Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 352: Kildas vs Lin Feng

"Haha, I didn't expect you to know me, and how young you became the president must be very strong."

Kildas laughed, his face was full of scum, and he was exactly like a sloppy uncle.

Lin Feng drank the wine with a calm expression. Hearing what Kildas said, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Obviously Kildas was provoking Lin Feng. He went out to perform a very dangerous mission. When he came back, he heard that a new young man had defeated Makarov and became the new chairman. Will serve.

In particular, "new joining" and "young people" made him want to see who he was, and most importantly, he had to see whether the other party's character was good or not, and whether he cherished his guild partners.

"Lost ancient super magic."

Lin Fengxie smiled, the corners of his mouth split, his shiny eyes looked at the yellow wine in his hand, and he said leisurely: "Smash the magic, I really want to see it."

"Ahaha, in that case, the guild leader will experience it."

Kildas was bold and showed his hand from the black cloak.

The people around looked at the two of them, the air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. Seeing that the two men were about to start fighting, Makarov hurriedly said: "I want to fight outside."

Lin Feng curled his lips, got up and walked back, holding a bottle of wine that he had just opened in his hand, and Kildas followed.

Makarov took a look at the breezy forest wind, then looked at Kildas who was uplifting and laughing.

joke! The destructive power of these two people is more than a thousand Naz, and he really wants to stop Kildas from the test of Lin Feng, he thinks Kildas's chance of winning is really small!

"Will Lin Feng fight with Kildas?!"

Naz was excited and rushed out like a monkey.

"These two are monsters, will Magnolia be ruined!"

"That's not good." Mira smiled softly, and stepped out to watch the game.

"Worry me a little bit!"

Lucy yelled, why do I worry about Magnolia alone.

At the gate of the Fairy Tail Guild, Lin Feng held a bottle of wine arrogantly, taking a big mouthful from time to time, and his face was not red and heartbeat at such a high degree.

"and many more!"

Lucy rushed out quickly and shouted immediately.

"Lucy what do you want to do?" Naz looked at Lucy puzzledly.

"Love! Could it be that Lucy wants to participate too!"

Hobby smiled wickedly and smiled darkly.

Lin Feng and Kildas looked at Lucy curiously at the same time, the former smiled evilly.

"Lucy, do you want to do it too?"

Lin Fengxie cocked the corners of his mouth full of meaning, and spoke very implicitly. Only a few people who came to the scene knew the meaning.

Among these people are Kildas and Makarov.

"You are so bold, boy!"

Kildas' eyes flashed with brilliance and admiration on his face.

"It turns out that you are also a fellow man!"

Lin Feng looked at Kildas, her lips slightly.

The two looked at each other, and there was a feeling of hatred for seeing each other!

"What do you mean?"

Lucy looked dumbfounded and turned to look at Naz. She was here to stop Lin Feng and Kildas.

"I don't know, Hobbit, do you know?"

Naz is a creature with a tendon without thinking about it.

"Who knows, but this sentence is very broad and profound!"

Hobby pretended to be mysterious, covering his mouth with the cat's paw, lowering his voice and pretending to be mature, and the cat's eyes were narrowed, looking very treacherous and cunning.

Lin Feng was so keen, he quickly interpreted Hobby's secret words, and saw the corners of the mouth that Hobby had concealed.

"Habi is right, this kind of remarks are indeed profound!"

Lin Feng's face was serious and serious, his eyes were like torches, and he bit the last four words hard, as if there was divine light surrounding Lin Feng's body at that moment!

"Yeah, it's really broad and profound. It seems that you still understand Lin Feng!"

Kildas really admired Lin Feng at this time.

Even Makarov's face on the side blushed, and he thought to himself: Lin Feng, really learned.

"Hobby's way is quite deep."

"You are polite, we are just learning the rich five cars."


"What are you doing?"

"What about your skin?"


At the moment when Lin Feng and Habi looked at each other, Lin Feng and Habi completed the legendary spiritual exchange.

Kildas walked towards Lin Feng haha, and then gently patted Lin Feng's thin shoulder with his hand, and said: "Let's not learn from each other, let's go! Let's have a drink together."

"Yeah! He uses magic!"

"Run away! This place will be crushed!"

The members of other guilds saw Kildas's hands shattering magic light, and they were shooting Lin Feng!

Although Kildas said that the movement is very light, the smashing magic is an ancient lost magic. Magnolia has specially rectified the structure of the Central Avenue for him!

No matter what the magic shattered by kinetic energy!

Lin Feng laughed and watched the slap shot, and Makarov raised his brows. He didn't expect Lin Feng to let the crushing magic hit him directly.

Kildas looked at Lin Feng a little disappointed, and thought: "This young man is good, but it's too big."

Shaking his head, Kildas wanted to withdraw his hand, but one hand caught his wrist!

"Lin Feng, what do you want to do!?"

Kildas stayed in a cold sweat, knowing that his entire arm is going to shatter the brilliance of magic, it is possible to crush this Magnolia with just one touch!

"Shake hands, what else can you do? You are right, fellow man!"

Lin Feng squinted, his eyes flashed by different lights, his conversation was like a lullaby, Kildas only felt his head faint, and could faint at any time.

But the huge pain in the next second stimulated his nerves, numb like an electric shock, but Kildas seemed to be fixed by giant clamps, unable to move!

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