Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 338: I want Lin Feng to regret it!


The small tiles came out, the flat shape has little resistance in the air, and the speed is faster than the small gravel before, and the speed is too fast and it cuts through the air and makes a loud noise.


"Well, the air here is terrible."

Lin Feng put his hand on his forehead and looked over, pouting.

"Lin Feng, you... why are you so strong? It turns out that you were really suppressed by Adras before!" Lucy looked at Suolong Cannon.

I saw that the Suolong Cannon was cut apart by the tiles, and the wreckage of the Suolong Cannon was continuously raging by two air waves, destroying the Suolong Cannon.

The reason why Lucy thinks like this is because the strength comparison used by Lin Feng before is too weak, obviously not a grade of attack.

With the powerful impact and constant blasting, the air is inevitably full of flying dust, plus the broken walls of the palace around it, it seems that there is no life here.

"Lin Feng, how are you..."


Suddenly there was a loud roar in the distance, like a beast roar.

Lisana's words were interrupted, and she could only suppress Lin Feng's shock to the bottom of her heart.

The sound resounded throughout Adras, and with the appearance of that sound, the dark clouds in the sky became more gloomy. According to normal weather rules, such a dense gathering of black clouds should soon rain heavily.

But the sky is getting darker and darker, and there is no sign of rain at all.

"Oh? The sky has changed."

Lin Feng glanced at the suddenly changing sky dumbly.

"What sound was it just now! It's scary!"

Lucy hugged Lisana in fear, her expression softened.

Lin Feng gave Lucy a light look.

"What was the sound just now?"

Lisana hugged Wendy. She was obviously younger than Lucy. After all, she was a person who died once. These are still small scenes.

"Is that the sound just now? It was a dragon!" Lin Feng smiled.

Lin Feng took out the small key, the shape of the key returned to its original shape, such as a key more than one meter long, so big that Lin Feng could only hold it with one hand.


"Lin Feng just said what you said is true, that voice was made by the dragon?!"

Lisana and Lucy reacted with excitement, the high pitch pierced Lin Feng's eardrum, their mouths opened wide.

They and Naz are one of the closest people, knowing that Naz has been searching for his dragon father Igunilu for many years and how far they have traveled, but so far there is no news.

Now the dragon has finally appeared, whether it is Igunilu or not, but at least I know the news about the dragon!

"I haven't finished it yet."

Lin Feng dragged the huge key with one hand, curiously and casually tossed it in the air a few times, tapped it with his hand, and continued: "It's just a mechanical dragon, it's far from a real dragon."



A basin of cold water was poured down mercilessly, and the two sighed in disappointment. Hope was lost again.

"Resolve this tatter first, and then go over and take a look."

Lin Feng ignored the loss of the two of them, and when he said that, he raised the big key and made a throwing motion.



Huge steel body, gleaming cold, a hundred and ten meters tall dragon knight majestic and majestic, the iron dragon neck is thick and powerful, the dragon head is raised high as if it really is a proud dragon with flesh and blood; His eyes flashed red. It was standing, with a shield and a sword on both sides!

The tall mechanical dragon stepped out, leaving a huge footprint.

"Haha, crawl down, dragon! This world needs your magic power!"

Ufast was sitting in the cockpit. There were many buttons and mechanisms in front of him. His limbs were assimilated with the dragon knight. Ufast's facial muscles were strongly twisted, and his facial features looked terrifying and bloodshot. His eyes were full of madness.

At this moment, he is like a mad dog with rabies. Anyway, his country is ruined, he doesn't care anymore!

The city roared and cracked, and the dragon knight kept roaring at the sky.

In front of him, Naz fist flames rose, his face full of anger.

"Dragon! That's not the case!"

Naz jumped up and shouted loudly: "The iron fist of the fire dragon!"

Ufaster laughed wildly in the cockpit: "Haha, it's useless! The body of the dragon knight can eliminate all external magic and absorb it!"


Naz carried a ball of fire in his right hand, and it clearly hit the dragon knight's head, but a sense of powerlessness struck, the same feeling as when he had just arrived in Adras before.

"The magic is gone!?"

Naz was surprised, completely unaware that he was still in a dangerous situation.

"Naz be careful!"

Hobbi's voice came from below, and Naz had only recovered from it, but it was too late, and a shadow covered him.

"Haha, die, your magic is mine!"

Ufaster among the dragon knights grinned and drove the dragon knight with a heavy shield and patted it down.


Naz was photographed severely, slapped from a high altitude, and crashed into the pile of rocks like a meteorite.

"Brother Naz, I'll help you!"

Wendy immediately went forward, her eyes no longer cowardly and timid, and now she was full of determination.


"Don't worry Xia Lulu, don't forget that I am the Dragon Slayer in the sky!"

Wendy gave Xia Lulu a relieved expression, and flew towards Naz.

Soon the light blue light came on.

"Brother Naz is all right?"

Wendy's healing magic effect is immediate, and Naz's skin trauma has recovered.


Naz regained his spirit, his fists collided with each other, and a dragon seal magic circle lit up, watching the dragon knight shouting: "Come again!"

"No matter how many times it is the same, my dragon knight is invincible! I want Lin Feng to regret it!"

Ufaster yelled hysterically, his face getting reddened, Lin Feng hated him!

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