Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 341: Sudden change!

"Why will the future suddenly change without warning!?"

At this time Queen Shaget was troubled by this problem.

Obviously there is no slack in her heart... She blames herself that all this is caused by her alone.

At the same time, others have also seen different changes in the horizon.

"What! Why is this happening?!"

Ufaster's hair was messy, and he looked at the destruction of the horizon with a nervous breakdown. This was even more terrifying than the scene where he extracted the magical power of Adras. He couldn't believe that the world on the horizon was disappearing and spreading here.

"What the **** happened?!"

Naz stopped and stared blankly at the **** scene on the horizon, and there was something in his body trembling with fear.

Wendy also felt the same. Wendy was even more serious than Naz. She collapsed weakly on the gravel, her breathing became very rapid, her face was pale, and her forehead was covered with dense cold sweat.

"Lin Feng, do you know what's going on?"

Lucy's hands were fisted because of tension, and one hand was afraid to pinch Lin Feng's clothes and watched the sky's throat roll hard.

"Hey, Lin Feng, why are you so frightened, what should I do?"

Lucy turned her head to take a peek when she called Lin Feng and didn't respond.

"This power..."

Lin Feng squeezed his chin, frowned slightly, thoughtfully, he didn't hear any sound at all, and muttered to himself: "That's it, this world is too fragile, alas."

Lin Feng sighed and said, "Let's go."

"Ah! Oh."

Seeing Lin Feng's calm face, Lucy, based on past experience, believed that Lin Feng had a solution, and her hanging heart relaxed.

On Naz's side, his battle with the Dragon Knight was not over yet.

"I am not like you, but the whole world is my burden! I will not be defeated!"

Ufaster's white hair fluttered and his eyes were red, completely like a beast running away. The dragon knight extracted the magic power of Adelas even more recklessly in his control room.

"Crawl down, dragon!"

Ufaster roared, and the dragon knight roared up into the sky.

"Wendy, are you all right."

Naz stopped devouring the flames of the lock dragon cannon. He returned to the original place and found Wendy lying weakly in the pile of rubble. There were continuous rubble flying around and it was possible that Wendy would be hit.

"Brother Naz, what happened on the other side of the sky, why do I feel fear, fear?!"

Wendy's lips were whitish and her voice was weak. She only felt that she had no strength all over her body, as if she had been drained suddenly, her vision was blurred.

"Do you feel that way too?!"

Naz was slightly startled, and then put aside these incomprehensible questions, picked up Wendy and ran towards Hobby.

"Dragon, if you want to become my magic power, you can't go anywhere. This world doesn't need such things as guilds, stay!"

The dragon knight chased him up, very fast, a few flashes reached the front of Naz, and the long sword in his right hand swung fiercely.


The dragon knight cut open the ground, the strength of the force was very fast, directly rushing Naz and Wendy into flight, Naz tightly hugged Wendy, all the damage was received by Naz alone, biting Tooth yelled, blood spilling from between his teeth.

"Haha, it seems that your magic power is insufficient!"

Ufaster saw that the dragon knight's sword could hit Naz badly, and smiled proudly: "Dragon! Become the cornerstone of my dream!"



"Your Majesty, stop!"

Habisha Lulu and Coco yelled. They looked at Naz and Wendy who were bombarded in the airflow, but they were helpless. Hobby saw that Naz was beaten to vomit blood, and his eyes began to itch, and there was a moist mist. Blurred vision.

"Why is this? Naz!"

Hobby shed two lines of tears, but he turned his head up to the sky, trying to stop the tears.

"Haha, despair! All people will become my magic!"

Ufaster was mad for endless magic, and the dragon knight's magic kept soaring.

"Dragon Slayer lost to the Dragon Knight?!"

In the sky, the Excited clan looked at the roaring dragon knight, their heads were covered by a dark cloud of deep despair, and the cat's ears were all pulled down without energy.

Queen Shaggett lost her eyes and looked at Naz who was flying out, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart. All this was caused by herself.


Just as the dragon knight was about to swallow Naz and Wendy's dragon-killing magic with a single sword, a puffy voice resounded across the battlefield.


Ufaster looked over and saw the tattered black cat with a smile and said, "Pansalili, what do you want to do? No, what else can you change?"

"I want to stop you!"

Pansalili's armor is already in tatters, it can be said to be a piece of scrap iron, using the remaining magic power to transform into a fighting form, dragging the huge sword to the dragon knight.

"Puff! Haha, what are you kidding? Stop me? It's up to you?"

Ufaster laughed wildly: "Let me tell you how naive you are!"

Speaking of the dragon knight's speed, he appeared in front of Pansalili and cut his sword in an instant.


Pansalili didn't fight the dragon knight's spear head-on, but flashed through the cut, and the huge sword slashed down at the dragon knight's neck.

"The magic is absorbed!"

Pansali suddenly felt weak, the great sword failed and returned to a normal long sword, and fell from the air, but Ufaster would not be so kind to let him simply free fall.

"go to hell!"

The shield on the left slammed down towards Pansali. The extremely weak Pansali was already unable to dodge.


The shield finally pressed to the ground, and the huge stones were crushed to raise dust.

Hobby was desperate. He gave Pan Salili's hope just now. Although it was not big, he was truly desperate now!

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