Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Wave the island!

They saw Lin Feng only hit Elisa one second before, and appeared in front of them one second later.

"The Rose of..."

"Command Demon..."

The two of them slowly lifted up the magic items with blank expressions, and they didn't finish their words. The next second, the wind was blowing like a twelfth-level storm!

The excess fat on the face was blown to the back, and then their pain nerves seemed to be electrocuted, and the violent pain spread to their brains for them to enjoy.

Shugeboi and Seuss flew out like a kite with a broken string in a twelfth-level storm.

" powerful, what is going on with his physique!"

Pansalili, who was flying to the palace, glanced back in the air, just to see the scene where Lin Feng hit Elisa and flew again, Shugeboy and Seuss.

"You don't need to go anymore, come down!"

Lin Feng grinned, he did not look at Pansalili, as if talking to himself to the air, lifted his right hand and gently waved it down.

"What! What the **** is this!?"

Pansalili's expression moved and his speed became faster, but as Lin Feng waved it down with one hand, he felt that his body was wrapped in a powerful force!

"Power is pulling me!"

Pansalili was shocked. What kind of power is this, obviously he just waved with one hand.



Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, he snapped his fingers casually, and uttered a word gently.

"What is this again!?"

Pansalili was controlled by an invisible force and fell heavily from the air, and then his body glowed brightly.

The scorching sensation hit, the body swelled like a balloon, and finally exploded on the surface unsupported.


Lin Feng faintly glanced around, Elisa knelt on one knee and leaned on the Ten Commandments Spear to support her body, and Shugeboi and Hughes smashed many amusement facilities and threw some consciousness on the ground.

As for Pan Sally, it can be said to be half dead.

Lin Feng is not interested in killing them, so this level is enough.

"and many more."

Just as Lin Feng was about to fly away, Pan Sally's weak voice came.

"You? You want to stop me?"

Lin Feng looked down at him in the air.

"Do you know the predictions of Queen Extania? I know you are powerful, but the dragon knights in Ufaster are unusual..."

Pan Sally said, barely raised his head to look at Lin Feng, gasping for breath.

Lin Feng's eyes condensed, and the golden color in his pupils gradually faded, replaced by a very dark color.

"It's just scum, it can be destroyed easily!"


As soon as Lin Feng's words fell, a similarly huge floating island next to the super giant magic crystal exploded suddenly without warning!

The huge sound roared and rolled, the dark clouds above it were blown away, and the dim sky broke through a bright hole.


The sound is still reverberating high in the sky, the broken sand boulders fall down, and the primitive forest that has grown for a hundred years is rapidly descending in the air without support.


Pansalili saw this terrifying scene and couldn't believe that an empty island was blown up like this!

The short island is the same size as the super-giant crystal. To detonate the magic crystal, Ufax must extract the dragon-killing magic to turn on the lock dragon cannon, but now Lin Feng only needs a word!

"How powerful is Lin Feng?!"

Elisa had bleeding from the corner of her mouth, her crimson hair was messy, and she suddenly thumped weakly to the ground, her eyelids heavy.

She was completely desperate for Lin Feng now, and she had no intention of resisting at all.

"The first time you said that I couldn't fight against Ufaster's final hole card, and now you say it again."

After Lin Feng glanced at Pan Salili, he suddenly seemed to have forgotten something. With a move, after a stream of light flew out of Elisa and fell into Lin Feng's hands, he left a faint word and flew away.

Pansalili watched Lin Feng fly to the palace, the figure is getting smaller and smaller, and finally unable to hold it, he fainted completely.


"Fire Dragon's-Iron Fist!"

Naz lowered his head, holding Bairo's fist, and blasted the boulder above his head to the ground.

Naz jumped out, and Bairo was rushed to the sky and then fell to the dense branches.

Wendy and the others followed, walking along the hole that Naz had made.

"Brother Naz is amazing!"

Wendy said happily, as long as she thought of the guild's partner who could be rescued immediately, her heart was warm.

Everything is developing in a good direction!

But the tentacles dragging the super giant magic crystal are still moving.

"Naz! That is the Dragon Lock Cannon, destroy it!" Hobby flew into the air and shouted.

Naz was in a sea of ​​fire, and the blazing flame was swallowed by Naz as much as a stream. Hearing Hobby’s voice, Naz finished in one breath with an expression of anger imprinted on his face, with the flame in his hand. Propelled him to fly up.

On the highest ground of the palace, Ufaster saw Naz and watched him roll up two fire tornadoes and shoot them at the tentacles of the lock dragon cannons.

"What the **** is he going to do!"

Ufast now has no time to care why Naz escaped.

"Of course the Suolong Cannon was destroyed."

A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Ufaster.

"Lin Feng, why are you here! Where are Elisa and others?"

Ufaster turned and saw Lin Feng, and was shocked.

"It's been a long time to play with that Situo. Now that the dinner is ready, it's natural to finish the appetizers."

Lin Feng smiled softly and flew to the edge of the high platform.

"You solved them!"

"Is it difficult?" Lin Feng shrugged.

While Lin Feng and Ufaster were talking, Naz's side was already blazing.

"Fire Dragon's-Wing Strike!"

Naz shouted loudly, and the two fire tornadoes in his hands turned into a pair of slender fire feathers, which looked like a huge flame slash from Lin Feng.

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