Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 879: Jigsaw

All those who saw this scene were all frightened.

After all, they had never seen anyone before, saying that they would kill a person, and one kill would be a hundred people.

Without blinking.

Even the zombies and the infected monsters are not so scary.

Lin also clenched his fists when he saw this scene.

Shui Ruobing quickly pressed Lin Yi's shoulder and said, "Lin Yi, don't be impulsive."

Zuo Yiran held Lin Yi's right fist in both hands and shook his head and said, "Lin Yi, don't go out. This alien is so cruel, if you go out"

Lin Yi's parents and cousin also persuaded Lin Yi "Lin Yi, don't go out."

"Could it be that I can only watch so many people die because of me"

Lin Yi shook his head in pain.

"They didn't die because of you, but because of that alien monster."

Water Ruobing Road.

At this time, Lin Yi only hated that he was not strong and did not have the power to fight the monster.

Ten minutes later, people's screens light up again.


Another claw shadow passed, and a hundred innocent people lost their lives.

Before, people thought that the Sharu star said it was impossible to kill a hundred people every ten minutes. After all, that was a bit too exaggerated.

However, it now appears that this is true.

This Sharu star is completely a demon in the legend.

After another ten minutes, their screen lights up again.

In the picture, hundreds of people lost their lives again.

The ground under Nasharu Xingren's feet was stained blood red.

The blood on the ground gathered into a stream and flowed into the sewer.

Shui Ruobing saw Lin Yi's body trembling, she quickly pressed Lin Yi's shoulder tightly and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

Zuo Yiran also hugged Lin Yi tightly and said, "Lin Yi, you must never go out if you go out."

"I definitely can't just watch so many people die in front of me. If you want to be like this, you might as well be a dog."

Lin Yi couldn't help it anymore and roared out loud.

Then he stood up, his eyes widened, and his eyes were bloodshot.

On his body, blood-red lightning lingered.

Shui Ruobing hurriedly shouted, "You haven't recovered yet, rushing to use Scarlet Lightning will cause too much damage to your body. And even if you go now, you won't be able to stop the Nasharu Star"

But at this time, Lin Yi couldn't listen to this at all.

The Sharu star had completely aroused his anger.

If you don't die, you will die.

As long as the Sharu Xingren didn’t kill him for a second, he must fight the Sharu Xing to the end.

With this belief, Lin Yi strode out the door.

The neighbors around, including the evolutionaries responsible for Lin Yi's parents' safety, saw Lin Yi walk out, all of them were silent.

If Lin did not go out, those people would die one by one.

But even if Lin Yi goes out, no one can guarantee that those people will definitely live.

Although Lin Yi is an evil spirit knight, looking at the strength of the alien monster, he knows that it is no weaker than the evil spirit knight.

If Lin Yi goes out, I am afraid it will be more unfortunate.

Lin Yi glanced at those people, and finally withdrew his gaze, and said to the parents next to him, "Dad, Mom, there are some things that must be done. Even if they know there is no return."

The mother had no words, but her cheeks were covered with silent tears.

The father was also in tears.

But the father at this time is proud of having such a son.

"Xiao Yi, go. Dad knows and understands everything."

As he spoke, his father's voice choked.

However, Zuo Yiran and Shui Ruobing held Lin Yi's hand separately and refused to let go.

They all knew that if Lin Yi left, he might have gone without returning.

Zuo Yiran shook his head and said, "Lin Yi, don't go."

It is the stranger's goodbye to the death, and hate it.

Shui Ruobing said, "Go, together."

Lin Yi glanced at the left, and at Shui Ruobing, then at his parents, just about to speak.

But at this moment, Lin Yi's phone screen lit up again.

Everyone was taken aback.

This time it hasn't been ten minutes, why do you want to kill again?

However, unlike before, this time only Lin Yi's mobile phone screen turned on, while others did not.

On the screen, the previous Sharu Xingren did not appear.

This time, it was black and white.

On the screen, it is a room.

On the far left of the picture, there is a door.

Then, in that door, a clown puppet rode out on a children's tricycle and creaked out.

Shui Ruobing Road "is a jigsaw"

The others were also taken aback.

It was at a critical juncture when the jigsaw came out suddenly, and what trouble was it going to make?

I saw that the clown's mouth was moving up and down, and a voice full of strong nasal sounds came out "ianttoyaga. The name of the game is called civet cat for prince. People in this world are full of deception and betrayal. And now, They have gotten the punishment they I think if they are given a chance to do it again, they will cherish life more and cherish life. As for you, Lin Yi, you are the one who can give them People with another chance.

Therefore, you cannot kill your life needlessly.

In my whole life, I always let others make their choices. And now, it's time for me to make a choice.

Life, or death, I have made my choice. "

At this point, the clown's voice paused for a few seconds.

Everyone looked at each other.

Lin Yi frowned slightly, "What is this jigsaw doing?"

Shui Ruobing also frowned, "This clown won't come early or late, but he wants to come at this time."

At this time, the clown on the screen said again, "Lin Yi, take care of the woman next to you."

Before the voice fell, it turned into a snowflake dot on the screen, and finally went dark.

Lin Yi slightly looked at Shui Ruobing in surprise, and then at Zuo Yiyan again.

What does the jigsaw mean in the last sentence

Why would he let himself take care of the woman around him

I used to think that the jigsaw was mysterious and weird, but it was not so strange this time.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Lin Yi's phone screen lit up again.

Everyone's mobile phone screens also lit up.

On the screen, the Sharu star appeared again.

In front of him, there are still a hundred earthlings.

The Sharu star's right looking claw stretched out and clenched, clenched and stretched out.

And the one hundred people kept trembling.

The Shalu star smiled and said, "You regard Lin Yi as your hero, but when your lives are threatened, where is your hero?"

As he said, the right paw was going to swing again.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly heard "Stop"

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