Infinite King System

Vol 2 Chapter 360: This is a terrible human!


Akunolokiah's dragon eyes widened, and the dragon eyes glowed, and the vertical pupil turned slightly into an oval because of surprise.

He is huge, and he can cover the island by flapping his dragon wings. The black and shiny dragon scales are extremely hard. The huge dragon claws hold a mountain peak, and the entire dragon body lies on the top of the island.

"You are the black dragon Akunorokia? The Dragon King!"

Lin Feng said excitedly, the Godzilla next to him saw the huge black dragon Akunorokia, who refused to admit defeat and changed back to his original size, but it was still one dragon head lower than Akunorokia. .

"Humans, what do you know! Who are you?"

Akunolokia squinted his longan, those eyes flashed with a thick murderous intent, and the pressure was pressing on Lin Feng. If Lin Feng didn't seem to know something, he would have passed by a roar.

"Haha!" Lin Feng laughed: "Let me see how strong the legendary Dragon King is!"

Lin Feng twisted his body a little excitedly, Akunolokia's coercion was the strongest he had seen so far, which did not disappoint Lin Feng.

A hint of surprise flashed in Akunorokia’s eyes. There was another human being under his own pressure. He had fought with a human before, and that human also withstood his pressure. This person is Kiel. Das.


Godzilla, who was almost as high as Akunoloki Aceh, roared.

"You want to challenge it?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and understood its emotions.


"If that's the case, go on."

Lin Feng waved his hand, feeling that this was indifferent.

"Do you rely on it!"

Akunorokia's dragon eyes narrowed, thinking that Lin Feng was so bold with himself because of Godzilla.

He glanced at Godzilla with disdain, he was too lazy to do it, and I don't know how many he killed.


Godzilla saw the deep disdain in Akunorokia's eyes, and was immediately furious. His stubby claws slapped Akunorokia's head fiercely.

"Go away! Inferior and inferior!"

Akunorokia also raised the dragon's claws, very fast and extremely violently, and swung them at Godzilla's claws.


Godzilla lost to Akunorokia, was shot by Akunorokia, and was shot into the sea, splashing big waves.

"Oh! The physical strength is stronger than that of Iron Dragon. As expected of the Black Dragon King, I don't know what the meat quality is like. Is it good for hot pot or grilled dragon steak?"

Lin Feng's eyes swept back and forth in various parts of Akunolokia like a scanner, making drooling sounds from time to time.

"Human, what are you looking at!"

Acunologia’s two huge nostrils spouted gas. He was stared at by Lin Feng, and his heart was sobbing for some reason. He hadn’t experienced this kind of feeling for hundreds of years; his hearing was extremely sensitive to catch just now. Lin Feng's words, especially the word "iron dragon".

"Human, the iron dragon you mentioned just now is Medalicana? And you just said you want to eat me!"

Akunorokia stood up, the huge wings on both sides spread out, and the sun above Lin Feng's head was immediately blocked, and Akunorokia could now swallow Lin Feng with just one mouth.

"I have forgotten it. Anyway, his taste is awful. The rusty smell in his mouth after eating is really the most unpalatable meat."

When Lin Feng thought of this, he was angrily, as if he had bought pork with the price of beef, and it was pork with water!

"Humans, you are not a dragon-killing wizard, how can you kill the dragon, don't be kidding! Let me destroy you now!"

Akunorokia opened his mouth, and there was a huge amount of magic power gathering in his body, and the quality and energy of the magic power far exceeded that of Iron Dragon Medalicana.

The black dragon Akunorokia is indeed very strong!

"Oh? Then you can try it."

Lin Fengxie smiled. After looking back at Godzilla, he smiled and looked at the dragon king who was about to spit out from the huge dragon's mouth.

"The roar of the black dragon!"

"Hey! The same number as Naz."

Lin Feng smacked his lips boringly. In his eyes, the destructive energy of the riots was directly ignored. He just wanted to see what else the dragon-killing magic could have that could make humans become dragons. It was so cool.

The black magic rushed, with the power to destroy everything.

"Swallow me back!"

Lin Feng expressionlessly, a small bright ball condensed in his hand, and his index finger ejected at the dark magic power of the black dragon roaring.

The black dragon roared dark magic power in a wide range, and Lin Feng's little ball of light was negligible, but this little light ball with a diameter of only two or three centimeters forced the dark magic back.

"What! The roar is going backwards!?"

The dark magic power that roared out was forced back by the small ball of light extremely strongly, Akunolokiah was shocked by this scene, and he swallowed the roar before he could react!


Akunorokia immediately flapped his wings and roared, and the roar condensed back into his body to give him a strong feeling of fullness, and he felt like he was going to be crushed to death!

"What did he just do!"

Akunorokia felt that he couldn't underestimate this human being that appeared suddenly, and began to look closely at Lin Feng, and became vigilant towards Lin Feng.

It's horrible that his roar was forced back, he hasn't encountered it yet, whether it's a man or a dragon!

"What's wrong? Didn't you just say that you want to destroy me? Continue."

Lin Feng opened his hands and smiled, welcoming Akunorokia to continue.

After he moved his body, Lin Feng wanted to do a hand-to-hand fight, because the meat is delicious!

"Black Dragon's Iron Fist!"

Akunorokia swooped down, and the dragon's mouth didn't know if it was habitual or pretended to be forced, but he swooped down or opened his mouth and shouted a few times.

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