Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 335: Broken Dragon Lock Cannon!

Before the raging flame reached Hobbi, a figure appeared in front of Hobbi and Xia Lulu instantly, blocking the high-temperature flame for them, and it was accompanied by the sound of inhaling.


"Ah! Thank you for the hospitality!"

The corner of Naz's mouth grinned and made a comfortable sound. After eating, Naz was full of energy and swept away the previous malaise. At this time, he was in the flames, his scarf and red hair were dancing up and down in the flames, and his eyes were bright God

"Na, Naz!"

Hobby closed his eyes tightly, his body trembling, and he almost cried when he felt the high temperature coming from his buttocks, but after waiting for a long time, it was only high temperature and there was no flame. When he looked over curiously Seeing that familiar figure stood in front of them.

"These fires are so unpalatable, with a sour taste."

Naz said disgustingly, sticking out his tongue in disgust and shaking it a few times in the air, then turned to look at Hobby: "Yo! Hobby, Xia Lulu."

"Great, you're fine."

Hobby threw himself into Naz's arms and rubbed a tear with his nose against Naz.

"Xia Lulu!"

As soon as Wendy's voice came from the other side, Xia Lulu heard the familiar voice tremble slightly. She looked at the two running figures on the edge of the flame, one of which was flying with long hair and was petite.

Xia Lulu watched Wendy and Coco walk around from the other side of the flame, tears in her eyes finally flowed down irresistibly.

"Wendy, are you all right?"

Xia Lulu looked at Wendy who was full of energy, her voice choked a little, at this moment she finally knew that no mission was important.

"Yeah! President Lin Feng was right. Our dragon-killing magic was inspired by the Dragon Cannon. The moment Coco unlocked our chains, we would restore the magic!" Wendy squeezed her excitedly. fist.

"you guys!"

Bairo saw that Naz was actually devouring the flames from him, and he was shocked as if he had seen a ghost. His flames were the exclusive flames of alchemists, not the ordinary flames used by civilians for cooking and cooking!

As soon as I turned my head and saw that Coco and Wendy were actually together, she suddenly woke up: "Coco, you traitor!"

"I'm not a traitor, I just don't want you to destroy Brother Lili's hometown."

Coco hides behind Wendy who is petite than herself.

"My partner is not your magic!!"

Naz's eyes shrank violently, and his pupils condensed into a small black spot, which gradually erected into an oblong shape, and the majestic flame spewed like a volcano about to erupt.

He was extremely angry at this time!

"Haha! You can't stop it. The power of the Suolong Cannon will detonate that huge magic crystal. By then, our first step will be completed!"

Bairo's features are hideous, his old wrinkled skin is sagging, and his dark eyes stared at Naz with a crazy smile. Although he was short, he still scared Wendy and Coco.

"What Locking Dragon Cannon! You have to remember that I am the Dragon Slayer Slayer!"

Naz's fists suddenly gave birth to a flame, which was more violent than the previous flame of Bairo. The entire basement was illuminated red, and the space began to twist.

"Fire Dragon's-Iron Fist!"

"What! How could it be possible!"

Flames flooded the basement, and Naz was dancing with red hair tips. Those eyes locked on Bairo like the eyes of a dragon. One of them came to the front of Bairo and picked him up. The flames that can extinguish the dragon The sky is gushing, Naz’s iron fist is carrying Bairo and blasting upward!


amusement park.

"what happened?"

"The ground is shaking again!"

"There is movement over the palace again, is the Suolong Cannon ready to be launched!" Hughes grabbed Shugeboy's hand excitedly.

Suddenly, the fire blasted into the sky, and the upper part of the palace was bright red, and a pillar of fire broke through the ground until it smashed the blocking building and went straight through the sky.

Some stone walls were scorched by the flames until they began to melt, and a few cracks spurted out flames from time to time. The entire palace was like a **** landscape.

Pansalili calmly summoned the magic of "wing" to fly away. Elisa watched Pansalili's departure with a grinning face, and then looked at the forest wind floating in the void, thinking that the mission was completed and we could retreat. Up!

"Recovered, um, it's still a bit long."

Lin Feng smiled lightly, although he was still a little dissatisfied with this speed, but what kind of bicycle do they need for Hobby?

"Okay, let's continue."

Lin Feng retracted his gaze and looked at Elisa, who happened to meet Elsa's sight.

"I know you are strong, and I admit that we can't beat you. We won't stop you from doing anything now."

Elisa wanted to retreat, and fighting Lin Feng had no chance of winning at all.

"Ha ha."

Lin Feng smiled lightly at this, his face changed in an instant, and said in a thick and thunderous tone: "It's better to solve it all at once!"


While talking, Lin Feng had already come to the front of Elsa, and with an unremarkable punch, Eliza was caught off guard and could only make a defensive pose in a hurry.

But these are useless to face Lin Feng!


Elisa flew out, groaning in the air and protruding a large mouthful of blood, and the powerful propulsion pushed Elisa away!

Elisa used all her strength, and the Ten Commandments spear supported her body and left a long trace on the ground, but despite this, Elisa was pushed to a place tens of meters away, and a blood stain spread all the way.

Shugeboy and Hughes watched this scene dumbfounded, too fast and they couldn't see exactly what happened.

"Hey, why be in a daze, don't be envious, it's up to you now."

Shugeboi and Seuss came back to their senses, and an evil voice faintly spread into their ears. They only felt a cold air, flowing from head to toe.

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