Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 103: Surprise!


"Omaeda, go on."

Lin Feng casually tossed the fainted Kuchiki Byakuya at O ​​Maeda.

"Huh? Yes!"

In a hurry, Oh Maeda used his body as a physical shield, fell to the ground, and caught Kuchiki Byakuya firmly.

"Next, there will be a good show."

Lin Feng quietly sat aside, as if he hadn't put the broken bees in his eyes at all.

"Lin Feng!" Shattered Bee holds the Zanpo Knife in his hand, alerting Lin Feng, "You should hurry up and catch it, otherwise you will be dead when Captain Yamamoto returns!"

"You wait first."

Lin Feng said lightly, walked to the position of the barricade and sat down.

Broken Bee's expression changed, and she didn't expect Lin Feng to look down on them so much, she immediately walked towards Lin Feng.

"Are you ignoring the few of us? I..."

Before Broken Bee had finished speaking, suddenly a spear passed through her belly, revealing the spear head covered with blood from behind her.

"Captain Lin Feng is right, you should wait obediently."

With a spear in his hand, Ichimaru Gin said with a smile.

"Captain Shattered Bee!"

The other captains were all taken aback. I didn't expect Shimaru Silver to take a trouble at this time and hurt Broken Bee.

"you you……"

Shattered Bee's stomach suffered a severe pain, and the Zan Poknife in his hand fell to the ground.

"Hehe, I didn't expect to be seen through by Captain Lin Feng..."

Above the sky, suddenly there was a sound that made everyone present feel familiar.

The vice captain of the fourth division, Toru Toru Yuon, followed behind Uozhihuareel, and looked up at the sky. His eyes were startled, and he said in a little panic, "Aizabe... Captain?"

Above the sky, Aizen's hand was pinched to Kuchiki Rukia's neck, and the hill of Shuangshan fell into silence immediately.

"I didn't expect my plan to be so thorough, but Captain Lin Feng was able to see it through." Lan Ran slowly floated down from the sky with Rukia Kuchaki.

"I don't know when Captain Lin Feng saw through my plan?"

Lin Feng smiled lightly and said: "From the very beginning, when you hypnotized them, I had seen it through."

"What? Hypnosis?"

Broken Bee looked at Lan Ran and Lin Feng, who is the real enemy?

Uozhihuareel turned her head slowly, and said in a low voice with Toru Toru Yongyin: "Yongyin, quickly pass the message of Aizen's rebellion to others, and let them rush to Shuangshan Hill!"


Hu Che Yong Yin took advantage of Lan Ran's lack of attention to his side, and then left this place in a flash, using the Seventy-Seven Days of Bound Dao to be quite empty.

The message of Aizen and Ichimarugin's rebellion was immediately transmitted to the minds of Yamamoto Shigekuni, Kurosaki Ichigo and others through Toru Toru Yuon's Reiatsu!

A few huge spiritual pressure rushed over to Shuangshan Hill from other places.

"It's really fast..." Lan Ran smiled slightly and turned to look at Lin Feng, "Captain Lin Feng, you shouldn't stop me?"

Lin Feng spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, when I fought Kuchiki Byakuza just now, I ran out of strength."

"is it?"

Lan Ran's eyes narrowed, and he had a lot of doubts about what Lin Feng said. If he really exhausted his strength, would he be so unscrupulous?

"Leave this place early."

Ai Ran turned her head, and inserted her hand like a sharp blade into Rukia Kuchiki's chest, and dug out the collapsed jade in her body.

"Yeah!" Kuchiki Rukia exclaimed.


A blue light hurried over, and it was Hisugaya Toushiro who had already solved the Zanpaku Sword.

Toshiro Hisugaya saw Aizen's hand inserted into Rukia Kuchiki's chest and became angry: "Why are you doing this!"

"Why do you want to do this?" Aizen glanced at Hisugaya Toushiro. "You don't deserve to know."

When Hisugaya Toshiro heard Aizen's words, the ice crystals formed on his body instantly doubled. An ice dragon flew out into the sky and rushed towards Lan Ran.

"Aizan! You traitor!"

Lan Ran looked at the ice dragon, instead of panicking, she laughed: "I'm sorry, it's time."

A beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Aizen. The ice dragon made by Hisugaya Toshiro hit it and immediately turned into a pile of ice powder. Under the change of temperature, it turned into mist and slapped everyone on the face. .

From the sky, a gap in space suddenly appeared, and countless monsters with only spirits emerged from it.

"That's... Da Xu!" O Maeda's pupils twitched.

"Aizan, you never want to run away!"

Hisugaya used a swift step and rushed towards Aizen who was shrouded in light beams.


Yamamoto Shigekuni suddenly appeared in the field and stopped Hisugaya Toushiro. ..

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