Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 356: I am looking forward to the end

"Naz, this is training the physical ability to resist attacks."

On a small cliff, Hubi prepared dozens of huge rolling rocks, while Naz below was tied to a tree immobile.

"Oh! Come on!"

Naz beat the drum in his heart, but still said hard.

After that, the screams of Naz's ecstasy continued to be heard from this small cliff.

After training, Naz and Hobbi returned to their hut. Naz sat on the snowdrift, watching the light snow under the dark sky, unconsciously.

What Naz didn't know was that in a tree behind him, a figure stood looking at him.


Suddenly a strange strong wind blew, Naz hurriedly covered his eyes with his hand, and retracted his head into the beige plaid scarf.

"Missing Igunilu?"

The sudden appearance of the sound frightened Naz, and with the appearance of the sound, the wind just stopped strangely.


Naz snorted softly and looked at Lin Feng's slender figure standing upright in the wind and snow. The voice came from the scarf.

"Naz, I said that there are people and dragons in this world that I am most interested in."

Lin Feng looked at the night and exhaled white air. Although he was only wearing a thin shirt, the cold air seemed to fear Lin Feng.

"I know."

"You have to grow up quickly, because they will come soon...I am looking forward to END!"

Lin Feng tilted his head, and the voice that Naz heard behind became smaller and smaller until it disappeared, and finally seemed to disappear in the wind and snow. Just as he was looking for Lin Feng, another voice came.

"Natz! Naz!"

Suddenly, Naz heard Hobby's voice.

"Hobby! Why are you here? Did you see Lin Feng just now?"

Naz spoke quickly, even a little anxious, he didn't quite understand what Lin Feng said.

"What are you thinking? We have been here just now and haven't seen anyone?" Hobby said.

"how is this possible?"

Naz didn't believe it, and looked back to look for the footprints left by Lin Feng, but what was left for him was a vast expanse of whiteness, and only Hobbit's cat paw prints were left.

"It's estimated that the snow will get bigger and worse tonight, so I can go to Sirius Island to take refuge from the cold."

After Lin Feng left a sentence in the air, he disappeared into the dark night.

The next day.

On the big sea, a Yang Fan sailing by the wind really slowly sailed on the bumpy sea. The wind canvas was printed with the coat of arms of the Fairy Tail Guild.

"What's the matter? It's obviously winter already!"

Wearing a bikini, Lucy lay motionless on a beach chair like a salted fish without caring about her image, sweating continuously like a sauna.

"We're going to die of heat and want to become popsicles."

Hobby was lying in an ice bucket of water, staring blankly at the parasol above his head, and sticking out his tongue.

On the sea, the sun's temperature is usually higher than that of the land, and here it is due to the influence of air currents, which is the temperature throughout the year.

"It's really too hot!"

Gray took it off, and there was no guarantee.

"It's disgusting!"

Naz was dizzy and wandering on the boat, his head heavy, the surrounding temperature did not affect him, but the common problem of this dragon slayer made him worse than death.

"Look, everyone! Here it is!"

Wendy looked at the island in front and shouted.

"Yo Xi! Let's go first!"

"Let's go first too!"

An island appeared in front of everyone. The most conspicuous thing was the roots of a super huge tree rooted in the entire island. The crown of the tree was huge, like a mushroom, covering the sky above Sirius Island.

The lush green vegetation made Lucy and others think that the island is very cool, of course, the most important thing is that the S-level wizard exam has begun!

In the cockpit of the ship, Lin Feng lay lazily, with two legs raised up and his eyes closed slightly, enjoying the sea breeze that always blows from time to time.

"Lin Feng, didn't you say that you are going to be an examiner? They have already set off." Makarov, who was beside him, rubbed the wind beside Lin Feng.

"Hey, I'm not welcome!"

Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes, stood up with a wicked smile, and disappeared.

Makarov saw Lin Feng's evil smile, his eyelids twitched, then turned around and took out a piece of magic crystal, exhaled a deep breath, looked at Sirius Island and said, "I wish you luck."

He can only do so much for Naz and others. This is the first time he has done this kind of thing!

At the beginning of the exam, contestants choose one of the limited roads to go to the central area, and successfully find the cemetery of the first president to become an S-level wizard.

However, there are safe and unsafe in these roads, such as Lisana and Zhu Bi'an now they encounter.

They met Elisa among the four examiners on the way they chose!

"It turned out to be Elisa!"

"Luck is really bad!"

Zhu Bi'an and Lisana saw Elisa from a distance waiting for them all armed.

"No, you should be glad that you met me." Elisa chuckled lightly.

"That said, Sister Mira the devil is terrible." Lisana reacted immediately.

Thinking of Sister Mila's horror, she couldn't help being scared.

"And the other two are basically... hopeless." Zhu Bian also felt a little comfort.

The other two can be said to be synonymous with invincibility. Maybe Kildas is good at talking, and he will be promoted if he has passed the comprehensive abilities such as judgment and combat power. Desperate!

"bring it on!"

Elisa changed into the armor of the Sky Wheel and pointed at the two men with extraordinary domineering swords.

On the other side, Lucy and Karna were lucky enough to walk to a safe route, successfully passed the first pass, and proceeded without incident.

Naz's side.


"Yeah! I didn't expect you to meet me. Haha."

Naz widened his eyes and looked at the man with chestnut hair in the black cloak.

The path Naz chose was for Kildas as the examiner.

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