Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 337: Explosive Dragon Lock Cannon

"Huh! It's useless, you must have a key to stop the Dragon Cannon!"

Ufast saw Naz’s explosive horror flame eyelids jump, although he was a little scared, he still insisted.

"The key? This is it."

Lin Feng looked at Ufaster with a wicked smile, and in Lin Feng's hand there was a key that was reduced by Lin Feng.

"Elusa really lost!?" Ufaster looked at the key in Lin Feng's hand in disbelief.

"Elusa is very powerful, plus Pansalili and Hugheschugboi, not to mention that they can defeat you, but at least the escape should be okay!"

"Elisa is indeed very powerful."

Lin Feng nodded noncommitantly and continued: "But to me. Defeating you is no different from squeezing an ant. Your dragon knight is at best a big ant."

Lin Feng Jian's eyebrows jumped, he couldn't wait to talk about the dragon knight.

"Since you are so confident, let's try it!"

Ufaster's face was sullen, he was just a dying old man, even if he had powerful magic props in his hand, it wouldn't help. Didn't you see that the powerful four captains of the magic war were defeated!

"Oh, you don't have to agitate me, I will give you time." Lin Feng hugged his chest and smiled.

Ufast glanced at Lin Feng's back in resentment, then turned and left. Although there is a price to turn on the Dragon Knight, he must make Lin Feng regret it!

"The flames of the fire dragon!"

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"

"The elbow of the fire dragon!"

"The Horned Sword of the Fire Dragon!"


Naz gritted his teeth, sweat came out and evaporated by flames, and evaporated again, all kinds of dragon-killing magic bombarded, in the end only a tentacle and the core of the lock dragon cannon remained.

But despite how powerful Naz’s dragon-killing magic was, it could even blast the palace into slag, but the lock dragon gun device below only had a crack.

"Sure, Naz."

"Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng flew into the air and watched Naz, who was constantly using the dragon-killing magic, shook his head. If this goes on, the magic will soon be exhausted.

"Is that Lin Feng!?" Hobby shouted excitedly under the ground.

"Yes, it is really President Lin Feng!" Wendy was also excited.

As long as Lin Feng is in them, they can feel at ease.

"Lin Feng, why are you here? Where's Lucy?"

Naz could not fly, and his magic power was almost gone, so he could only hold Lin Feng.

But Lin Feng only gave him a foot to hold.

When Lin Feng heard the name "Lucy", his head was taken aback, and he thought: "I was too eager to take the photo just now, I didn't pay attention to where Lucy went."

"She... went to play, anyway, the four captains have been defeated by me, don't worry."

Lin Feng babbled casually and took Naz to the ground.

After that, Lin Feng told them about the current situation. Just as Naz wanted Lin Feng to destroy the Suolong Cannon, the ground began to shake again.

"what happened?"

"Dragon Knight." Lin Feng said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Everyone is unknown.

"Natz, you go and hold him first, I will come later." Lin Feng patted Naz on the shoulder and said.

"Hmm! Leave it to me!"

Although Naz didn't know what to do, he chose to follow Lin Feng.

Then Naz took Wendy and the group away. Lin Feng stayed on the spot and looked at the ruined walls of the palace. He smiled lightly and said to the air: "You can't come out yet? If you want to see, just look at it openly. "

"How did you find me?"

Two figures walked out in a broken wall space.

"Huh? Why are you here, Lucy?"

Lin Feng saw Lisanna and Lucy come out in the same place. He hadn't really noticed Lucy just now, thinking that Lisanna was the only one.

"Of course I came to Naz! I only met Lisana halfway, but who knows that the guy who just came out ran away again!"

Lucy snarled constantly at Lin Feng, she didn't dare to be too presumptuous in the face of Lin Feng, and simply talked about her own experience.

"Oh, you are a step late."

Lin Feng shrugged helplessly, then turned to look at Lisana, wanting to hear her.

"What you said before is true?" Lisana asked in silence.

"Is there something to lie? Didn't you see that all this is going to the end? This is destined, and the people in Iislanden are also quite like you." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

Indeed, everything is going on as a result of the collapse of Idras, and the air is filled with the smoke of war.

There was silence for a long time, Lisana didn't speak again, and Lucy on one side heard the cloud coming and going.

"Aren't you going to talk to them?"

Lin Feng asked, turning around to look at the system of the Locking Dragon Cannon not far away.

"No, that would be more painful."

Lisana lowered her head, tears as big as soybeans dripped.


Lin Feng nodded and kicked a small gravel by his foot at random.


The small gravel burst out, the wind was fierce, and the ultra-low-altitude flight rolled up a trajectory. In this way, the small gravel directly penetrated the lock dragon cannon's device system, and the electric current and magical power leaked out.

And Naz used a lot of dragon-killing magic to destroy only a few cracks, and Lin Feng's random kick of the gravel could directly cause substantial damage!

"Presumably they also miss you in Islandon."

Lin Feng said flatly, Feng Qingyun calmly picked up a small tile and played with it at will.

"Hey! What are you talking about! Why don't I understand, and Lin Feng, do you know what you did just now?! How could it be so plain!"

Lucy felt that she was going crazy by the two, especially Lin Feng!

Lucy grabbed her hair and pointed to the Suolong Cannon very exaggeratedly and said, "The pebble you threw penetrated the Suolong Cannon!"

With his eyelids half hanging, Lin Feng glanced at Lucy lightly.

"What is your look, did you despise me just now!?" Lucy yelled.

"It seems that your menopause is advanced."

Lin Feng spit out these words faintly, and with a flick of his middle finger, the small tiles in his hand shot out.

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