Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 353: S-level wizard assessment

"Lin Feng's face-to-face contact with Kildas's crushing magic is okay!"

Naz opened his mouth wide and looked at Lin Feng's hand in disbelief. It was just a thin and slender arm!

"What a strange power."

Makarov also said that he was also surprised that Lin Feng could resist the smashing magic. He originally thought Lin Feng would use other methods.

"Stop playing, I'm so bored, I'm going to make up for it."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, let go of Kildas's hand, and then drank the wine in the other hand in one gulp, and touched the hand of Kildas with the bottle.


After a buzzing sound like a bee fan's wings, I saw the bottle shattered into small pieces until it was shattered to be invisible.

All of them watched Lin Feng's behavior in amazement, unable to speak for a long time.

Lin Feng smiled, and said in a beautiful name: "This is a reasonable use of existing resources."

Soon it was noon. In the afternoon, Makarov announced something, so all the members of the guild were called. Everyone knew what was going on, and they were very excited.

"Sister Mila, what is the old president to announce? How grand is it?"

Lucy and Lisa Nanaz sat at the table, watching that the podium was actually covered by a red cloth, while Lin Feng was asleep.

"Woohoo! Started Hobbit!"


Naz and Hobby rushed over in excitement, which made Lucy even more puzzled. Unexpectedly, even Naz started paying attention. What happened?


Makarov's voice sounded, the red curtain was pulled up in concert, and Makarov, Elsa, Mirage, and Kildas were all standing on the large podium.

Of course, the four of them were serious and unsmiling. The people below were waiting for Makarov quietly and excitedly, and even Naz did not yell as usual.

"Begin to announce the list of members of Fairy Tail's S-level wizard exam this year!"

Makarov put his hands on his back and said in a puff of air, his mustache shook as he spoke.


"Is it finally going to start? It's great to be young!"

"Come on, boys!"

Some people of the older generation shouted with emotion, while the younger generation was shouting wildly.

"Did something interesting happen?"

Lin Feng, who was awakened, saw a large group of people dancing in front of him, thinking it was a carnival or something.

"The S-rank Sorcerer exam has begun."

Lisana intimately explained to Lin Feng that she was really helpless with the new president.

"Oh! Has it finally started!"

Lin Feng suddenly lifted his spirits, his eyes sparkled like sparks. There was a mighty mighty look, and a confident smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. What could make Lin Feng who was still lazy just now suddenly lift his spirits?

Lin Feng's breath was too strong, and the random changes in his emotions affected the magical changes in this guild. At this time, Lin Feng didn't realize that because he was too happy to continuously absorb the magical powers around him.

Everyone gradually sat down weakly, their faces a little pale, they stared at Lin Feng, Lucy said, "Did you do something Lin Feng, why is the magic around you constantly pouring into you?"

Lucy's magic power has also been drawn, and so is Naz's dragon-killing magic power.

"Oh? Sorry, sorry, I was overjoyed."

Lin Feng scratched his head and smiled, then his whole body was shaken, and the magic power gathered around him was shattered so that it could be liquefied. The magic power flowed back into everyone's body, and his face gradually became rosy and improved.

Kildas looked at Lin Feng, indicating that the wind and the waves were calm, but in fact, a huge wave had already been rolled up in his heart.

"It is unbelievable that Lin Feng possesses such power, but this is not like magical power?!"

Kildas's heart kept beating, he actually had heart palpitations towards Lin Feng!

This feeling was the first time he had this feeling for the same human being, besides facing the black dragon Akunorokia, this kind of fear that would make him unforgettable!

"Lin Feng can make me feel this way just because of emotional changes!!!"

Suddenly Kildas realized a terrible detail, and he was terrified of thinking about it!

You should know that he only developed this sense of fear when he was fighting the black dragon Akunorokia.

"Lin Feng, what are you happy about?"

Makarov felt that what could make Lin Feng so happy must be extraordinary, so he still asked if it was safe.

"One person, one dragon!"

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth raised a smile, and he stretched out his tongue to lick his thin, slightly dry lips. Looking at a certain place, his dark eyes were like endless black holes, as if he had seen through the world.


At the same time, on Sirius Island in the distance.

"The hunt for death has begun again! Don't! Get away from me!"

A black-clothed man was holding his head like crazy, muttering words, black air entangled him, and everything around him was dying.

"Ha ha......"

Suddenly, behind him, a soft voice remembered, and the laughter vibrated, dispelling the black air.




Makarov and Naz were shocked by Lin Feng's words and said in unison.

Others were also shocked by Lin Feng's words. Without first saying who could make Lin Feng's perverted mind, just saying that the dragon was scary enough!

That is the race that once ruled the world!

To put it ugly, if it were not for the pitiful dragons hundreds of years ago, or the humans would have been extinct, this is by no means alarmist!

"Yes, a man who always wants to die and a dragon who only wants to destroy."

Lin Feng is like a hunter, something is beating in the depths of his eyes, his eyelids are slowly pulled down to focus, he found a delicious prey.

Lin Fengke can find them now, but he doesn't want to advance the story, because the wine needs to be brewed for a long time before it is fragrant.

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