Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 359: Dragon of Destruction

"Yeah, Naz, I'm here for the exam too."

Lin Feng waved his hand and brought Godzilla over.

"Lin Feng...President, you said you want an exam?!"

Lin Feng's words frightened Kildas and exaggerated.

"Yes, it's so boring here, I just want to go to that little loli... to the south!"

Lin Feng was originally talking happily, but as he said, Lin Feng fiercely looked to the south, his eyes burst out with the extremely excited look of the last time!

"South? Who is in the south?"

Naz asked incomprehensibly, Hobby and Kildas also looked at Lin Feng with puzzled faces.

"Hey, it just happens to be boring to death!"

Lin Feng's black eyes looked hot to the south, talking to himself, and didn't notice that Naz was asking himself, he felt that his blood was a little hot, this feeling was just excitement!

"Sorry, I won't take the exam anymore, I'm leaving now!"

After Lin Feng finished speaking, he waved to the void. In an instant, the space cracked open. Lin Feng and Godzilla disappeared in place, leaving no breath, as if they had never been here.

"Could it be that one man, one dragon?!"

Kildas frowned, it was almost Sichuan, he felt it necessary to inform Makarov.

"Old President."

"Kildas, did Lin Feng go to your side?"

"Well, but I just left, I have a very important thing to say here, I want to gather everyone together." Kildas's expression is very solemn.

Regarding the one person and one dragon that Lin Feng said, he did not dare to be careless.


Makarov over there seemed to feel Kildas' tone, and it seemed that something big was about to happen, and his expression immediately became serious. Put down the tea cup in your hand.

"As for the one person and one dragon that Lin Feng said, maybe one of them has appeared!"

Kildas said, recalling the battle with Akunorokia in his mind.


Makarov was shocked and stood up abruptly.

"Well, Lin Feng just showed the same excited expression as before." Kildas could not confirm yet.


Makarov breathed heavily from there, and then he said: "Whether it is a dragon or a man, they have the power to destroy the guild!"

Makarov said deeply, Lin Feng's power can undoubtedly destroy the guild, so the one person and one dragon he is interested in must not be a weak person!

Makarov believed that as long as he was willing, no one in the guild could stop him. Fortunately, Lin Feng was not interested in it, but was still at an important juncture for the guild.

"Well, first suspend the exam, let everyone... rustle..."

Suddenly the voice over there broke off, and rustling's voice came out.

"what happened?"

Kildas had a foreboding that something big was about to happen, so he turned his head and said solemnly to Naz: "The exam has been suspended. There seems to be something wrong with the old president. Go to the old president to see!"

"I see! Hobbit!"

"Love! I know it!"

Naz also vaguely felt that something was about to happen, and when he heard Kildas's words, he turned around and Habi took Naz and flew out.

Kildas looked at the flying away Naz, then turned and walked towards the center of Sirius Island.


In the airship outside Sirius Island.

"The origin of magic! Come, the era of great magic!"

Hades looked at the small island in front of him, stood up and shouted, seven pairs of eyes suddenly lit up in the airship.


"Who are you?! How come you can appear in the holy ground of our guild!"

Makarov yelled vigilantly at the two orcs in front of him. He knew that there was no such species on Sirius Island, so it must be an outsider, and an enemy or a friend!

In front of Makarov, there were two humanoid beasts wearing armor, staring at Makarov with ferocious eyes.

"Chicken and bear?"

After the exam, Elisa and Miraj returned to the base area long before Kildas called. They were forced to interrupt the call just after receiving the attack from these two orcs.

"Hmph, just laugh at us, because you will not laugh soon..."

"Puff! Haha!"

"It's so funny, what species is this?"

Cavaz of the chicken-shaped beast was interrupted by a burst of laughter before he could finish speaking.

"... laughed out."

Cavaz looked dumbfounded, and looked at the two beautiful women in front of him who were smiling and trembling. He didn't know what to say. Usually, wouldn't the other party be afraid or silent in such conversations?

"Three-dimensional text'Boom'!"

Yumaz waved the Oriental sword in his hand and drew a word.

"Huh?" A leaf fell gently.

Elisa was ready to fight, and the opponent had already used magic, but there was still no change in the surroundings, let alone any attacks, which made her a little confused.


Elisa suddenly had a feeling in her heart, and immediately turned around, and her body rotated to drive the long sword in her hand to cut behind her.



With the sound of a small metal collision, Elisa was still swinging a long sword that was struck horizontally by an Oriental sword and let go. Elisa was also driven back by huge power.

"I didn't hear anything just now!"

After Elisa stabilized her body, she looked at Yumaz in surprise.

During the battle between Elisa and Yumaz Kawaz, many wizards landed in the air, and a huge airship was suspended in front of Sirius Island.

On the other side, Lin Feng cut through the void space, and instantly led Godzilla across the space to another island, which was very close to Sirius Island.

"Akuno Lokiah!"

As soon as Lin Feng came out, he landed at a height of several hundred meters, and when he opened his throat, he let out a loud roar.

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed with excitement, and the sea breeze blew the black T-shirt that Lin Feng wore today. The slightly longer bangs were dancing in the wind, and there was a black dragon in front of him!

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