Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 355: First kill Lin Feng!

Makarov looked embarrassed, and there was a drop of cold sweat from his forehead between his eyebrows. He knew that Lin Feng was going to do something.

The words behind Makarov are self-evident, that is, with Lin Feng's strength, no one in the room can pass!

"What can I do, I am very helpless."

Lin Feng showed innocent gaze, with two big eyes shining. In fact, he was really helpless. Who made me so powerful?

In the eyes of everyone, Lin Feng's innocent expression is a naked contempt and sneer.


Makarov instantly lost his words, and felt that the past few decades had been blank. He was really powerless to refute, and Lin Feng was so strong he was helpless!

"Huh! I'm the true president!"

Seeing that everyone still didn't want him to be an examiner, Lin Feng immediately became intimidated, holding up the chairman's frame and waving a domineering hand and said, "That's it! I, Elisa, Miraje, and Kildas are the examiners together. !"

"Those who are dissatisfied come up to fight with me, life or death!"

In the end, under Lin Feng's threat, everyone could only compromise.

"Depart from Sirius Island tomorrow!"

Makarov left after setting a time, he had to prepare something first.

"Hobby, we're going to practice!"


Naz breathed fire in his mouth, and rushed out of the guild with enthusiasm and Hobby.

"What can I practice one day?"

Lucy collapsed on the table in despair, while her partner Kana still had a glimmer of hope in her heart. She tried to fortune with the cards and prayed not to meet Lin Feng.

The temperature at this time was very cold, and the snow on the street outside could cover people's ankles. At this time, Wendy was walking home with Xia Lulu in her arms.

"Xia Lulu hopes that we will not meet President Lin Feng."

Wendy took Xia Lulu in her arms and walked on the deserted path.

Wendy was still young and could not take the S-level wizard exam, but the contestant Dolan Barth invited Wendy.

Dolanbalt is Mistgang's apprentice, Wendy also wants to repay Mistergang, but there is no chance, so she wants to help Dolanbalthe become an S-level wizard.

Behind Wendy, Dolan Barth watched Wendy's small body getting smaller and smaller, and couldn't help showing a successful smile.

But the praying mantis catches the cicada, and occasionally the oriole is behind.

"what are you laughing at?"

A faint voice came with temperature in his ears, Dolan Bart shivered and hurriedly turned around. He might be really frightened. He tripped and fell on the snow in a panic.

When he looked up again, Dolan Bart saw the owner of the voice.

Under the warm street lamp, the figure showed the outline of a slender figure.

"Lin! President Lin Feng!"

Dolan Barth saw the incoming person clearly, a little panicked, and realized that he was out of state.

He immediately returned to his normal state of mind and said, "President Lin Feng, are you also walking?"

"Yeah, I'm also walking."

Lin Feng's eyes seemed to have an inexplicable attraction in the dimness.

Dolan Barth did not dare to look at Lin Feng, he knew that Lin Feng was incredible.

When he wanted to find an excuse to leave at random, Lin Feng's words made him panic and sweat instantly.

"Dolan Bart, tell the old bastards, I am not interested in trouble with the House of Justice, so!"

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng said in a sharp tone at this point: "So don't seek your own death."

Dolan Barthes body trembled, his right foot that had just been lifted stagnated in the air, and he did not step on it for a long time. Dolan Barthes seemed to feel an illusion that it was snowy, but the surrounding air temperature suddenly dropped.

"It's cold, what does it feel like!?"

It was obviously cold in the surroundings, and it was below freezing, but Dolan Barth shivered and felt that the innermost piece of clothing had been soaked by his own sweat!

"Lin Feng!"

He suddenly looked back, but there was no one behind him, the snow on the ground only had his own footprints!

"What the **** is going on?! Lin Feng was clearly here just now, why are there no traces of him here!?"

Dolan Bart felt like he was falling into the abyss of ice, his hair exploded.

The street lights dimmed and lit, and the sky was constantly falling snow. White replaced the main color here, and Magnolia became white.

Lin Feng tapped his toes lightly on the top of a house, his indifferent black eyes reflected patches of light snow, and then he disappeared in the snow.


Above the endless dark sky, an airship shuttled through it.

"Ready to begin."

Hades, the president of the Devil's Heart, sat on the airship's lord, and looked at the endless night outside the glass, and he felt particularly kind.

"Hehe, hurry up, I can't wait!"

Zankeluo was in the dark, with black flames burning. He laughed wildly and shook his fluffy blond hair. He couldn't wait to start a murder!

"Hmm, Urutia, I am looking forward to the Lin Feng you said."

In the far right corner of Hades, suddenly a pair of round eyes lit up in the dark. He was Hades and would not easily send someone out, because the situation would become uncontrollable once he went out.

"Let's be more careful, Lin Feng always gives me a strong anxiety, in short, that person is very dangerous."

Urrutia looked at the night through the glass windows, as if looking for stars.

"Urutia said that Lin Feng is very dangerous. Let's be careful."

At this time, Azuma came from outside and said lightly, but there was an expression of excitement on his face as Brunotte. Everyone could see that he was not afraid, but interested in Lin Feng.

"Go to Sirius Island, first kill Lin Feng!"

Hades, who was sitting on the main seat, had a dull face. Since there may be a change, it will be the first to obliterate it!

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