Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 339: Prelude to destruction

"Brother Naz asked me to help you!"

Wendy said, her small face was so serious and focused that there was air current gathering around her, her beautiful long dark blue hair was flying with the wind, her skirt fluttered, and her small body seemed to contain endless power at this moment. Endless as vast as the sky.

"The magic of Tianlong!"

"The power of the steel wrist!"

"The power of the wind!"

"The power of armor!"

Wendy played a few magic circles. As the chanting ended, the magic in Naz began to surging, full of power, and there was something similar to an aperture covering Naz.

"I'm burning again!"

Sensing the surging magic power in his body, Naz laughed, his eyes looked confidently at the dragon knight, and his pupils focused violently. I don't know if it was because of the increase in strength, I felt that Naz's two canine teeth were a little longer.

"I'm going to go!"

Naz pushed **** the ground, his feet flew up and down, and Naz flew towards the dragon knight like an arrow.

"It's faster!"

Ufast was stunned, and randomly reacted to control the Dragon Knight.

"The roar of the fire dragon!"

Naz began to accumulate magical power in the air 20 meters away from the Dragon Knight.

A large amount of magic power was compressed from the lungs, and an ultra-high temperature pillar of fire rushed toward the dragon knight.

"It's useless!"

Ufast controlled the dragon knight, and there was a gun barrel protruding from the dragon's mouth, and magical power was gathering, much like Naz's roar.


The fire dragon roar of Naz and the light shot of the dragon knight collided, and the two powers were comparable.

"The broken teeth of the fire dragon!"

Naz suppressed the dragon knight in the last roar, and attacked again with a rapid reaction.

Naz is usually a single-celled creature, but has always been keen on fighting.


Ufast was taken aback and hurriedly manipulated the dragon knight to deal with it.

Naz's hand was claw-shaped, and there was a terrifying flame wrapped in it. This kind of power wanted to tear the Dragon Knight.

However, several dragon knight diffusion cannons flew out from the dragon knight's back and locked Naz.

"Brother Naz, be careful behind you!"


Naz's broken teeth were blocked by a few dragoon diffusers. He had no propulsion in the air, but there were still a few missing behind him.

at this time!

"The roar of Tianlong!"

Wendy's dragon roar shot down several other dragoon diffusers.

"It seems not enough!"

Ufaster roared wildly, and he gritted his teeth and made up his mind when he saw that the Dragon Knight's diffusion cannon had little effect: "You forced me!"

"What's the matter? It seems that something is wrong with the steel dragon."

Naz fell to the ground and watched the tall dragon knight begin to change.


On the super-giant crystal floating island, the Excites are pushing the crystal.

This scene also fell in Lin Feng's eyes.

"Sneez, if you don't come, don't do it in Ufaster, I will destroy Extania by myself!"

Lin Feng looked at them with a sneer, there was no joke in the words.

"Wow! How come there are so many cats that can fly like Hobby?"

It was the first time for Lucy to see the Excited clan and couldn't help but marvel.

"They are all transcendents and belong to the Excited clan, but they all call themselves the angel clan." Lisana patiently spread some common sense here for Lucy.

"Huh? They are here too."

Lin Feng felt something and looked at the right side and said, with some surprise in his tone. When Lucy wanted to ask who, a large group of people appeared to their right.


"Sister Mila Elge!"

The group of people who rushed are the people of Fairy Tail of Adras.

"Two big sisters Lucy!"

The group of people behind saw Lucy standing next to Lin Feng, and all their jaws fell to the ground.

"I heard that the people on his side and our counterparts have the opposite personalities and abilities. Isn't that sister Lucy very gentle?"

"Hmm! It should be!"

"Hey! Don't you think I didn't hear you!"

Lucy immediately looked fiercely at those who talked, especially Macao, bulging her small biceps, and the meaning was already self-evident.

"You are everyone in the Guild of Adras!"

It was the first time Lucy met with them. Before, I just heard Hobbi say that the fairy tail here is completely opposite to theirs. In the end, Hobbit still said mysteriously and vaguely about Naz, which made Lucy itch. Now I can finally hand over the deity.

"The two Lucy look exactly the same! Hope this Lucy can be gentler."

Fireball Naz is more excited than seeing Naz. His mouth wants to say something, but the face of the big sister Lucy who saw him is about to reach the edge of rage, she stopped her mouth immediately, her eyes were moist, and she was about to cry. He didn't want to send the bone again.

Lucy looked at Fireball Naz incredulously.

"Why are you here?"

Lin Feng asked lightly, putting his hands in his pants pockets.

"Of course I came to see Lisana!"

Mira pretended to be angry, and said to Lisana, "Lisana, do you know how worried we are that we can't find you? We can't do this in the future."

At the end of the talk, Mira actually shed two lines of tears, hugged Lisana and held tightly, for fear that she would be gone by accident.

Lin Feng looked at Mila with a deep meaning, then the corners of his mouth curled up and smiled lightly: "Okay, you found it too, so let's go and play while there is still time."

Lin Feng said to Lucy, who was holding back his smile: "After Lucy is gone, Naz is still there."

Lin Feng waved, and turned around.

Lisana looked at Lin Feng complicatedly, and what she didn't notice was that Mira was also looking at her with the same gaze.

"Ah? What about that lock dragon cannon? When everyone in the guild will..."

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