. If you don't surrender, then I will start killing people from your Huaxia safe zone. Every time. Every ten minutes, I will kill a hundred people. The lives of people in the entire China Security Zone are up to you."

After speaking, the screen went dark.

And Lin also glanced at Shui Ruobing.

Shui Ruobing frowned tightly and said to Lin Yi, "Don't go."

Lin Yi's parents and Zuo Yiran also looked at Lin Yi at this time.

They also mean this.

From the outbreak of the virus to the present, Lin Yi has done enough for the world.

It can be said that no one in the world has done more than Lin Yi.

Shui Ruobing knew even more that if Lin Yi went, there would only be one ending.

Lin Yi hesitated.

He knew that if he didn't go, the Saru star would really do what he said, killing a hundred people every ten minutes.

But if he does, there will be no return. And after his death, who knows how the Sharuxing people will deal with those people?

When that happens, no one will stop him.

Shui Ruobing obviously also knew what Lin Yi was thinking, and persuaded: "The most important thing now is to restore your body. You are the only person in the world who may be able to fight against that Sharu star. If you die, then this There is really no hope in the world."

Lin Yi looked at Shui Ruobing, then looked back at his and looked at Zuo Yiran.

In the end he decided to be a little bit nasty first.

Isn't there such a saying-wretched development, don't worry.

Just a few months of wretchedness, and when he really grows to a level 23 evolutionary, he will go to find that guy desperately.

But despite saying that, Lin Yi was always at ease.

After a few months, I am afraid that the Sharu Stars would have killed all the people in China.


Time passed by every minute.

The people in the three safety zones of Huaxia waited nervously.

Zhang Xiaocui was also very nervous.

She originally wanted to find Lin Yi as soon as possible, lest her future citizens be killed one by one.

But no matter what, it was not found.

Now if Lin Yi didn't show up by himself, he could only watch these people be killed one by one.

Lin Yi is around their home in the safe area of ​​Beijing.

Although those people knew that Lin Ye lived here, none of them went to provide clues to the Sharuxing people.

Because they know that Lin is also a hero.

If there was no Lin Yi, they would not have survived today.

Moreover, if Lin Yi died, their future life would be even more difficult.

So no one provided clues.

During this waiting, half an hour later, all the undamaged screens lighted up again.

On the screen, it is still the Sharu star.

And this time, in front of him, there were a hundred more people on Earth.

The Shalu star didn't say much nonsense, and his right hand swept across the sky.


A burst of claw-shaped energy drew across the hundred people in an instant.

The bodies of those one hundred people were all broken into three or four pieces.

That kind of blood, that kind of cruelty, people who haven't experienced it can't understand it.

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