Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 351: The strongest former monster tail

After some tossing, Naz finally woke up leisurely.

Naz suddenly opened his eyes and saw two human heads and two cat heads manipulating his body. The conditioned reflex jumped up, and the two heads hit Lucy Hobby. .

"Naz, why are you hitting us? If you want to hit Lucy alone."

Habi grieved and said Baba, completely forgetting that it was because of his kitten buttocks that Naz suffocated and fainted.

"Habi what did you say!"

Lucy doesn't like it anymore. What does it mean to hit me if you want to hit?

Later, Naz and Lucy asked Lin Feng about something, and Lin Feng patiently helped them answer. They learned that Adras had no magic power, and everything else had not changed. The main thing was to rebuild, and they could finally rest assured. Up.

"This is where?"

Lucy looked around and could feel the magic in the air around her.

"We are back in Edlandon."

After Lin Feng answered Lucy, he turned his head blankly and looked at a tree and said faintly: "It's all back, won't you come out?"

When Lin Feng's words fell, Naz and the others looked at the tree curiously.

"Naz, long time no see."

Lisana, who came out from behind the tree, had a little red and swollen eyes, and there were two lines of undried tears on her face, which should have been shed when she parted with Miraj Elfman of Adras.

"Li... Lisana!"

Naz's eyes opened wide, his pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at the familiar person unbelievably.

"Lizana! Why... why are you here?"

Lucy was shocked when she saw Lisanna. According to what Lin Feng said just now, everyone had returned to their world, and everyone in the guild should have returned now.

"What exactly is going on?"

Xia Lulu looked solemn. According to what she knew before, Lisana had died a few years ago. It could be explained in the parallel world of Edras, but now she actually appeared in Edlandon alive!

"Is it Lisana's ghost!?" Hobby looked terrified.

"This Lisana is Lisana from Edlandon."

Lin Feng walked towards Magnolia, yawned and said: "When Lisana was about to die, a small'soul' of Adras just appeared and sucked her into Adras. It happened that Lisana of Adras died at that time."

As Lin Feng said, everyone returned to the guild in an instant.



"The world... is not destroyed!?"

Mistgang looked at the ruins of the palace in a daze. It seemed that it had gone through a century of vicissitudes. The streets, houses, and walls were covered with lush plants everywhere.

The sky is exceptionally clear, with birds and beasts flying by, and more and more people wake up, and they are shocked when they see this new world.

"In the end what happened?"

After Elisa woke up, she immediately picked up the Ten Commandments Spear and limped in the direction of the palace.

Mistgang looked at this new-born Adelas, he had already sensed that there was no magic in this world anymore, and the air had a natural fragrance. He did not hate Lin Feng, but was ecstatic and thanked Lin Feng in his heart.

"Lin Feng, you are really an incredible person, you really reborn Edras!"

Mistergang looked at the blue sky, and he was in a good mood.

After that, he renovated the palace as the new king and formed an ally with Fairy Tail.

Elisa became silent after learning that all this was the work of Lin Feng alone, and Shugeboi and Seus also fell silent. They finally knew how ignorant and arrogant they were at the beginning.

"Lin Feng, are you a god?"

Elisa whispered to herself in a very sincere tone, but no one could answer whether Lin Feng was a **** or not.

The Excited clan was condemned by Lin Feng and wanted to find the lost clan. Xiaget confessed his guilt and led the clan on this path of atonement.

The whole Adras was being rebuilt, and Ufaster looked at this scent of birds and flowers, and his wrinkled face showed an expression of repentance.

"Endless magic power is no more than one person's power after all, what else do we need to hold on to?"

He sighed, figured out a lot, and regretted the past.

Ufaster took off his gorgeous robe, and walked alone into the deserted life of exile in a gray crude cloth.

"Lin Feng, see you if you have a chance!"

Under the leadership of Mistgang, Adelas was more prosperous without magic.


"I'm home!"

Lin Feng and others saw the familiar buildings and signs, and Naz couldn't help but rushed in with the excitement in his heart.

Mira smiled and looked at Naz, but she was stunned by a figure behind!


"Sister Mila!"

Lisana rushed to Mira, and this was the older sister who grew up with him. Lin Feng walked into the guild without expression behind her, sat on the bar and poured a glass of spirits on her own.

In this way, the noisy days began again in the Fairy Tail Guild, and Naz and others told about the experience of Adras, which made everyone laugh.

Three days later.....

"Are you the new president Lin Feng?"

A middle-aged man's voice came, with a slightly surprised tone. As soon as he arrived, he sat next to Lin Feng and poured a glass of wine for himself at the same time.

"Lin Feng, let me introduce you, this is..."

At this time, the short Makarov sitting on the bar looked at the two and said.

"I know, Kildas, right."

Lin Feng unceremoniously took out the wine that Kildas poured, with a cold expression and a cold voice interrupting Makarov's words.

Makarov got used to it without any embarrassment, and kept watching.

When the people in the guild saw Kildas and Lin Feng drinking together, they unconsciously became nervous, and the guild was rarely quiet.

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