Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 104: Free travel

"Yamamoto... Captain!" Tosushiro Hisugaya's pupils shook.

Yamamoto Shigekuni said calmly: "That light is called light film. It is only used by Daxu when he wants to save his compatriots. As long as the light appears, everyone will not be able to dye a blue hair!"

Suddenly, two light films fell in the sky again, enshrouding Ichimaru Gin and the ninth team captain Tosen.


Matsumoto Ranju looked at Ichimarugin in the light film and couldn't help but stretch out his hand.

Ichimaru Gin smiled coldly at her, didn't say much, turned his head.

"Let's go!"

Lan Ran glanced at the crowd coldly, the light beam slowly moved upwards, pulling him up.

"One day, this world will be ruled by me!"

Lan Ran finished speaking and disappeared into the sky above Jing Lingting. The gap in the space slowly closed, leaving only people who didn't know what to say.

"By the way, Captain Lin Feng is there!"

Nieyinmeng came back to his senses, and looking around, he didn't find Lin Feng at all.

"Could it be!"

Nieyinmeng looked up at the space gap in the sky, which had turned into a black line, and then nothing was left.


The sky is a piece of darkness, the land is inanimate white gray soil, there seems to be no skyline in the distance, it looks like there is an inexplicable air and coldness. Here is the geographical space of virtual existence.

This is a barren land.

Aizen, Ichimarugin and Tosen were a few people, and under the **** of dozens of Daxu, they arrived here safely.

"Aizan, you are finally here!"

In front of the many black giants, stood a white strange creature that seemed to be composed of bones. Behind him, there was a long scorpion tail.

Daxu is divided into three levels: the lowest is Kylian, the highest is Vastod, and this Daxu with a scorpion tail belongs to the middle-level Akukas.

"I don't know when you will transform us into a broken face?"

The eyes of this Yachukas looked like snake eyes, staring at Lan Ran.

"I seem to have told you that you are not allowed to be so rude when you talk to me?"

Lan Ran's eyeballs turned toward this Yachukas, and his eyes were even more chill than the virtual circle.

Yachukas paused for a while, looking at Ai Ran's eyes with a trace of dread.

"Yes, please forgive me for being rude."

In the end, Yachukas knelt in front of Aizen on one knee.

Lan Ran looked at his salute and turned his head: "Let's go, let's go to Xuye Palace."

"Xu Ye Palace? I want to go too..."

In the field, a familiar voice suddenly stopped Aizen, Ichimaru Gin's and Tosen's footsteps.

"Hey, why did you stop? Keep walking." Lin Feng said after following them.

"Lin... wind?"

Lan Ran turned her head and saw Lin Feng, her hand shook unconsciously.

Behind them, Lin Feng seemed to have merged into them, without any sense of disobedience.

Dongxian pulled out the Zhanpakudaw, sensing Lin Feng's position. As long as he dared to move, the sword Dongxian wanted would slash towards him without hesitation.

"Aidan, who is this?" Yachucas screamed when he saw Lin Feng, "We didn't use the light film for him just now!"

"Yes indeed……"

Lan Ran whispered, how did Lin Feng appear here?

Lan Ran had a hunch that Lin Feng would be the most dangerous enemy he ever encountered!

"Boy, where did you come from!" Yachukas stared at Lin Feng and asked, "Hurry up, or I will let you die without a place to bury you later!"

The Kylian behind him was already ready to move, and he wanted to tear Lin Feng to pieces immediately.

"Hey, I'm talking to your boss, what are you making?" Lin Feng said with a curled mouth.


Yachukas became angry, he was underestimated by Lan Ran, but he didn't dare to give the color back. Unexpectedly, now he was despised by the unknown junior like Lin Feng, causing his anger to rise three feet away in an instant.

"How dare you look down on me!"

Those Kylian behind Yachukas swarmed towards Lin Feng and drowned him in it.

"Haha, you will be torn to pieces by them and swallowed!" Yachukas laughed frantically.

"Has anyone said that your smile is terrible?"

Those Kylian who buried Lin Feng suddenly stopped moving. The next moment, as if they were holding a bomb, they exploded from the center!


Those Kylian screamed wildly, and while being blown up by the explosion, their bodies were slowly being consumed.

Until the end, in the place just now, only Lin Feng was left alone.

"Oh..." Lin Feng rubbed his shoulders and said, "With these little soldiers, I can't even draw a knife."

Lan Ran's expression was stagnant, Lin Feng did not draw his sword just now, he was the first time he saw that the **** of death did not draw the Zanpei sword, with such a huge power!

What the **** is Lin Fengshi's?

"Boy, you don't want to be crazy! They can't do it, there is me!"

Yachukas's scorpion tail lifted high, and slammed it down at Lin Feng!

There was a thunderous sound in the sky, and Yachukas' scorpion tail was so powerful that it could smash the ground into a huge hole, not to mention people.

"Haha, kid, you die under my evil tail!" Yachukas said frantically.

When fighting against other Yachukas, it was relying on this evil tail to surprise the enemy with a blow, smashing the enemy's body, and then devouring them to the limit.

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