Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 340: The end of the world!

call out!

Before Lucy had finished speaking, Lin Feng looked in the direction of Suolong Cannon. Without moving his body, he just waved his arm and threw the key out.

However, the key burst out, piercing the air, and the sound was louder than the small tiles before, leaving an obvious trace in the air.



The first sound was the sound of the key breaking and unlocking the Dragon Cannon, and then the sky was full of flames burning in the Dragon Cannon, a huge flame illuminating the sky.

Naz also noticed.

"What a big flame!"

"Suolong Cannon!"

Naz and Faust exclaimed at the same time, and they looked over there in unison.


Lin Feng licked his lips, clapped his hands and habitually inserted it back into his pants pocket.

He hummed a little tune that Lucy couldn't understand, as simple as drinking a glass of water, a relaxed and indifferent touch, but Lin Feng frowned slightly in the next second, and it seemed to be very troublesome.

Lin Feng raised his hand to wipe off the non-existent sweat on his forehead, and said with emotion, "It really takes a key to stop, it's not easy."

"Is the key used like this! Besides, you can completely destroy the Suolong Cannon without the key!?"

Lucy couldn't help it anymore, and spit out loudly: "And how easily you broke the Suolong Cannon, don't put on the expression of your effort!"

Lin Feng has never paid attention to Lucy's complaints, just as five words floating in the sky, floating in and away.


"I know!"

Naz nodded, the muscles in his legs compressed and flew like a strong spring, and went straight to the huge flames in the distance. Wendy knew that Naz was going to replenish the magic power, so she increased the blessing of the power of the wind and let Naz fly. Faster.

"Huh? Don't think about it!"

Ufast first forgot that Naz could swallow flames to replenish magic power. Then he reacted fiercely and drove the dragon knight to jump up and chase after him. Naz's dragon-killing magic also made Ufast quite For fear.

"Dragon Knight diffuser!"

Behind the dragon knight, more and faster light bullets shot at Naz violently.

Naz turned his head and glanced at the dense dragon knight diffusion cannons, if they were hit, they would surely become a sieve!

Seeing that the Dragon Lock Cannon is about to reach, but the Dragon Cavalry Spread Cannon is also approaching him!

"Haha, give me your magic power, this world needs me to control it!"

Ufaster couldn't help laughing as he watched the Dragoon's diffuser about to knock down Naz.

"The roar of Tianlong!"

A wind scroll swept from left to right like a whip, and all of the dragon knight's dragoon proliferation guns were intercepted and destroyed.

"Wendy did a good job!" Naz was delighted, as long as he could swallow that huge flame, he would have enough magic power.

"Damn it! This little girl again!"

Ufaster gritted his teeth with great resentment, and a voice in his heart kept telling him that he needed more magic power, endless magic power!


"Absorb all the magic of this world!"

The dragon knight roared up to the sky, the sound waves of the sound oscillated in the air, and the sound was extremely horrifying, and some houses collapsed. Civilians everywhere fled in a hurry, and people's complaints were everywhere.

"Your Majesty, stop, you can't do this!"

"Mom, where are you..." There was a little girl crying on the run-down street.

"He is no longer a king, he is destroying the kingdom!"

"Who can stop him? Master Transcendant, come and stop him!"

"Mom, Dad..."

Things like this are happening everywhere, civilians are killed and injured, the lives of children are humble like weeds, homes are destroyed by dragon knights, city streets are broken, everything is in the process of destruction.

"It's actually absorbing the magic around it!"

Naz felt the magic power around him surging behind him in a directional and purposeful manner, and was startled when he looked back.

"The magic of this world is almost exhausted, Dragon! Give your magic!"

Strips of thick, magical power that can be seen with the naked eye is injected into the dragon knight like spring water, and Ufaster is constantly extracting and squeezing the only magical power that Adras has naturally underneath.

"God..... changed!"

Naz was shocked, his eyes wide open, he looked at the sky in disbelief, and took a deep breath of air-conditioning. The goose bumps were all up and Naz shivered a few times.

"Oh? Is it finally beginning to absorb the magic of Adelas."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky with the corners of his mouth curled up. Originally, he wanted to let Naz play more, but now he wanted to speed up. Lin Feng blew a whistle and a dark shadow flew from the sky.

Lucy looked at the flying shadow, her mouth widening exaggeratedly.


As the dragon knight continued to absorb the magic power of Adras, the sky was dark clouds rolling, and there was no light to say, the world was completely dark, but the strange thing was that this change was only half!

"Sure enough, there was an error in that future!"

Queen Shaggett looked at the sky on the other side incredibly. There was a scene even more terrifying than the dark billowing sky. That half day gave people an aura of destruction, and there was no life there!

There was a huge thunderbolt flashed by, and there was also a thunderbolt that smashed down and hit the huge lake. In that moment, the lake was completely evaporated, and the ground was torn apart like a spider web.

The original vibrant trees became withered, and animals and plants continued to die, turning into mud; suddenly a strange force moved the mountain away, and the whole abrupt mountain exploded in an instant.

At the cracks, on the top of the mountain, there is flaming lava erupting, like a real **** scene!

And the scope of this devastating sight is encroaching on Naz and the others!

"What the **** happened here!?"

This is almost everyone's idea, especially Queen Shaget.

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